Somewhere between trainwreck and so-so, but closer to trainwreck. Improv has really helped me with that, although ironically it's because almost all the others are also insecure. So I guess we've created some kinda safety blanket. And I don't really have many body image issues, for that matter, almost all of my insecurity stems from feeling inadequate.
At times I feel insecure and unable, but I think that's a general feeling of experiencing new things in life. But generally I am secure with who I am. You and your ethic of posting in the spam zone and hoping people will be serious. Laria, Discussion section much?
My humor gone unnoticed once more. I was being sarcastic, I had hoped it would go noticed given the option d, fourth one: I'm a dog, and I'm insecure about my breath. I am not so humorless, it's just that few get it.
It sounds like we need to chew some gum after brushing our teeth. To make ourselves feel better and all of that. I do not think myself insecure, but I am if you get to the heart of me. I was once a very insecure child who was always putting on acts in order to please others. I am still that child somewhere, I just choose who to appeal to with such care as to appear callous to the race if no one knows who I care for. Paradigms...
Hm, depends on what you mean by "Secure". I am secure in my personality and who I am, but I despise everything about my appearance- I am disgusting.
I meant to hit the So-So option, but I accidentally hit the immune to insecurity one. WOOPS it's past my bedtime. I can be insecure about certain things, but I rarely let it show, and it's hardly an issue at all.
Hmmm... I guess I'm pretty proud of myself in some aspects, and kinda insecure in others... I guess... I'm proud of who I am, but I'm pretty insecure when I feel like I don't belong. I'm also insecure about my future... I feel like I'm going down a path I can't see.
I used to be extremely insecure. I could barely get two words out before just losing it right there. That was 2 or 3 years ago. Now I can actually have a regular conversation with someone I've never met without nearly passing out, which makes me feel so much better.