
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Patsy Stone, Aug 21, 2008.

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  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    This thread is taking this topic in a whole new direction ;o

    What is wrong with homosexuality? Discounting religious teachings as they are completely unfounded (i.e. have no evidence to back up their claims, no studies, no experiments etc), what is actually wrong with homosexuality? Why do some heterosexual people still cringe involuntarily when they see gay couples? Why all the hate? Why the existence of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, also why the allowance of its existence?

    Homosexuality has been documented in nature. It even plays a key role where these animals, not procreating like the other animals, take in and rear orphaned infants. It harms no-one, it is the same love that heterosexual couples share and it is fulfilling the same urges.

    So what is the problem?

    Ready. Set


  2. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    NO, homosexually is against nature...but there's nothing wrong with it and my friend talked to my youth minster and he say there's nothing wrong with it, its just just like any other sin....God sees all sins the same.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    By nature it is wrong for humans in a sense that human instinct of sexual acts and reproducing with the opposite sex is directed, instead, to the same sex, on that level it is a against nature.
    Socially, it is accepted and/or tolerated by the majority, while some countries still see it as illegal.
    While on a huma level, that's an up and down motion there, some say they accept is others don't, like all human oppinions it is all different.
    On a relgious level, it is usually not accepted, for the reasons this is, they are too many to mention.
    While on a personal level, I really don't care. If you want to love someone of the same gender that's your choice, if your my friend, i'll tell you wherever your straight, gay or Bi, 'Good luck and don't let yourself get hurt'. Otherwise It's your business not mine.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Everyone seems to be missing the point entirely >_> I was looking for actual reasons. Reasons why people believe it shouldn't be allowed. Is it harmful? Is it harming homosexuals? Things like that lol

    Also, the Bible does not count as evidence, the same being said for all religious texts.

    I am heading to bed now as it is like 1am and I am shattered after work X_X Keep posting =D
  5. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    I'm not really for sure what the problem is with it. Its mostly been about religious views.

    I've always heard people say that it goes against nature and that animals don't do it, etc.

    But I think there are some people out there who just aren't comfortable about it. They may have been raised to think that being with the opposite sex is the right thing to do and anything other than that is wrong. Or some people may just believe that themselves that its wrong.
  6. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    A person's sexuality is determined through genes. It is not a choice someone makes. It is natural to some people. I am straight, but in my eyes, homosexuality and bisexuality are not wrong, and should not be considered a sin, IMO, because it's natural for some people. A number of animal species have been documented showing homosexual behavior, an example would be dolphins. It is not something done be people just to be different for the sake of being sinful.
  7. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007

    Why the **** are people against the hole "Guy on guy thing.." But the thing isssss.... that the straight guys find it gross... and sometimes we women find it hawt. But when guys see women.. there all OVER THEM...uhhhh....

    I'm so ****ing curious on what the men think of this. I don't mine the hole... homo thing cause someday I'll be a full homo... I just know it man....

    So come on guys and give me reason on why you are so down on the homo thing. >/
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Bunter, could you lay off the bible for a moment and listen to what an actual Catholic thinks about this?

    God loves everyone. You've heard this a million times, and by now you'll think it's BS, just like my username. But, you know, it's just the plain out facts.

    Here's what you don't hear ten or more times a day:
    God does hate something about homosexuality as a sin.
    The sin, not the sinner. That's the Golden rule of God.

    No matter how far you stray from God, he's always there with you.

    In fact, if anything, I'm sure he'd love it if a person who was Gay actually returned to the church, changing in their ways or not. If somebody steps in your way, or if they don't want you there, there's always a church. There's so many different rites in the Catholic church alone, not the other branches is what I'm talking about, I'm talking just about the Catholic community; I usually don't like to speak for other people.

    If people stand in you way and say "Homo's are not God's way", "God Hates ****", you tell them what I said.

    Now, you could go on about the bible and that no Catholic or Christian person sympathizes, or you could read this, and go by it.

