I don't think so. It's two giants clashing, but really, it doesn't matter which wins. I don't see why you think Google is so much better than Facebook. I dislike the entire contest of a universal ID. I don't want everything to be traceable to my name, or to my Gmail. I don't even want personalised search results. But it's not just Facebook doing that. Even if Google were to win out, It'd still happen. The two organisations are after the same goal. It doesn't matter who gets there first, because either way, the same destination is going to be reached.
I'm not talking about which one is bigger. I am talking about how people are becoming more and more addicted to the internet.
i really don't get why those 2 things are being compared. they aren't really comparable in my opinion, it's like trying to compare a restaurant with a pharmacy. the only similarity that i really see is that they both seem to be trying to invade the entire internet for themselves? i'm sorry but i feel like i'm missing the point of this thread.
The point is that Facebook is doing a better job of invading the social side of things than Google. Facebook beat Google in terms of log-ins. Google Buzz was a complete flop. Google still wins in other departments though.
That article is terrible and I think even the author realizes it. Moving on... And this changes that how? As far as I'm concerned, this has always been the case; it just wasn't acknowledged or capitalized upon by service providers. Streamlining a growing trend does not weaponize it to obliterate humanity; that's like saying McDonald's is making America fat by cooking hamburgers.
This is the sudden realization that Facebook web traffic is rather large, and that is general addiction to the internet. The relationship is correlative at best; the one does not positively or negatively affect the other.
What evil says is right, it's like trying to compare a restaurant with a pharmacy. I don't even see the point of comparing them actually ... And this is only talking about webpage views, what about toolbars? Everyone who uses firefox (a significant number) has the google toolbar. Also, the thing about facebook is that it brings the internet and real life into the same plain. On here, I'm clawtooth35, an alias for all intents and purposes and whatever I say here doesnt make very much difference in the real world. On the other hand, where facebook is concerned, everyone I know on facebook, I know from the real world (mostly). Everyone uses their real name, and you are accountable for everything you say. It's just like an extension of the real world. So really, there's no point comparing the two, is there?
This reminded me of something else I wanted to mention. Why should there be any separation between online and offline? I use the internet as an extension of myself, to project my ideas and my thoughts into realms they would not otherwise reach, and in ways and forms I would not be comfortable taking offline (which is nonetheless a personal flaw, one I am striving to correct now). Personally, I don't think of my screen name or my avatar as something to hide behind (not saying you do, Clawtooth); they're just fashion plates for me, like choosing my shirt and pants for the day. I think it matters what I say, because it's still heard. And I think it's nice that Facebook is giving more people an opening to connect their online and offline lives in that way. It's doing far better than destroying us, at least. This is, of course, ignoring the obvious and blatant security issues with Facebook (which is why I DON'T use it to sign in everywhere), but that's another story.