homosexual rights in america

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by kingdom945, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Broken_Vow Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 28, 2007
    A box in Colorado.
    Everyone has their own opinion. Some may believe that it's going against all God meant in life. Others may think that God doesn't exist. (NOT SAYING he doesn't exist, but some do.) It's all a matter of how open minded you are, really.

    I'm not dumb, I know that it's up to the state to decide gay marriage laws. Many disagree with gay marriage rights.

    But If I was a gay, I'd want to be treated with equal respect straight people get. Since I'm not, I don't KNOW what the feeling is like. But It must be awful to get treated like an alien because you love the same sex.

    I'm more than likely off topic.

    In my opinion, as said before, love is love, and it has no limits.
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    umm, i said ONLY, meaning there were other reasons, not only did they gave into lust or whatever but they did other things too,dont you see that the practices where carried over to sodom and gommorah?

    and , again, misunderstanding my point.............

    btw, cut them some slack?

    lets go by the Bible, if God created Adam as a perfect being, "to his image" then :

    1.something perfect cant get any better
    2.so,instead of getting better
    3.man sined and was taken out of eden
    4.sin corrupts body and mind
    5.so,instead of getting smarter,we go in retrospect(until abraham)

    so you see, if we think about it that way,they were smarter, and the people before them even more.(wich where destroyed by the great flood,except some people)

    if we are going by the bible,of course.

    so, please dont go around saying that im reading what suits me most, before i make a statement.

    im not just saying ramdom stuff to make my points :(
  3. kholdstare90 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 10, 2008
    I honestly don't see what the big deal with gay marriage is. I am gay myself and am opposed to gay marriage simply because it is a union between a man and a woman with a big fat prenup in the middle. Leave it to them and the hefty divorce costs.

    I know 5 couples that were divorced in the first year because they rushed into it and 2 couples that aren't even going to bother getting the certificate but still live together. The lesbian couple that fall under the second category have been together for going on 20 years.

    On a darker note I used to have 2 gay friends. One an ex-boyfriend and one a lesbian friend of mine. Mark (ex) was murdered because he dared to hold hands in the city with another guy and the other one ended up wrapped around a telephone pole going 90ks because her parents kicked her out of their house.

    You get used to hearing this may be the family house but you're not welcome here, i see that look in your eye so don't even think about it. You're not even in the will (actually used against me twice) and my favourite one is "ask the ****** sitting on my couch" as said by my mum to my boyfriend (the one now dead) when he asked where the cups were kept.

    Also yes i know i can't spell.

    EDIT: Broken_Vow: It can be overwealmingly awful to the point you scream "where is the (expletive) gun?" if you cannot handle the taunts and jeers. However some people who are strong enough to stand it just ignore what people outside their friend group say.

    I fall under the stronger group however i'm now a total biatch, extremly cynical, I hate god and all those whom identify as christian, and I seem to have transferred insecurities from my sexuality to my weight so i can go from happy to major PMS and back within 5 minutes due to my anorexia inducing diet.

    Also if you are gay the opposite sex become your best friend. They can make you seem straight when needed and just be there without anything sexual ever being expected. And coming out in 99% of highschools turn you instantly into the "joke of the year" and from them on use you as a reference for testing "is he or isn't he" seemingly draining all life force you have. After a while you get used to the feeling, then you fit perfectly into the modern workforce.
  4. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    love is love no matter how u spin it...be it with a man or a women
  5. snortmyshorts Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 8, 2008
    Okay....I have been brought up different than most of you.....and in my gut it just seems right but I DON'T want to think it.....but...I feel that gays shouldn't be granted marriage.

    Now I WANT it to happen, but it just doesn't feel right in my gut.

    I am not sexist, racist, facist, whatever you wanna call me...It just feels in my stomach that gays shouldn't be granted marriage.

    NOW I do agree with all of you on that it is unconstitutional to ban a certain type of marriage, now thats just wrong. Maybe I do want to be married to that potatoe.....sounds kind of fun.

    But anyway, gays SHOULD be granted marraige.

  6. Repliku Chaser

    The point is this. The descriptions of Sodom and Gommorah MAINLY depict gays in anything you read about it as being the main "problem", along with bondage and sadomasochism. Also, let's be real here. The necrophilia and bestiality etc that you point out were not -that- pronounced. It's really not mentioned compared to the other deviant sexual behaviors against God that the angels came to question. You cannot just delete out what the majority of 'sinners' was doing by tossing in necrophilia and bestiality. Those were done far less than BDSM and gay sexuality.

    What did I say? I said that in the end the Bible gets cut slack because it is from many years ago and is outdated. You can depict the Bible how you will, but as I said, stop trying to make the words disappear. They exist. Now I am absolutely baffled by your next attempt at proving things...

    What does this mean? What are you trying to prove? I really thought most people by now had ditched the stupidity of Adam and Eve. It explains so much and yet may be one of the dumbest entries in the book. If we go by Adam being the perfect man made in the image of God, well here we go...

