Hey guys, guess what time it is. It's MSUK-Rants-About-His-Pathetic-Life-Time. 8)))))) So yes. Sarcasm aside, I have a problem. A family problem. Although as I'm writing this, I feel like I really don't care about it. It's honestly happened about every year at the same time, so I'm really not surprised that it's happening again. Yes. Anyway, yesterday, my father called me into the dining room for a talk. We had an argument the day before, about something so worthless that I can barely even remember what it was. Getting to the point, he started telling me about the fact that I was making him feel ill and depressed because of the fact that he had to deal with me, on top of his work life. Although I found this completely outrageous with the fact that our arguments are so pointless that they may as well fit into the category of 3-year-old quarrels, Apparently my father took them seriously. And with that, he decided to tell me that he's going to cut me off. Completely. And by cutting me off, I mean by basically refusing to regard me as his son anymore. The wierd thing? I really did not care. At all. Me and my dad have never been on good terms, however this time round I felt simply no remorse. My sisters, later that night, decided to do the same thing. I didn't care about that either. Not a single bit. In fact, I laughed in their faces and walked out of the room when they said that.(Just so you know, they're older, and I have 2 of them), so by this time I figured something was wrong. Then to add to that, today, my mother said the exact same thing. And yep, I didn't care too much about that either(But I must do, because I'm typing this thread now), and here we are now, to the present. Effectively, my immediate family are all now refusing to acknowledge my existence. So yeah. I dunno where to go from here. I would just simply do the same to them in return, but that's probably not very logical. Suggestions?
Well to me it doesn't sound like your family is being very mature. I guess I would try talk with them, because something is probably up because they did it all at the same time. But is there like a friend or something you could stay with? and I'm sorry.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry! This is odd though, because they have all done it around the same time. I would think something's up, but since they are refusing to acknowledge you exist....It doesn't even seem real, or serious. Try to talk rationally with them, and if that doesn't work, are there other family members you can go to? Aunts or uncles that would take you in? You could always ask to stay with a friend too..
How old are you? If you are not old enough to legally be on your own (16, I think), then tell them that and threaten them with legal action (BEWARE: This may backfire). If you are, then tell them that you are gonna be just as immature as them and go set the couch on fire or something. I'm sure they will acknowledge you THEN. All sarcasm aside, though, if you are still living at home, start to do whatever you want until they notice you again. I think that might work rather well.
This is very strange. They're just refusing to call you their brother/son? and at the same time? If you were only fighting with your dad then he should be the only one who would cut you off; not your whole family. I'm thinking he either made them cut you off, they were all planning this and were just waiting for an excuse, or your birthday or some other holiday where surprises are involved is around the corner and they're just messing with you. I personally think that you should just act like everything's normal. If they don't want to acknowledge you as family they don't have to. But you still can.
D: o god thats horrible. I think I KIND of wish the same would happen to me, I despise my parents, but at the same time it would hurt me deeply to be rejected. Hmm.. Are they making you move out or anything? I would lay low for a while, accept the situation, keep a neutral politeness. Then when things are settled slightly, approach your parents, talk to them. I dont think you shoud let them completely cut you off like this... at the end of the day, they're the only family you have, and even if you tell yourself you dont care give it a few months and you will. Look after yourself :glomp:
wow. your life sux. i'd simply ask them what their problems were and try to resolve it. if they need help, get them help. A family should stick with it. what a pathetic family (no offense)
If your immediately family has decided to cut you off...then i'm going to venture that this has been coming or your latest arguement wasn't as 'childish' as you thought? Also if you don't care or show any remorse then i'm going to say that it is the former. Don't cut them off. They are your family. Best thing to do is apologize and try to understand their reasoning.
How do you treat your family? Because let me tell you, most people cannot stand a person who mopes around apathetically at everything. After a while they get mad and stressed around a person like that. Or they could just be making a joke. but seriously, are you really that trouble making that they would say something like that?
I usually consider myself pretty pleasant, until a certain situation arises where I can't think of any ideas to solve it. The problem with the situation, and as to why I never really cared when I was told this, was because it's became so repetitive(I've stated that this has happened almost yearly) that I've simply lost much aspiration to try and make the situation better. It's like trying to care about something until the point that it becomes so repetitive that you gradually lose much care for it.
Thats really messed up... If you don't feel its you maybe its them though. If you come up with proof or something like that they are being immature, or depressing to you and you calmly show them without arguing, perhaps they might see from your point of view? No matter what happens, do your best to keep your family. They are essentially all you've got.