So we have one of those doorway pull-up bars in our laundry room. As I was approaching it,I grabbed it, but had two much momentum. I came off and I fell holding it. Even worse, I let go of one hand to try to catch myself. I hurt my hand landing on it and the actual bar hit my face since I let go. This is why I don't exercise.
If you catch it on tape you could get it in cash. -Announcer guy from America's Funniest Home Videos.
I'm sorry that happened to you. :c How's your hand? I work at a restaurant and when I came in at 11 AM my boss asked me to take all the weeds out of the flowerbeds around the store. Now my back hurts, but an advil can take care of that... Your situation, not so much. D: Also imagining you doing that made me laugh harder than I have in a while, I'm sorry, but if you really did get that on tape you would've made a bunch of money omg
My hand's better, but it's my bad hand to begin with so meh. My joints are horrible, I think due to the fact that I was underweight for most of my life so there's not much protection around them? Plus, I can pop most of my joints and while it didn't give me arthritis, it's made them weaker, I think. My left wrist is bad and my right knuckles are bad (I have a weird bump on my left wrist that's been there for years and I always thought it was normal until I realized that my right wrist doesn't have that bump). So my left hand has trouble lifting heavier things, but my right hand has trouble gripping things. Anytime I lift anything (which considering I unloaded the truck at my old job twice a week for three years, I lifted things a lot), I have to grip with one hand while supporting with the other. Anyway, I landed on my left hand which is why it hurt more. On top of that, since I started doing a set of pull-ups every time I pass the bar (it's outside of the bathroom so...several times a day), the spots right below my fingers have gotten calloused which means I'll usually grab it, feel the callouses, and let go a bit to use just my fingers and not the rest of my hands. That's actually how it happened. With all of the momentum I had, when I let go, I pulled the bar down as I swung and that's why it came off.
Ugh, that sounds terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you, Bueno. No bueno! x( Hope you feel better soon. :c
Who needs exercise when you've got Super-Soldier Serum inside of you. We Asgardians also need no silly exercising Same
Who needs excersise when you're a half-genie that guards a beach and has magical hair that's used as a whip not me nope hahaha Super Soldier Serum is cheating Excersise is lame