Homework: My Speech...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jordier0xs0x, Sep 12, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Okay so...I need some help. Our class Is doing a topic of your own choice and It HAS to go for 3 minutes and I was wondering If you guys could help me...

    Nuclear Power
    Nuclear power Is considered a clean form of energy because what we use now Is not reusable, so the Australian Government wants to Introduce It to Australia. But do you want It In your town? Because I sure don't. What will happen with the radiation waste? It will be chucked somewhere and bad things will happen. Like what happened In Russia...
    A couple of years ago a town called Shanobal (Sp?) had Nuclear Power, everything was fine until ONE man made ONE tiny mistake and the power plant, AND the town, blew up. Luckily some people survived but they are contaminated with radiation poisoning and small children are finding It hard too survive because It takes 100 years to get rid of radiation poisoning, and of course we cant live that long.

    Nuclear Power Is called safe but, as Shanobal proves, even accidents can cost hundreds of life's. So the real question Is, Is Nuclear power really safe? The Government wants Nuclear Power because Wind or Solar power Is too expensive but even though they are expensive, they are safer. Of course they have their little troubles, like how Solar power Is controlled by Sun, so It can only work If the sun Is out, and Wind Power Is controlled by Wind, so what will happen If the wind doesn't blow? But wind and solar power aren't dangerous and they wont have an effect on climet.
    Nuclear Power will put a bad effect on our nature and as the TV comedy The Simpsons, show, bad things can happen, like the 3 eyed fish for Instance. But thats just a TV show and what I am talking about now, Is reality.
    So do you want animals suffering because of radiation poisoning? Sure, Power plants will give more jobs but want about the environment? I believe that the Government should not bring Nuclear Power to Australia and they should bring Solar or Wind power to Australia because Its only right that we should save our environment.
    So Vote NO for Nuclear Power!

    Lol, how was It? Anything I could Improve? And do you think that goes for 3 minutes?
  2. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Well if you're going for 3 minutes, you might wanna make it a tad longer. Maybe put in how places that have solar/wind power, expensive as it is, ended up profitting in the end thanks to the significant decrease of pollution as opposed to places that still run on Nuclear power. Other than that, it's very good. Nice job on the sources ^_^ Also you spelled climate wrong x3
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007

    Lol Thanks Crono... I will add that to my real speech now
  4. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    and you should mention that crono helped.....
  5. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    -_-; So I say 'Oh my friend from America helped! Cronoking!'
    Anyway Its over now

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