    Homosexuality, in itself, can actually be a disease of sorts. Don't judge me too quick, just listen. Obssesive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD) is a wide-ranged, far-spread mental illness. It can sometimes deal with Sexual thoughts that the person themselves may not want to experiance or think about. They sometimes shut themselves away from the world, rather than winde up Gay. Some even kill themselves. Now, do you want to hear the kicker
    I had the same sort of disorder for two years before I set my mind straight. Although, some don't possess that kind of Will Power; I mean, it took me practically all of mine to think clearly.

    In other ways, it's rebelling against their parents or their religion, by turning Gay. They use what hurts us the most to, well....hurt us the most. They want to seperate themselves from everyone they once knew, just due paid to stress.

    In other ways, it can also be numerous mental ilnesses besides OCD. The term mental illness is used as it always is, lightly. If you're not OCD, you have Dyslexia; Not Dyslexic, your ADD; Not ADD, you're ADHD; Not ADHD, you're OCD, it's a never-ending web that worries the entire populace. So when you hear that it's a mental illness being Gay, don't always listen, but take it with a grain of salt too.

    Now, I have no Gay friends. I have Bi friends. There's not that many teens, after all, that are entirely Gay. That's another reason people go two meat and four veg or a taco combo, they're curious. Curiousity killed teh Putty-tat.

    Don't judge Catholics and Chrisitans too quick, Bunter. You're a huge reason why I'm always trying to defend my faith, because you're always likely to show up and say how Poor you are to have to deal with people that have nothing to do with the actual base of the Church.

    If you really want your answer, here it is:
    Homosuxuality hurts people. TThose who are, and those around them. People want the best for people, and homosexuality isn't always the answer. Maybe you could look towards something else for stress-relief. A game of Parcheesi perhaps?
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It's not like you can tell millions of homosexuals to just be straight, people should be whatever they want, be it gay, straight or Bi, in the end all they are, are titles of your sexual preferance, just because someone is gay, doesn't mean they won't have sex with the opposite gender, it just means it is less likely they will, unless you are a total Hetreophob.

    I can't say homosexuals make the world worse or harmful, heck straight people are doing a better job at messing up the world than anyone else, but what I mean is just because some types of disease may or may not have originated from a homosexual doesn't mean it couldn't of happened to a Hetreosexual person. Origins of diseae and viruses have always been a big problem, just because statistics points towards does not mean it is true.

    And I have to say quickly, the Bible was created by man's hands, not God's. We have no actual proof on God's opinion of any discussions, we only have false opinions coming from the Bible claiming to be God's words.
  10. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I'm sorry, but that was just rude. Not really any particular comment, the whole post. I think I'd much rather have you say homosexuality is a choice 100% then a mental illness.

    I mean, yes, homosexuals are like that from birth, it develops in the womb, and from a survival standpoint a homosexual animal is sexually ******ed and can't pass on it's genes, something written into their instincts. But you can't call homosexuality a mental illness. Or that homosexuality hurts people. I've never known someone to be hurt by homosexuality other then homosexuals. And yes, there are SOME people who choose to be homosexual, maybe by choice, but most homosexuals are normal people that really just want to be treated as such.

    And as for you having homosexual tendencies. It's very unhealthy to suppress those feelings, which is what you're doing. If you thought that way they you said you did, then at this point you're either lying to yourself, or you were bisexual and have chosen women over men.
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    If God hates homosexuality so much then why did he create it in the first place? It has been proven by medical science that homosexuality starts in the womb with the way in which the brain is structured (I posted the link to the article myself). If God plans the birth of every human (i.e. the whole "God has a greater plan for everyone) then why would he let people be born homosexual if it is considered to be unnatural and a sin? That is a particularly cruel thing to do considering the amount of prejudice out there.

    Stemming from that, why would something that is out of a persons control be deemed a sin? Again unnecessarily cruel.

    The reason I tried to discount any religious angles at the start was not to cause offence, but because that is often the only answer given when a question like this is asked. I wanted to see what other reasons could be given.

    Also, homosexuality does not hurt the person. Other people who are prejudiced bigots hurt them. Both physically and mentally. Other people are not directly hurt by homosexuality either. People are hurt by people, and if that person happens to be homosexual then it's a coincidence.

