How could religion be disproved? And how could this world end?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Roaringflames, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    How could religion be disproved?

    Well for one thing the beings are in question here why do people believe in something if it's not real or beneficial to a community or leads to burning proof ( that maybe happened) or just to have something to believe in? Discuss this topic properly and not in spam terms everybody is welcome to their own opinion and beliefs on this

    How could this world, earth end?

    I have some theories

    Few resources: we use lots of resources every day and year but they could run out and then it would be somewhat chaotic as people fight over resources such as water.

    Religion: Again sorry but I know that people have been believing in something their whole lives such as this and then this is disproven, some could kill themselves or others could go on a murder rampage.

    Weapons of mass destruction: war machines as we all know are used in wars and all that but if we gain powers such as anti-matter( we already have) we could wipe ourselves of the face of the earth with such powers as destructive as these.
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I'm not answering the first question.

    Well, the sun is technically halfway done with it's lifespan. The sun is just like any other star, meaning that it'll die off over time and turn into a nova/supernova (trying to remember freshman Astronomy). It will one day explode, destroying all of the planets and anything else close by. Still, that's not until another six million (or billion, I forget) years or so. And, of course, I believe that the human race will be finished before that time comes.

    Now, I truely do beleive that our time on earth will end just as the same way it says in the Book of Revalations. In short, the world suffers a bunch of plagues, a leader chosen by the Devil will rule the world for seven years (half of that time, being infused with the Devil himself), Jesus comes down to beat the Devil after the seven year period, the thousand years of peace, and then the passing to the New Heaven. Wheter or not you believe this to be the possible outcome, you must admit that our current culture is turning out how we were warned. There are a number of wars going on right now, the economy is in bad shape, and it seems we're getting closer to creating a one world order. However, if you beleive in other Christian prophecies (like I do), you won't have to worry too much.

    So yeah, Armageddon by global war, here we come!
  3. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    well death by armagnan seems a little true but the devil and jesus how the damn hell is that possiable and can we kill this overlord to?
  4. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    In the end, religion is a Devil's Proof so it's impossible to disprove. While one can say there is no evidence to prove that God exists, there is also no evidence that says "God doesn't exist" so therefore one cannot rule out the existence of God and/or gods.

    Tummer basically covered what I would have said about the end of the world. Even though I am Christian, I lean more towards the scientific explanation of how our world will end over the Apocalypse and Amargeddon because like the rest of the Bible, Revalations is up for various interpretations. It could be trying to convey a simple message like we should have faith that God will always prevail or it could truly be prophetic and everything that's written will come to happen. In the end, it's closed box and we'll never know what it's inside until it's opened.
  5. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I agree with Guardian Soul on this one. You cannot disprove God, you can only chose to not beleive in him. Faith is what drives most Christians; some are just fuel driven by it while others have their own proof that He does exist.

    There is no stopping him. Sorry, but it has been written. There is no way you can stop his rule because it is written. There is a moment where he does die though, halfway through. When it talks about his death, there is a bunch of symbolism with the seven heads and such. Basically, half way through his rule, he will be wounded in the head with a sword-like object. He will only appear dead, but the Devil will indwell him, and control him. And after that, the whole world faces 3 1/2 years of tribulation before the arival of Jesus. There is no stopping him because it has been predicted, and you can't stop this kind of prophecy.

    And the whole Devil and Jesus thing is possible although it seems like it's impossible. I don't know how it's all going to go down in the end, I'm not God, I don't know how He thinks. I do know that the sun will explode and kill the earth, but I don't know what happens before that. It'll all just happen the way it's suppose to happen.
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Really, I think the root of religion is comfort and hope. People want desperately to believe that there's something after death and that there's someone out there who loves them and wants to make everything work out for them. It also gives them a bit of a moral standpoint to go from; obviously, killing people is wrong, but a religion can give people a set of guidelines to follow, as well as something they can be dedicated to. So while I don't believe in the Christian beliefs about Jesus or God, or the Muslim, the Jewish, the Hindu, whatever it is, I'm not intolerant of them or anything. It confuses me when I see people wholly devote themselves to it, simply because I just feel I can't relate to that, but I don't judge them for it or anything. If they're happy, I don't mind. They're free to think what they like.

    And Guardian Soul is right, there's nothing out there that says that there isn't a God, part of why I find myself in Deist land a lot.

