hey guys, how do I import kh images that I got from google images into Autodesk 3DS max? I've tried several times to only get an error saying failed to import file, er....something like that, HELP!!!
The last time I used 3DS Max was more than 10 years ago, so my knowledge is fuzzy and quite possibly outdated, but here' s my two cents anyway : - You can only import vectorial images (i.e. images that are defined by mathematical coordinates, like 3D objects, they don' t have any resolution). - If you want to use bitmap images (.jpg, .gif, .bmp etc ... images that do have a resolution) you can only do so by using the image as a texture. Go to the texture editor and there should be a way somewhere to open an image file and use it as a texture. Then you just have to create a 3D object, a plane for instance, and apply the texture to it. - Apparently in recent 3DS Max versions you can just create a plane and then drag and drop a .bmp file on it : [video=youtube;Vpj_pu201fw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpj_pu201fw[/video]
I just told you how. ^^ To create a plane you just have to click the plane button in the "Object Type" list (you can see it in the video at 0:30, it' s the yellow button next to the Teapot button). What kind of file is your kh image ? I guess it' s probably either a .bmp .jpg or .gif. I forgot to mention I don' t know if animated gifs would work. If you want to drag and drop a .bmp file onto a plane but your image isn' t a .bmp file then open your image with any image software you have, like Windows Paint, and select "Save As". There should be a "Type" list in the Save As box with .bmp in it. Choose the .bmp type, save the image, it' s ready to be dragged and dropped on a 3DS Max plane. If you don' t know how to apply a texture (or is it called a material or a mapper in English ?) to an object then you should seriously look for a 3DS Max tutorial. 3DS Max is an extremely complex software, and applying a texure to an object is, like, one of the most basic things it can do. I mean a text tutorial that explain things, not a random youtube video. I think 3DS Max has built-in tutorials. This tutorial for instance explains how to create a leather texture : http://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/max/leather/leather_material.html