
Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Glen, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Just going to put it out there. After thinking it through, i've decided that i am going to move to America. Thing is, i've asked my friends and none of them seem to have a place for me to stay long enough to get a green card so that i can actually earn money. Here's where things get desperate. I'm putting this thread up as a desperate plea. Does anyone have a place of their own in the US i could possibly stay at for a while? Just long enough to get my greencard, then i should be fine. I'd prefer if it WERE somewhere around Tenessee..but not overall too fussy about that. If any of you are willing to give it a shot i'd make an effort to talk to you more, to get to know you more, probably through msn or skype, so that you in turn could learn a little more about myself. v_v you people are my last hope..any takers?
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Can I just say, I think this is a really, really bad idea right off the bat.

    For one thing, talking to someone on MSN/SKype/KHV etc you cannot get a good idea of whether you'd be able to live together. Plus it is actually quite dangerous to do what you are doing which is basically offering yourself out.

    You seem set in your decision to move to America, and thats great if it is what you really want to do, but I would suggest going about things a little more legitimately and safely.
  3. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I agree with the bad idea thing..i'm a little unsure of it myself..but ah what can i say? I'm desperate lol
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Desperation is no excuse for stupidity, and I do apologise if I sound harsh in saying that.

    If you're unsure of it, then do not do it, that would just make things worse.

    You're 17 (I think) America isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so it isn't like you have a time limit, it would be preferable to take things slower and do it the right way, than rush and end up landing yourself in trouble.
  5. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    If I were you, I'd wait till I was 18, possibly even 21 before coming here, it would make things a lot easier from a legal point of view (it would be easier to purchase things, possibly even get loans, you wouldn't get in trouble for drinking if you wait for the latter, etc).

    Do you have to live in the US a certain time before you can get a Green Card or does it just take time to get it? Could you perhaps get a working visa or something?

    I agree that it's a pretty bad idea to go live with someone you only know on-line. Do you have any friends who would be interested in moving and living with you?

    I'm actually in a fairly similar position than you, I'm currently staying the summer in Illinois, and I'm considering moving here permanently after that period. I do have the advantage of being able to live with relatives, and I'm a US citizen (plus I'm over 18...)

    I'd put some more thought to it, maybe get a job back home to raise some money before coming. And seriously reconsider the living possibilities, first of all.

    I hope that was of any help ^.^
  6. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I'm going to wait until i'm 18 anyway. Fairly sure it just takes time to get a greencard..as far as i know there's no minimum amount of time. None of my friends will move over..i already asked them. And about the money..that's the biggest problem actually..i don't actually have enough money right now to be able to pay for my own place while i do get a greencard..if i did i wouldn't be in this situation. Thanks for the advice though..
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I have to agree with everyone else here. I understand that many people wish to get away from home as quick as possible, but it normally ends badly. At least you plan on waiting till you turn 18, that's a wise choice. Just don't go moving in with any strangers.

    Maybe within the year a friend of yours will change their mind.

    But, do you know anyone in USA? Preferably a family member of some sort that you've met before or is on good terms with the rest of your family.

    And it may be hard getting money over there, but it's hard getting money here, too. I know someone who has applied for several jobs and has several work experiences and was born here and still cannot find a job, also is 18.
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    As others have said, the job market here in America is not great. You would be lucky to get a job somewhere that isn't a fast food joint at $7.25 an hour, or something along those lines, at 17. This seems like a very rash decision. Why do you want to move to America in the first place?

    In any case, though, as you are 17 you should maybe try looking at colleges in America. They may have a program for students from other countries that will allow you to get a Green Card (or something along those lines) and you can live at or around the campus. That would probably be expensive, but it sounds like a much safer option than finding someone online.
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Everyone else is saying the right idea. This is a very impusive idea, it seems, regardless of how much you've thought through it. As Misty said, things in America aren't looking so hot right now, and for you, a seventeen year old, they won't be much better than they are for someone whose lived here a long time. This idea is almost as dangerous as backpacking through Europe.

    Trying to find somebody to stay with here probably isn't a good idea. If you really want to do this, you should look into foreign exchange student programs for college, that's your best bet if you wanna do anything.

    When it comes to a big decision like this, you can't act irrationally.