How do you tell if a girl likes you?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by UltimaSora2013, Jul 5, 2008.

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  1. UltimaSora2013 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 3, 2008
    The Twilit rode to Dawn
    I'm 13 years old and there are some girls that i think might like me.
    If there are any females that could help me out with my situation (maybe experienced males)
    it would be greatly appreciated.
    plus i want to know what to say to a girl if she likes me.. i happen to like one of these girls and if they
    like me i want to ask her out...
    thanx again for all that help
  2. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    I'm a girl!
    1. If they can't stand to be near you
    2. If they suddenly turn beet red when caught doing something embarrasing
    3. when they laugh even if you just said hi
  3. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    All right, I'm a girl, so let's think...

    If she steals glances at you every now and again

    And if wherever you go, she follows.

    And on what to say if a girl likes you...

    If you don't like her back, be very nice and gentle about it. If she's your friend, keep talking to her. Don't shun her, because she'll be very hurt and might stop talking to you.

    If you do like her, and you know she likes you, then just ask her out. Simple as that.
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I have moderate experience with this. Note that I'm also a guy. xD

    Shy girls:

    -They can't be around you for very long and can't talk to you very comfortably
    -They blush or smile at you when they see you

    Confident girls:

    - They love to talk to you and be around you
    - They talk about more personal things (family problems, life problems, etc.)
    - You talk for a long time
    - She asks for your number and/or screen name and/or gives you hers

    If you're confident that they like you, talk to them and be like "We gotta hang out some time!" or something along those lines. Depending on how she reacts, you can tell pretty easily how she feels about you.

    Good luck, dude!
  5. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Over the 2 years I've been at high school, I've liked tons of guys. So I must be doing it right.

    1. If they feel comfortable talking to you

    2. if they don't talk when your/their friends are around

    3. If she's in your class, smile and she'll smile back

    You probably have the freshest advice from me because I actually like a guy now.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart

    That's not fair for the guy who started the thread. He wants advice on his problem and that's what should be posted. If you want advice, make a new thread.
  7. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Oh, woops. sorry!
  8. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Here's the thing man...

    Guys aren't supposed to know. If a girl likes you, she'll come out and tell you.

    And besides, you're still 13 years old. Girls are b!tches at that age and they will be so until a certain age.

    And I know this because I'm female. :3
  9. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Aww, damn! I do that to a guy at work. He must know.
  10. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Excuse me? I'm a 13 year old girl and I can tell you not all of them are b!tches. I'm not!

    But I have to agree, you really aren't supposed to know when a girl likes you.
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I think by that, she meant in general girls at that ages are just plain nasty. You must know enough girls your age who are b!tches, believe me, at any age you have b!tchy girls. -__-'

    And I don't really see how thats fair, women keep secrets for thier whole lives till the die, while women demand that 'their man' tell them everything. It's not easy being a guy! ;_;

    But really the signs of if a girl likes you is there.
    And this might be for both genders or not, but you always keep your eyes glued to the person you like, if they look at you, you either hide or wave with a big smile, something like that.
  12. UltimaSora2013 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 3, 2008
    The Twilit rode to Dawn
    thanx to everyone and the girl that i like who i think likes me has been my friend since like pre-k...
    could that make it more of a possibility?

    also the reason i'm askin is cus i need to kno if she likes me or not...i dont want to ask her
    out and her not like me... after 8 years of friendship it would all be made into awkwardness...
  13. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Yea that's usually the hardest part of it. >_> Be entirely sure she likes you, like you said, you don't want to risk the friendship.
  14. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Well, most of the girls i know will stare at you with her girlfriends or one of her girlfriends would ask you what you think of the girl.
  15. Zekushion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Mount Olympus
    Depends on what the girl is like. There can be several signs. If this girl was like me, shy and quiet, she'd probably glance at you a lot and act a little nervous around you. If she's a little more confident in herself, she might talk to you a lot, smile at you with a bit of a blush over her cheeks and ask you if you'd like to hang out.

    If there's a lot of incessant giggling involved, don't believe it if a friend of the girl tells you that she likes you; that's usually a sign of a joke, at least from what I've seen. >_>;; If she geniunely likes you, she'll probably drop a few obvious hints, like write notes to you in class, ask you to sit with her at lunch, ask if she can join you for something.

    Like I said, it really depends on what kind of girl she is. If you've known her for a while, think about how she acted when she first met you and how she acts around you now. Consider how she acts around you in general compared to other people.
  16. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Well yeah if she has been hinting towards it then it's likely. But I'm sure you know her better than any of us do. You have the best judgement here. I know you'll make the right choice. Like I was hanging out with one of my friends the other day and yeah I know what you are going through. But at the time it just didn't feel right. Do not do it if it feels awkward or unnatural it could end up making things worse. And well you two have been friends for so long it probably wouldn't become awkward. If you have that in the back of your mind it has a better chance of happening. Same with getting turned down. You gotta go in there with complete confidence. You can't be thinking she's gonna say no. So I would say do it only if it feels right and when you do just keep in your head that you're unstoppable ;D But not cocky xD
  17. UltimaSora2013 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 3, 2008
    The Twilit rode to Dawn
    this is really helpful... since its summer and we don't have school yet all i can do is IM and text her now...
    we found out our schedules and we only have 2 classes together (3 if u count gym but thats split like most schools)... we do talk alot... we have this kind of handshake thing (not really handshake) where we high five eachother then slap ourselves and complain on how hard we hit eachother (i hit myself yet complained that she hit me... and same with her XD) idk... i'm guna have to wait and see... sometimes i tell her i'm bored and she tells me to go to her house put on a tutu with a speedo over it and dance for all her friends XD then we put up a lemonade stand like 2 weeks ago and sold lemonade, hot chocolate, and cookies and we wore coats, scarfs, foam fingers and sombreros... it was fun watching people stare at us as they walked/rode by...
  18. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    sounds, like you guys are really good friends.......

    before you ask her, you have to be sure of your feelings.

    and then think about it, and then ask her.
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Well, I'm a girl and I think I can help... :D

    this means they like you:

    *She's enervous around you
    *She flirts with you
    *she giggles alot
    *she turns red alot
    *She doesn't speak with you much

    And if you want to ask her out, just rise up and gather some courage! There's really nothing to be afraid of, just go up to her and ask! :)

    And since u can only IM and text her, maybe wait until school starts? It's better to ask in person... But be sure what your feelings r first!
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