    1. Adam was not perfect. He was naive and duped by Eve (who was also duped and confused and just -sharing-) and Satan easily.
    2. Adam is not perfect. He SINNED. His sin is also so stupid because shouldn't he be not able to sin if he's in God's image?
    3. Nothing is perfect if Adam, made in God's image isn't.
    4. God punished Adam and more so Eve yet he made them how they were so in the end they were faulty in design and not perfect, which leads to question if God is.
    5. We get smarter when we think, but God didn't want people to think and rationalize. Hence why Adam and Eve are screwed, why women suffer more than men with pregnancy issues and monthlies, why men are superior than women, etc. This makes no sense that eating a stupid fruit meant that people should suffer. If God is omniscient any way, why didn't he SAVE his little creations instead of letting them eat the fruit naively and then calling them sinners and punishing them?

    Actually, it sounds to me that you do just say random stuff to make your points. It looks exactly like that above. I'm trying to be nice here but seriously, I have no idea where you thought you were going with any of it.

    The Bible was written in violent times with people of different mindsets etc. If you are a Christian who is tolerant of gays etc, good for you, but again, the Bible isn't. That is all this comes down to. If you choose to ignore the anti-gay parts of the Bible, you do. It doesn't mean all Christians will and that other Christians and non-Christians can't look up the verses and know right where they are. Sodom and Gommorah aside, Leviticus, which many Jews and Christians follow, says it clear as day that gay behavior was not to be tolerated and warranted death. Many Christians now look at it as being kind of outdated which makes sense in a modern world and they choose to take the morals of peace taught in the pages instead and make them code to live by. I see nothing wrong with that adaptation. But some will take the Bible word for word. I just cannot fault either side really but plenty of fault can be placed on the people who actually try to say it doesn't exist and try to pass it on to others that it's not written there. That's entering a state of delusion.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    umm, you almost got my point, but really, you missed parts of it ,and therefore ,wasted almost completely your words,

    you are right in the fact that ,sodom and gomorra were MAINLY destroyed because of gay and lesbian people, \\and ,in the fact that some things in the bible cant be taken word for word.......

    but, i am not delusional, and i dont take what is convinient and just say it, or make stuff up,

    i am really trying to be nice here but,i have no idea what you were thinking when you read my post

    do you need a better explanation?

    there was something very different between Adam and God, can you actually deduce what it is for once?

    or do i need to spell it out ?

    nah, i know youll guess what it is........

    anyways to stay on track , gay marriage i can do without in my live, but i woulnt mind if other people do it , i dont really think,we should discriminate ,it is their live, if they are happy that way ,who are the rest of us to say no?

    but i wonder how would a gay marriages affect our future generations ?

    or how much, in what ways?
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I do not mean to imply -you- personally are delusional. I am just saying that people that deny the Bible doesn't address gays are in error because it -is- in there. I apologize if it seemed too directed at any one person. I am a person that reads things through and through and analyzes them critically. Being a science major does that to a person. =:) So when people tend to ignore what I see plainly, yeah, I get annoying like that.

    I will say though that I wish you'd get to the point about Adam because now I am curious where you are going with this. In the end, gay marriage though doesn't have an impact on -me- either. Personally, I am straight so if it is passed, it doesn't really change my life in any way, except to perhaps get invited to some weddings between gays as well as straight people. I agree with you that despite the fact it doesn't have an effect on -all- gays or straight people, why should we say no? I do not know if I am crazy about the idea of marriage until I would find the right person, but to know I have the -option- that I could be married and some others do not can make it seem hypocritical to say no. It's one of those 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone' issues. I've never had to live with the concept I could 'never' be married, so I don't want to just take it for granted while others who might really want to cannot.

    I suppose what gets most irritating is that a gay couple cannot get married....and yet we have couples that marry and have 'open' marriages which means they can have other couples to sleep with etc but know where their bread and butter is. We also have people marrying dogs, trying to marry cars etc. These people are not getting what marriage should mean which is two people coming together and devoting their lives to one another to grow old with and all that. That is why I champion it as I do and think that gays should have the right to be married. If people can make 'open marriage' contracts, they should have the right. I do not know why this does not get picked on more because it entirely breaks what marriage should mean.
  9. JennyMETALMOUTH Moogle Assistant

    Mar 5, 2008
    your mums arse
    Well im from the UK and i'm bi. Here its perfectly legal for gays/lesbians to be married.
    I just don't think its allowed in churches. :S
    But tbh it shouldn't be frowned upon because people are people you cant change someone's sexual preferances for a stupid law.
    If god DID create us all, he should understand this, and if he doesnt well then he's being rather contradictive as he supposedly gave us the gift of freewill right.
    I think it's morally wrong to single out someone/a group of people for any reason,

  10. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    One is God and the other a man. Is there something else? Because That's all I've got between the two of them.
  11. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    there are differences, but i guess , youll have to look, because right, now im not feeling

    up to a long explanation........sorry,

    but, hey jennymetalmouth, do the children get affected with the gay/lesbian marriages?(in UK)

    i know , we all have free will, and perhaps this doesn't affect our future so much

    but , if it is like global warming(thinking for the future) ,then i have my doubts

    and btw, repliku ,i never denied that the bible says being gay is wrong, i just meant to imply that ,people are free to do what they want (as long as it doesnt affect others) , i was never deniying anything

    im really sorry ,perhaps im not explaining correctly?
  12. JennyMETALMOUTH Moogle Assistant

    Mar 5, 2008
    your mums arse
    Nah people over here are usually quite understanding of it all :)
    of course yr guna get the odd twats that are like homophobic.
    Most people are cool with it though so here its really not a big issue, i know so many gay/lesbian people tbh and its great because it just shows that people who like the same sex are no different from anyone else.
    Cos they're not.
    And i really don't see the problem with them wanting to spend their whole lives together yno.
    Marriage in itself in my opinion is overrated anyway. i mean you don't need a certificate to show you love someone, a hug + kiss can show it much clearer.
    A lot of marriages these days don't even last more than 7 years, so really why should it be a big deal if men and men or if women and women want to marry?

  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well I can wait if it's a bad time for you. Because other than the fact that God made the first man, Adam, they simply differ in all of the qualities that qualify one as a god. I really don't see what else there is to the mess.
  14. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    If people of homosexual influences want to get married... be my guest. But dont get married in a Christian/Jewish/Muslim or any other religions that are againsed homosexuality (i didn't homosexuals, cus i love hanging out with them)
  15. Soku Axas Moogle Assistant

    Mar 15, 2008
    Realm of Darkness
    I, personally, think that gay people should be able to be married and what not, and I don't think it's a sin, especially since I myself am bi. Most people are just to used to every man being married to a woman and vise versa, instead of a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman, it just frightens them.
  16. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    Keep in mind i didn't say gay people should not marry
    I said gay people shouldn't marry in a religous (religions that have a problem with homosexuality) ceremony
  17. Repliku Chaser

    I agree that gays should not expect to get married in places that are establishments that do not allow that sort of thing. However, someday someone will pick up on the idea of either non-demoninational weddings or getting chaplains, or the power of justice will get the ability to do more 'fancy' weddings. I haven't really seen gay people fighting to get married in churches, synagogues etc that would refuse such a thing. It's mostly that they want the right to be recognized as married through law. Those who would expect otherwise are kind of asking for a lot, in which if they want more elaborate things, I'm sure they could come together and make something better.
  18. jenovapanda0920 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 22, 2008
    In my basement, chillin' with my bunny
    Hmm, well this is a very controversal subject, but I think we're all pretty much mature enough to handle it. I believe, that if you truly want to marry someone and you are gay, then try to set it up like a private deal or something.

    I'm personally Christian, but some people use Christianity and how God didn't intend for it to be two guys or two girls, you have to remember something, God wants us all to accept people and he gave us free will. So that's how I look at it. God allows us to think for ourselves and that includes with who we fall in love with. Personally, I believe I'm straight, but that's only because I've never actually fallen in love with someone yet, but personally, people should stop using sexuality like it's a disease. Once a friend of mine, had an avatar that said something along the lines of if homosexuality was so bad, then how come we can't call in homosexuality to get out of work? Personally, people should stop looking at on peoples' sexual preferences, and should start looking at the other things wrong in our nation and world. We have terrorists, wars, people dying constantly (that one is kind of inavoidable), murders, racisim. So people should really stop being so against it.

    Personally, I have friends who are bi-sexual, homosexual, and any other sexual you can think of, but that doesn't change a person, and if they were to somehow get married one day to their love of their life and somehow get it done in a private church deal, heck I'd come and wish them well! But I'm very open minded, and I don't judge people by their interests, because one day I may fall in love with another girl, I don't think I will, but right now I'm at the age where I'm unsure of it all. Also, another thing to point out, especially at schools now a days, people are so worried over sexual pereferances, then the public should look to the children, especially at my school, who go around starting rumors about sexuality, yet I've seen pictures of these so called 'straight girls' kissing their friends on the cheeks, and doing other things, that could really surprise you.

    Also for the whole, out in public deal, I personally don't care to see anyone kissing, making out, ect. other sexual acts. Like holding hands, or hugging is perfectly fine, but I don't want to see that with anyone, it's a private matter, between two people, that should stay that way. Well that's my views on this. Sorry, if I sorta started ranting there, homosexuality is one of my bigger and better topics, that I know what I'm sure on. ^^U
  19. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    I personally think this situation is in the same category as racism (in other words, disliking something remotely different).
    We need to accept that we are all different and unique and live with it. Live and let live is a motto that comes to mind.
  20. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    wow, you go girl!!!!!, .....i mean your words , are completetly true, and give justice, their is no debate over them!!!!

    i feel the same way, when i said God loves us all, i meant everyone .......even britney spears or a prison convict or the rapist next door or the gay couple we see every now and then , of course ,we should accept them, its wrong to discriminate for their sexual preferences, they arent affecting us in any way,

    its not like they want you to be like them, we just need to accept other people , now the problem lies with people that want to do public shows on kissing methods......lol,

    so in reality ,i will accept anyone, even if my nature is to discriminate, i will overcome such habits