How Rude

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amaury, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    It's definitely not ADD/ADHD if you go through the trouble of doing something that requires more than several minutes of paying attention. I've never been officially diagnosed but I show a good 90% of the symptoms caused by ADD/ADHD. I've never been one to focus and sitting still for too long bothers me, which is why I choose to constantly stay away from home. I will admit that I tried a buddy of mines medicine once for ADD/ADHD as he said it would wake me up. It didn't necessarily do that but for the first time ever I felt a moment of clarity. My mind was wiped clean of all the, what I call, voices and was left with a blank canvas for processing things linearly instead of randomly. ADD/ADHD is a problem with focusing on something so collecting crowns or whatever wouldn't be that. I will say that YouTube commenters aren't the brightest people in the world and may have confused it themselves but they were wrong if that is the case.

    As Laurence mentioned, OCD would be a better definition of feeling the need to do something even if you don't have to. For instance, I've got a thing about balance. If I step on a crack three-quarters of the way back on my left foot, I have to step on a crack, not necessarily the same one, about three-quarters of the way back on my right foot. Physically and logically there is no need for me to do this. It's just something I feel I have to do. It's more than that though. I often find myself in tiresome thumb twiddling matches trying to keep the balance. I'm just like the avatar!

    Also as Laurence mentioned, wanting the 100% doesn't mean you're OCD or ADD/ADHD. Hardcore gamers just want to go for the gold. It's more a sense of completion I believe.

    Also stated by Laurence, YouTube comments are 90% bulls*it, 10% gold. Don't focus on the negative comments. Haters are always going to hate no matter what you do. Focus on the people who like your videos and take criticism from them. If you take criticism from the 90%, you'll end up with laser shooting dinosaurs from outer space that invade peoples minds to make them slaves (insert more idiotic nonsense here) as your videos. Do your thing. Let haters do theirs. If you don't show them attention, they'll move on.