    "God hates no-one" - Sodom and Gomorrah. God was pretty vengeful destroying two entire towns, and allowing a young girl to be gang raped. What other word than "hate" could be used to describe that behaviour. In fact, a lot of the Old Testament was pretty violent and vengeful too.

    The people who I have to "deal" with as you put it are in the majority, if they have nothing to do with the actual base of the Church then they have a problem on their hands. A very large group of imposter's pretending to be Christians.

    Lol, I find it funny that you assume that I am myself gay just because I am trying to defend a minority (which is growing steadily larger) from complete undeserved prejudice from a majority group which needs to wind its collective neck in. I have never once said that I am gay, and we all know what assumptions do to people ;P
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It was a good and correct assumption, was it not? I don't think many people who are not gay would really try to defend it as much, lke creating a thread on it, as a gay person might. Probably becaus for a gay person the question of being homosexual and their right is always in the back of the mind, while Straight or Bi people would really think more about their own sexuality.
    And a minority? XD
    Homosexuals are large in number as is and they are increasing in number drastically each year, I don't think we have a minority of sexual orientations anymore,though it is still tough for people to admit their sexuality to the world.

    Ok, you said you wanted to keep the whole relgious subject off the table, so just ignore any comments that involve Relegion or emphasize it, could ya? I might not have a God, but I still don't like it when people disrespect anyone or anything, nor do I really believe God should have to explain his actions.
    Humans wrote the Bible, God didn't do anything with that text, we have free will, the will to do what ever we want to, God does not tell us what to write in a book nor to kill and rape like some people. We decide ourselves what to do.

    There are a small number of Christians alive today, that follow what Jesus spoke and preached about. Unfortuantely his words were twisted by many men in history. I believe his cause was just, Jesus, the man not the God, was the one who spoke of peace and untiy in a time of uneasiness, but humans have manipulated it as an excuse for power, control, etc.
  13. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Who whoa whoa, hold this for a minute. Homosexuality is no longer classified as a mental disorder. That is why the DSM(Diagnostic and Statistical manual) was revised to a fourth edition. Do not lump homosexuality in with disorders like OCD and ADD. Those are actual mental disorders. Homosexuality, at least by the medical field, is not seen as a mental disorder or a disease. So please stop lumping it in with other disorders.

    And you talk about 'thinking clearly'. Are you saying that homosexuals are insane now too? I would hope that I just misread what I interpret as you foaming at the mouth.

    And if you're curious about the DSM-IV, here's some more information:


    And I would have you pay special attention to the section labeled 'Sexual disorders'. You will notice that Homosexuality is not listed. http://allpsych.com/disorders/sexual/index.html
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Guys, please read the actual purpose of the thread instead of people taking insults to what was asked here. Religion was to be left out so that the creator could find out people's feelings on homosexuality without the religious fights needing to be ensued. And PAW, he certainly does not have to ignore that someone, including you, brought religion into a question that asked people to refrain from doing it.

    This was in no way meant to upset people who are religious and was asking what would be wrong with homosexuality if religion were not the issue. It's no different than asking 'why are lies bad if not for the religious issue?'. You could tell why lies are bad without just saying it's a sin, couldn't you? Hopefully my explanation is understood more. If there are anymore problems with this, I suggest you PM me because anymore arguing about religion will be considered spam and continuing will prompt me to have to hand out warnings. Please stick to the topic or don't post here.

    Moving on... I am straight but really have nothing against homosexual behavior. However, I cannot say I have always felt this way. Some of the transitions I went through I will describe in yet another essay and I applaud anyone if they actually read this because it's probably very boring! I felt confused and well, disgusted by homosexuality at first. Having no exposure to gays until I did hit my teenage years, except for hearing of one aunt who was apparently gay that I never really talked to made me really not used to it. Friends and I would joke around, you know how people are in school, saying gay jokes and all but really we were pretty clueless. When my attention was first drawn to it, some kids were making fun of a couple girls for it and later on a couple boys. I went home and thought about it, and just was turned off utterly at the aspect of two guys kissing each other or having a guy with another guy doing a lot more than that. I wasn't particularly mean to those two boys but at the same time, I really didn't want anything to do with them because it was gross to me to think about. However, when they were being picked on too much, I did tell others to just leave them alone. Of course, I also said to 'ignore' what they were doing, which isn't the same as accepting, which I would learn more of.

    When I was out of school and going to college, as I am now, I worked at the college part time in an office helping out with computers, filing and stuff. One of my partners there was gay and was kind of hitting on me. I finally just asked him if he was gay and he admitted to it and I said 'I'm freaking straight. Leave me the hell alone.' To make sure he got it I basically ignored him a lot for a good few weeks and if he looked at me, I stared at him angrily. Later however, in the school year, we did have to work more together and slowly I warmed up to the person. He became sick and I took over work for him and I had gotten sick a week later and he did my job admirably. We got to talking on a break and he apologized to me and I had nearly forgotten about the former incident so I asked what for. He said for hitting on me but not asking me if I was gay and I accepted the apology and told him I was sorry for being so harsh. After that we became friends.

    I still found gays to be weird though and began to research more into homosexuality, going online and all to understand it more and learned some tolerance...and through taking biology and researching animals and such, found homosexuality is more common than most people think in nature. It made me wonder more so I asked my friend if I could ask him some rather serious questions and though it was awkward for us both, he entertained me and complied. So I went into asking him what made him attracted to other men, why he felt he was, what age was he when he realized it, how he was raised etc. The guy didn't dress gay or sound gay really and I asked him about that sort of thing too. What was funny to me at the time was that he asked me some of the same questions about what made me straight etc.

    As time went on I began to meet more gay people or people I had known for years but didn't realize they were gay, which was quite the surprise. I was dragged along to a gay support rally and met a whole bunch more gay people as well as people like me, who were straight and just there to support and understand. I met all sorts of people who were the 'stereotypical' males and females people associate with gays and quite a few people who were gay that you could never tell if you met them on the street. It was awkward and even kind of intimidating for a bit, but when I realized they held no ill will to me and actually appreciated me being there and being open-minded, I relaxed considerably. The fear of having someone do something to me etc slipped away.

    So here I am today, with quite a few friends who are gay, both males and females. I also have a lot of straight friends. Perhaps I can relate the fear in a way to how some white people feel about blacks or vice versa. How the unknown and different lifeway is scary. I didn't have to go through that fear really being as I'm half Native American so accepting others of any ethnicity was always easy for me though admittedly it was harder for my dad and he came around with me bugging him on it. However, this fear of homosexuality and disgust was natural since I had not been presented with it as a natural thing before I came into contact with it. So it is very similar to me with some race issues people have.

    Considering I've found that these people aren't crazy, I've gotten used to two guys kissing or holding hands and what not by exposure to it, and that in nature itself there are animals that are gay, it doesn't seem to be such an alien thing anymore. I do not feel I've ever wanted to be gay or am drawn in any way towards that and one of my friends who is male has a lesbian mother but he is also very straight. People fear that exposure to gays will mean others turn gay...and there are just all sorts of fear things said. I know because at one time I felt them too, but it's more than clear to me now with science examination, actually talking and hanging out with people who are gay etc, that it is not a crime against nature. Gay people may or may not reproduce in their lifetimes but so what? We have plenty of humans any way.
  15. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    Personally I don't even know why this should be a big deal to people. It's nothing more than people loving each other. Is that so wrong? Now you may argue that it's not 'love' because it's a same-sex relationship. Well if you want to regard every intimate interaction without love as wrong then why is it ok for prostitutes to do what they do? I do know people who would rather allow prostitution rather than same-sex marriage.
  16. zexionXienzo6 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 20, 2007
    In shower
    ADD is not amental illness!!!!! I take offense... neither is being gay
  17. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    It's a defilement of God's will. It can be cured but only through faith and extreme power. It is something God does to test those he feels cannot worship him without struggle. That is my view
  18. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  19. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
  20. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
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