    As for the world ending, I don't think that judgment day will be coming or anything, if anything we're going to end up either killing each other or just completely ruining the ozone layer before anything like that happens. If we continue the way we're going, that is.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    It's scientifically impossible to prove/disprove a diety's existence. I wish people would stop trying to because that's when it becomes opinion. Real science does not take into account of the metaphysical. Anyone who tries to say otherwise isn't educated in this fact. I'm not saying anything against you, just informing you about this detail.

    The Sun won't explode. It won't go Supernova or even "Nova". It's not nearly large enough to do so. It'll expand, turn into a Red Giant(a somewhat small one at that) then expend all its gases until nothing but a White Dwarf is left. The Earth may not even be engulfed by the Sun when it expands due to the fact that its gravitational pull will weaken. Regardless, all life save for the exceptions of extremophiles would be wiped out by this point in time.

    Its anyone's guess to how the world will end. Why waste our time worrying about it? A Gamma Ray Burst from halway across the universe could wipe us all out, same could be said about any other objects/"death bursts" from space. Then there's the immediate threat of our own kind destroying itself, running out of natural resources, massive natural disasters, our own Sun releasing powerful radiation, and so on. >>
  8. Top-Tier Roxas. Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 6, 2010
    CA, US.
    Well, most religions revolve around the thesis that we are central; that we are most important. That our world was hatched from a spiritual egg, created in the sexual act of a mother and father god, or the latest creation of the God's workshop. The focus is that we are the center of the universe.
    In reality, we are not central. Earth's Solar System is on one of the far tendrils of the Milky Way galaxy's spiral. We live in the boondocks of the universe.

    I'm not saying there isn't a higher power or "God", though I am saying that all the current religions are false, Iron-age fairy-tales.
    Entertaining, yes, but that is what fiction is.
  9. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    That's where faith comes in. Faith is the belief in something that cannot be proven by logical means. If you have faith that Jesus rose from the dead or Mohammad saw angels, that's simply what you believe. I believe it happened. However, what cannot be denied by anyone, Theist or Atheist, is that both were great men who, by themselves, made the world what it is today. The same can be said for abstract concepts like God. Even an Atheist has to admit that God, real or not, has made the world what it is today simply because people believe in Him. If people never believed in God, you can be sure as hell that most of the history books that you've read would be full of lies.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    it can't be. the problem is, people believe that religion needs to be proved to be valid, however, its' actually the opposite. you have to disprove religious beliefs in order to get people to stop believing. the reason is because it was "proved" a long time ago. whether or not this proof was very good is unknown, but it was enough to convince people to accept it as fact. once you prove something to be a fact, it's hard to write it off as not afterwards.

    take this example: many people in the past thought the world was a square. they proved it by looking at the horizon and saw nothing beyond it. however, when people suggested it was round people thought it was ridiculous. there needed to be proof that it was round and not square.

    it happened and now we accept that as fact. but what if someone told us the world isn't round but is actually triangular? we wouldn't buy it and they would have to prove it.

    so my point is: people already accepted religious beliefs as facts and you have to find evidence otherwise to get people to think differently. however, that can't happen because of the nature of those beliefs.
  11. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Well , i think this worlds destruction will be humans fault , the companies that allow us electricity to power our houses use up resources , they have to burn things , if i am correct , this worlds polluted and it's our doing , if you're not part of the solution then you're the problem , even me , i sit at home watching TV , on my Ps3 ECT , this is mostly Our fault , that the world has so much pollution.

    And , my RE teacher said something about the Earths axis shifting , i didn't understand ..
  12. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I' d say the Bible, the Coran, the Iliad or whatever made the world what it is today. "Potatoes Potaytoes", maybe, but I' ve actually seen the Bible, whereas I' m still waiting for God to show up.

