So, I probably just pulled off one of the stupidest things I have ever done, yet probably a smart thing. So for 4 months, I've been dating this girl that lives 1800 miles away from me. Yeah, I know. Anyway, so I've completely kept it a secret from my parents, including my Myspace. A month or so ago, my parents found out I had a Myspace, and my dad snooped around it. My Myspace had stuff about my girlfriend on it. But he never said anything about her, so I relaxed for a while. Well, yesterday, my girlfriend (her name is Emily) calls with her friend (it's a precaution, a three-way), and she tells me to delete everything about her on my Myspace because her mom found out she had one, and she wasn't supposed to. So I deleted it all and I didn't get to talk to her until earlier today. She tells me that she told her mom about me, and her mom is completely fine with it. I was like, "Holy hell, what?!" so we were talking and laughing about how we thought it was so weird, and I told her that I was tempted to tell my mom about it, then. Finally, she convinced me to tell her, so I walked into the other room, called my siblings out of there, and told her. She didn't exactly have the happiest look on her face. So, now, every once and a while she asks a question like, "What came over you to give your phone number out on the internet?" and stuff like that. She says it with a horrible attitude that everyone replies to with an attitude like, "GTF OFF MY BACK." I'm nervous. I'm especially afraid of my dad's reaction. He's out on business and will be back tomorrow. They're going to talk to me about this, and it's not going to be fun. D:
Hey, you had the backbone to tell them. Granted, giving out your personal info on the internet isn't the *smartest* thing to do, but it's not like it 100% guarantees identity theft. I say more power to ya. You both seem to like each other and nothing bad has happened...yet. And if your dad snooped on your myspace and saw stuff about your girlfriend and didn't say anything, why should his reaction change now?
Because I'm saying something about it. And my mom is reacting to it, so he's going to react to it. Maybe not as... grimly as my mom, but he'll still react to it like how my mom did. I didn't expect my mom to be so aggravated by it, either. I new she'd be mad about giving out personal info over the internet, but other than that I thought she'd be fine. She's not exactly in the best of moods, now. Maybe sleeping will help with her mood.
You figure she'd be happy that her child is happy, but I guess not. Just speak with your family and give your side of the story. Then just hope they agree. If not, don't let them stop your feelings.
That's something I promised Emily I wouldn't do. That's something I will not do. I've just got to hope for the best, I guess.
Hay, you spoke up and told your parents something this big, that takes guts. Though I ain't likely to date over the internet (mum made me watch WAY toomany crime shows when I was yound) I would be feaked to tell mine. At one point, they should get used to this fact that you have a girlfriend that you don't see.. I think this is just the first reaction, so don't take it too seriously unless it keeps going. If it does then try to talk to them about it or get them to see the school councellor
I think they totally missed the point of your post, TMM. But I know what you're getting at and I'm in complete agreement
At least you had the guts to tell your mum/mom. I'm pretty sure she's just really shocked and doesn't want you to get yourself into any trouble what-so-ever. I'd never tell my parents a secret as big as that, so you've got the courage. Just stand up to your dad if he decides to rage at you. Try to make him see your side of the point, if not.....I'm out of ideas. Good Luck! xD