Chain of Memories How to beat Riku Battle 4 in Com for GBA

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by Member13, May 26, 2007.

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  1. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    This battle is so hard for me to beat:(
  2. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Ok are you playing as Sora? List the cards you have, cp, and hp.
  3. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    wait I have to turn it on
  4. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Name your status below this post!:D
  5. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    That battle can be pretty hard. What I like to do is to put a 0 card after every three of four attack hards. Put some Tinkerbells or Cure Magic cards near the end.
    When Riku is about to do Dark Aura, scroll through your deck quickly and use a 0 card.
  6. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    Kingdom key 2 Three wishes 2 crabclaw1 pumpkinhead 1 Fairyharp 1 wishing star 2 olympia 1
    lionheart 1 lady luck 1divine rose 1oathkeeper 2 cp700
  7. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Also make sure you have Oogie Boogie card in your deck. You got to have 9s in your deck. Riku uses sleights more often; make sure your health is high!
  8. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    cures 2 t bells 1

    did it work for u?
  9. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Nol, you take it from here. I don't personally use summons that often except Cloud.
  10. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    how many 0s should have?
  11. Dawn King's Apprentice

    I'd use five for myself and remove crabclaw, divine rose, and oathkeeper from your deck, those are high.
  12. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    ok, Im going to try it . Thanks
  13. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Riku 4?I hated him!I was almost dead when he died!Sorry not an expert..But my

    advice just KILL HIM!
  14. >Keyblader< Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    First, I recommend only keyblades and cures for this battle and absolutely NO magic/summon sleighs(since riku can break them before you're sleighs can even hit him). Put only cards higher than 7 in your deck. Place all your keyblade cards in front, your item cards after (mega-potions since you are not using anything besides keyblades), and then your cures. Then the last cards should be your 0 cards (kingdom key is good enough for this). I highly stress that you have at least a curaga in your deck, and at least 3 0 cards at the back. Riku LOVES to use sleighs, especially his dark aura, so break him using you 0 cards. Attack cards that you should put in are divine rose, oathkeeper, oblivion, metal chocobo and lionheart. Put these card where they are most effective at eg. divine rose and oblivion in front, oathkeeper or oblivion in the centre and metal chocobo, oathkeeper and lionheart behind. This ensures that you use the strongest part of every card. Include ogie boogie and vexen in your card because they may save you from certain death. Dragon malificent is also recommended to increase your attack.
    Note tha lionheart and metal chocobo can only be unlocked by using key to rewards at traverse town and olympus colisium respctively, so you'll have to hunt for the key to rewards card for awhile.
  15. Nol Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 2, 2007
    Sleights are probably the best way to take out Riku, preferably with a Parasite Cage in your deck to get rid of Sleight Lock. That way, he should activate Incrementor, getting rid of his 0s, and his Sleights usually aren't too highly valued in most cases, even with the Value ups. You could even use 27 valued Sleights if you have them, or try your luck at getting rid of Incrementor instead to handle lower valued Sleights but take more risks of 0s.

    Some easy Sleights to use are Holy if it's available, as it does a pretty hefty amount of damage, especially with the Wizard card if you have it. Omnislash also does a decent amount of damage, and like Holy, does well when boosted with the Crescendo card. Judgment is a random throw-in that can support your main offense, and then there's Sonic Blade which is also somewhat decent (although not quite as devastating as OmniSlash or Holy). Try to avoid using elemental attacks, such as Thunder or Fire, as he resists all the elements. Still, I've beaten him using a Blizzard Raid deck a few times before quite easily, but Neutral Sleights like Holy are generally more effective. Items should be put in as well, particularily Elixirs, and they should be right after all your attacks.

    Put Cures and 0s at the end of your deck, so you only need to scroll a couple cards to the left to heal or Break whenever you need to.

    When it comes to enemy cards, you should put in cards that boost the power of your attacks, such as Crescendo for a deck based on Omnislash. Air Pirate is useful for Items, as is Leaf Bracer for Cures. Barrel Spider is for when you don't have Items, as the Shuffling time after a Reload can waste a lot of time. Also consider Large Body, so that only his Sleights can hurt you if you manuever properly, or Gargoyle for an easier time avoiding his attacks in general.
  16. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    ENEMY CARDS:the one that makes you invisibe, vexen, and oggie booggie.
    MAGIC CARDS:2 cures, 3 lv9 clouds (optional)
    ATTACK CARDS:strong, highter than lv 5, and 2-3 lv0 cards at the very end

    at the begining, use the card that makes you invisible. it can keep you invisible for one reload. don't stack cloud until he is half way dead. when riku flies aroud(dark arura) use you zero card. after invisibe put vexen on.
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