    Maybe science will allow us to find another viable planet and go there to waste it, who knows ? I' m not sure the end of earth resources would necessarily mean the end of mankind.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Religion can be disproved in certain aspects, but it can't be disproved entirely and the existence of its respective God would be extremely difficult to disprove (and yet, Greek mythology is just mythology [Someone once said, "A myth is just a religion that no one believes in anymore.]).
    We can prove that certain things the religion says isn't true like the Earth being only 6000 years old or in some cases, actual "history" from a holy book. But this alone won't disprove the entire religion or the existence of its respective deity.
  14. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Yet if the ancient Israelites had never thought that a divine being such as God could exist and then believed it in mass, the Bible would never have been written. Therefore, God, and by extension the people who first believed in him, is what caused the Bible to be written.
  15. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Allright, I knew this day would come when someone talks about religion here, I'm just gonna lay flat and say I don't believe in any religion, I don't care what anyone else believes in, I just don't want to get involved, I believe religion causes a lot of drama in this world, so really I could care less of what religion is approved or disapproved.
  16. Foosh Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 5, 2011
    In a land called Honah Lee~
    Religion cannot be disproved, however, certain aspects of a religion can be, but religion itself is real, as much as some may not wish it to be. It will forever be in people's hearts and racing across the internet, and found in unwanted places.

    And as for how this world will end: There's multiple theories on how it will happen, but no one can ever know for sure until it's time.
  17. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I remember a comic where one person just asked if any ANY religious figure could disprove their god while not proving completely that the religious figures god exists or doesn't exist. Or something to that effect.

    The bottom line is...

    They couldn't.

    There's no way to prove God exists or any other God exists or doesn't exist. Yes, I do believe in God, I hate religion and church, but that's a personal preference for me. I think religion is something that even if it gives hope, has turned into something where most of the time it turns into a disaster or a money-making scheme. Again, not all churches.

    If you look in the history of religion, each and every big religion out there has had a controversy except a very few like Buddhism to my knowledge. Catholics it's the priests molesting children, Christianity has the persecution of Jews, the religious wars, and several branches that have either out there to make money, become a cult, or extremist.

    I think that the religion, even if labeled good in the beginning has been too badly used. Even if there's a God, the religion uses "God's words" and makes them their own. The bible itself was written 100 years after Jesus's death. Taken from a college religion class. Religion and God are two separate things, but back to the topic, God can never be disproved.

    As for the end of the world, there was a math tutor once who was a engineering scientist. He was a genius in math, and he loved all the miscellaneous facts that he could find. He told me once about all the ways the world could be destroyed, this included a black hole, a meteorite, weapons of mass destruction and several others. Not once he mentioned the world ending in God's hand.

    Also note about the weapons of mass destruction. In the 1970's or so, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. signed a armistice for all the nuclear weapons they had. They agreed, to disarm 50% of all nuclear weapons, including missiles that they had. With this, at the end of the signing, there was still enough nuclear weapons armed to destroy the world four times over.

    This was before most countries had even tried a nuclear program including North Korea, Iraq and several others.

    Just a thoughtful note to a thought-filled post.
  18. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I do not know what to say about religion. There are times when I coldly dismiss it in my own selfishness. How could God or any of the other Divine Beings let all the tragedy in the world continue? There are times I only see a world of hate and destruction. When my heart becomes hardened at men's hatred toward one another.

    And then there are times where my heart becomes soft. Like when I held my Niece for the first time and watching her grow up. When I catch a perfect snowflake in my hand and marvel at it's uniqueness from another. The colors of the flowers in springtime. And those colors have convinced me that if there is an all knowing diving being, then it is a woman.

    Religion and I have not been the best of bedfellows in the past. Perhaps it took being my Niece's Godmother to come to terms with it.

    The world can end in any number of ways. The sun could die. A black hole. A meteor like what killed the dinosaurs. An extreme upheaval in our ecosystem. Yellowstone erupting(and this one scares the crud out of me.) Nuclear attack. We as human beings are rather fragile and our Earth is just as fragile as we are. Any nudge in any direction and we're done for.

    In the case of Nuclear war, it is only the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction(M.A.D) that keeps us from actually following through with it. True the stockpiles have been reportedly reduced but it still only takes one well aimed strike to topple a nation. With our reliance on technology, all they need do is target the power grid to knock a nation back into the stone age.
  19. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    Just like the riots in the country that lost the Internet, so we can disable a power grid from America and anywhere else just by hacking the system
  20. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    The reasons that Egypt is rioting is not the loss of Twitter and Facebook. They are rioting for the high cost of food, lack of jobs, and the overall performance of their President. The internet was disabled only to stop people from finding out about the rioting. As the riots are in their 12th-13th day, this tactic has not gone over so well.

    But that's off-topic from the current discussion.