[so there are two Sabrina's in my photo class so I told my teacher that I was tired of people saying my name when they were talking to the other Sabrina. I told him give me nickname. He says "well let's see what you like, Anime and gaming.. how about something from Final Fantasy?"] My name in my photography class is Lightning. LOL Oh teacherss.
Theres 10 people in my Home economics class and 3 of them have the same name as me, but I don't get a cool nickname. They wouldn't even know who lightning is.
I'm excellent friends with a girl that has the same name as me. Instead of addressing us separately, our teachers simply refer to us as "The ...s". I tried the nickname thing for a while, but since the choosing list was "Misty," "Potato," and "Big ...," I just decided to abandon it all together. D: But meh, he could've called one Sabrina and one Sabby? o: Lighting is cooler though, lol.
You should have been Potato =D XDD People do call me Sabby at times but, I find it awkward when teachers say it XD
Do you go by Sabby like to everyone aside from teachers or is it just something that people close to you call you? My sister is the same way, but for me it's the opposite, very few people call me . There still is one guy that calls me Potato, actually, haha.
Dude...my art teacher calls me Tifa because there was another Melissa in my class lmao. WE HAVE AWESOME TEACHERS. Buuut most of the time people call me Wolfie anyway.
Um, I made the mistake of putting my facebook name to "Sabby" lol so people started calling me that. No, I have had people I barely talk to call me Sabby. Your friends call you Wolfie? O_O You will get cool teachers :) and James ain't a bad name,
You do realize that now that you have told us this, half the site is probably going to call you Potato xD. And erk, I wish I had teachers like yours! Though I do have one who is a big FF fan, he has a moogle drawn on his board lol.