Ok, a band I jsut heard of Even though they are rappish, they're funny with Christmas in hollywood and I like Undead also... Here are a few songs by them Christmas in Hollywood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM6MDr2Lih8 Undead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQhFRyfWZUA Dead in Ditches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtW9eR5401M Everywhere I go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ka0ig8nDQ Scene for Dumbies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYeVrnaolgc This is only a few so yeah, your gonna have to look up more.. Undead is probably their only song that is rockish the rest are rap Damnit, I thoguht I would never like rap lol
I love Hollywood Undead. Black Dahlia isn't too rappish, well to me anyways. Undead is my favorite song by them <3
Undead is my favorite song that they do. They're music is pretty good, but not the best. Pretty average band.
Undead = Faveee. I love Undead by them. I actually heard it on my Rock radio station and had to download it immediately. 8D They're really good. I just haven't heard the other songs yet.
It helps to be open-minded, you know. I used to like Hollywood Undead, but now I found them really mediocre.