Firstly, as some of you may have noticed, our homepage is looking a bit different. The issue of things exploding off of the page has been fixed, we've instead opted for a simpler two-column layout. All of the content is the same, with a few notable new features:
- On the left hand side, we have a feed of the five most recent threads posted in our Coder's Corner.
- A small navigation to bring you to some of our notable pages (archives, podcast, forums, arcade, etc).
- Pagination at the bottom so you can look through old news posts, dating back to when KHV first opened its vBulletin site.
- The icon of the user who posted the news now displays.
Additionally, our Cutscene Archive has been updated with the Japanese cutscenes from Re:Coded. Special thanks to our staff member Aurangzeb56 for recording them for us! Download and go through them by clicking HERE.
Enjoy the rest of your weekends. =]
Homepage & Cutscene Archive Update
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 29, 2011.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 29, 2011.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM