hogwarts teenae kicks

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SORA!, Jul 11, 2008.

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  1. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    this rp is just for fun,your character can have any teenage problem and anyway to deal with it ^^
    like i said its your character so its your story!


    Name:Maddieline 'Maddie' Malfoy
    apperence: [​IMG]
    problem:like her mother shes gotten pregnant at 17 but willinlybut she hasnt told anyone but the father

    Names:Ronan Spinnett and Michael 'mickey'Malfoy (maddies twin)
    apperence: [​IMG]
    problem:ronans girlfriend is spending too much time away from him and mickey doesnt think his girl friend loves him...

    Name:cory malfoy
    apperence: [​IMG]
    problem:keeps fallin out with his girlfriend because she is moody,but thats only because shes pregnant.

    Name:Shawn Potter
    apperence: [​IMG]

    age:16(shawns twin)
    apperence: [​IMG]
    problem:none yet.

    names: Zarrah and Molly Spinnett
    ages:16 and 15
    apperence: [​IMG]
    problem:none for molly but zarrahs boyfriend has cheated on her
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I'm getting back into the whole Hogwarts thing again, and I saw this flailing, so figured I had to join it. I have some great ideas!

    The first is my main character, the three after him are all sort of antagonists, and the last one is the one with a HUGE problem....literally...the last one is part giant, but far different from Hagrid.

    Name: Sebastian "Base" Keaton (Sa-bas-tee-an "Ba-seh" Key-ton)
    Age: 14, Fourth Year at Hogwarts
    Gender: Male
    House: Ravenclaw
    Height: 5"7
    Weight: 98 lb.s
    Apperence: Plain features such as a round head, a slightly pug nose, not so much upturned and only slightly bulbous at the tip, Hazel eyes, green rimmed and generally brown, and a square jaw. Handsome in most respects. Black hair, styled to the side slightly, and cut to a flattop. Slight build, lanky, but with muscle. Tannish skin may hint slightly Italian ancestry.
    Wand information: 7 in", willow, Pheonix Feather core, good for charm work.
    Abilities: very well-equipped with knowledge of charms and spells, esp. ones haveing to do with healing ailments.
    Country of Origin: Crashmore, Ireland(South-Eastern, at the very bottom of the island. Located in the Waterford Province), but accent is more British.
    Temperment: Very friendly, and defending of others. Somewhat over-zealous at times. Approachable.
    Problem: His ego, at times.

    Name: Rymond Foxely (Ri-mond Fochs-lee)
    Age: 13, Third year at Hogwarts
    Gender: Male
    House: Slytherin
    Height: 5"4
    Weight: 78 lb.s
    Appearance: Britsh features such as a oval head, a hooked nose, square jaw, and brown eyes. Handsome and approachable, if not for his attitude. Brownish-reddish hair, with black highlights streaking at the front, slicked back, and haveing an almost fur-like texture. Lanky build, with hardly any muscle, but makes up for that with cunning. He has pallid skin, though not so much as many Slythrins, as he spends more time on the grounds than in theSlytherin Common room.
    Wand Information: 14 in., mahogany, Unicorn hair, excellent for transfiguration.
    Abilities: Able to transfigure himself into a fox, being an unregistered animagus. Animagus form: a Fox.
    Country of Origin: England
    Temperment: A Paradox of Draco Malfoy to some respects, he is in fact much more acceptable to mudbloods, but hates anyone who crosses him. He is offended ever-so-easily, and makeing up for his sympathy for mudblood, is his absolute hatred toward Crossbreeds. (Witches or Wizards with magical creature blood in them, either from near-human descendents or ancestors. Ex: Rubeus Hagrid, half Giant. Fleur Delacour, One-fourth Veela) He is very cunning and quick-minded, his eyes permanently showing malice, very good at plotting against enemies. But, all in all, like Malfoy, not all of him is bad.
    Problem: His hatred for Crossbreeds.

    Name: Hugh Dungnri (Hu-ooh DUNG-n-ree)
    Age: 13, Third year at Hogwarts
    Gender: Male
    House: Slytherin
    Height: 5"5 3/4
    Weight: 105 lb.s
    Apperance: Basically a stand-in for Crabbe and Goyle with Malfoy, Dungnri guards and follows Foxely around like a bodyguard, but in comparison, Foxely treats Dungnri much more like a friend than as a crony, much to the difference of Malfoy always bossing Crabbe and Goyle around. Also, Dungnri more intelligent than Crabbe and Goyle, but only to a certain degree, and he's not as stupid-looking either. Verty Thick build, though more balanced than the Gurreila-compared Crabbe and Goyle. Thick, red hair, combed to the front in a modern Male hair style. Green eyes.
    Wand information: 17 in., oak, Dragon heartstring, good for hexes.
    Abilities: Very skilled with various hexes and curses, though rarely uses them unless "hand-to-hand negotiations" don't work. And his strength allows him to eventually bend iron pipes, though doing so takes alot of energy, effort, and time. He is light in color, as he spends alot of his time guarding Rymond, who is usually walking around outside on the grounds, or in the great hall.
    CoO: Dublin, Ireland. Has an accent very similar to Hagrid. (Ex: Summat: Something; 'Smatter o' fact: As a matter of fact; a'/o': equivelent of "of".)
    Temperment: Very Brutish looking, but only fights when his friends are in danger, or Rymond tells him to, which rarely, rymond does anyway. Not excessively bright, but not a total dolt either. Despite his brutality, he's actually very skittish around girls, only being able to be calm-minded around Narccissa because she's Rymond's girlfriend, and Dungnri's friend. (Much like Harry and Hermione are like siblings, and Harry is pretty much sure at different times that Hermione is either Ron or Viktor Krum's girlfriend.)
    Problem: Very skittish around girls.

    Name: Narccissa Aphro. Etymology: Narccissa refers to the femmine term of "one who is extremly vain", not Narccissa Black/Malfoy. Aphro is the beginging of the name of Aprodite, the Greek God of love, beauty, and affection.
    Age: 13, Third year at Hogwarts
    Gender: Female
    House: Slytherin
    Height: 5"3
    Weight: 87 pounds, respectively
    Apperance: Rymond's Girlfriend and fellow "gang" member, she pretty much has the same temperments as Rymond, shareing Rymonds accepting of mudbloods, but, on the other hand, she is far more sympathetic of cross-breeds than Rymond. She has a very curvy build, an hourglass shape of sorts. She is much more mature in looks, nature, and....*ahem* puberty...than most of her fellow female students in the third year. She was very beatiful features, but, despite her name, she is not over-excessive about her looks, giveing her a more innocent, lighter appearance, her facial features being a slightly sloped nose, not too long, and not short, and not so wide, but thin either, sea-blue eyes, a heart-shaped(So to speak) head, pouting lips, pointed chin, and long eyelashes. She has long, fine blonde hair, and wears little to no make-up on most days, and still looks ravishing. Light complextion, as she usually follows whereever Rymond and Dungnri go.
    Wand information: 7 in., mahogany, Unicorn hair, good for transfiguration. (Also to note, the tree of which the wand is made, comes from the same tree that was used to make Rymonds wand. Also, the Unicorn hairs are from the same unicorn. Thus, either casters can perform Prior Icantato.)
    Abilities: Can also transfigure herself, also an unregistered animagus. Animagus form: a Swan.
    CoO: London
    Temperment: Despite her name, she is not actually vain. She somewhat hates/loves her parents for always telling her to care more about her appearance, even though she looks better without added make-up or any sort of beatufication-enhacing potion or spell. She is quite like Rymond in most respects, but she is much more kindly to those who cross Rymond, although, she sometime helps him with his schemes. She is very intelligent, most likely the most intelligent out of the other two, Rymond and Dungnri, but she isn't as smart as most Ravenclaws, exactly. Even though she cares little for her appearance, this doesn't stop her from usually flaunting her image and figure in front of Rymond, or for Rymond, if a "girl's touch" is needed in one of his schemes.
    Problem: So attractive, in both face and figure, she usually draws unwanted attention.

    Name: "Rose" Lee
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    House: Gryffindor
    Height: That's the thing, it changes dramtically! 4"9 at first, then 6"0 upward.
    Weight: Also changes, but in ratio of her height as that grows. Her weight is always the equvelent of her normal height's weight. starts off at: 78 lb.s
    Apperance: At the begining, she is quite short for her age, but still quite beatiful for her height. She has very lovely features, such as a dainty nose, glistening, pearly-blue eyes, a round head, and a pointed chin. Her figure is hour glass, but not as "full" as Narccissa. (Her figure stays the same no matter how tall she gets, as her weight is always to scale of her heighth according to original height and weight. Ex: She would appear very large, but still have a thin waist line, and the same figure she had at the begining.)
    Wand information: First: 5 in., yew, and Unicorn hair, excellent for the most effective Lumos spells
    Abilities: Well-gifted with Lumos-type spells, her wand being able to produce more light than most. Later, she has vast amounts of strength, due to her heighth, and she can uproot trees as easily as picking up a pencil. (Folks, that's stronger than Grawp, Hagrid's not-so-little brother.)
    CoO: Mountain territories in Tibet. (she grew up quite nromal sized among giants, with only her father close to her size, though still much taller, as, strangely, Rose has always been exceptionally small for age, despite haveing a Giant for a mother, and a tall wizzard father. Her accent is not broken English, as her father was English, but the Tibet, soft-spoken voice is still very-well in her voice.
    Temperment: Happy with the way she looks, though somewhat challenged by her height at the beginging of the year, as she is sometimes taken for a first year, due to her size. Later, she hates what has happened to her, after the giant blood in her has at last "kicked in", and just wishes she could be normal. She still retains the same soft-spokenness no matter what her size.
    Problem: Giant blood in her kicks in for the first time in her life during her third year at Hogwarts, causing much drama. And, added with how tall her father was by human standards, the heighth she gains from her giant side is likely to not stop at average Giant heighth.

    With this, I can create a nice sub-plot, and still interact in Role-play with other people. Whadya, think, can I join?
  3. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    ooc-ok your in

    Maddie stood in diagone ally,looking at quittich supplies,she sighed,she wouldnt be player this year.not that she had told her brother that....because he would want a reason,she did have one and a very good one,but her brother would tell her twin brother and together they would probaly "kill" the guy that got their sister pregnant at 17,not many people know that shes pregnant only a handful.
    Cory walked along the street aruguing again with his girl friend,carrie,why had sh gotten all moody all of a sudden? it was the same with maddie,the slightest thing could make her upset.what was going on?
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Hazel eyes, green at the rims, opened to yet another gloomy day at the Leaky Cauldron Inn & Pub. Sebastian Keaton, a half-and-half born, even though for years he was still being called a mudblood by some, wizard, sat up from the bed he was quite recently laying in, which didn't have the most wonderful matress in the Wizarding world. Wait, strike that, it had the worst matress in any world! Base, as all of his friends at Hogwarts called him, stretched and yawned as he got up, still wearing his street clothes from the day before, haveing just arrived in Englad from Ireland the day before. His dad, the muddle side, insisted Keaton be boated to London safely this year, but, like always, his mother, the magical side, insisted he use the common flu powder they always kept near the fireplace.

    He had arrived so quickly in the Leaky Cauldron's crowded fireplace, which was walways being used as a destination by other Witches and Wizards, but so late at night, he had hardly been able to get his things out of his trunk, which all laid in a messy, large pile in the corner faceing the door. Slowly, Base got up from the bed, the old matress squeking as he did so. Then, he first opened the smallest trunk, takeing out a packet of what looked like dried rat bits. Opening the bag, he dumped a small measure of the bits of rat into a dish inside a old, grey cage. Inside the cage, was a beautiful snowy owl, which was quite popular at Hogwarts these days he found out, which he had aquired in his second year at the school of Witchcraft and Wizadry, Hogwarts. Only two year and five months old, Episkey, a name of a healing spell he had found in a medical journal at Hogwarts in his first year, ruffled his feathers, and blinked wide eyes at the dish, hearing the clatters hit the tin feeding tray, and knowing it was time for breakfast.

    While Episkey helped himself to his morning meal, which was windeing up more on the floor than down the bird's beak, Base opened another trunk, which revealed a couple of pairs of the same street clothes on one side, and his toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floos, bar of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Takeing only the spare change of clothes, which his mother had obviously packed with all of the other things she always told him to not forget, but he usually did anyway, and quickly changed into a fresher, cleaner pair of clothes, the same as the ones he dropped on the floor and had slept in. Dressed in a plain, white shirt, with dark blue, long sleeves, which he kept rolled up to elbow length sytleishly, a pair of dark denim jeans, slim fitting and held up with a leather belt, and plain old wite sneakers, Base put his discarded clothes in another, empty trunk marked "laundry" in dull, disappearing black marker letters on the front, and closed the Rat bit bag he had earlier and put it back in the trunk marked "Owl", the words not so old on this trunk, and not as messyily written either. Then, takeing the toothbrush, dental floss, and toothpaste, he whirled a deep-blue towel over his shoulder casually, and made his way out of the room, and into the hallway, Episkey still munching crazily at the rat bits in his tray.

    In the hallway, he walked silently, haveing to take many sharp turns around corners, as his room was practically the farthest from the only bathroom in the entire Inn. But, just as he turned a corner, he "oof"ed windedly as he bumped into somebody who he hadn't seen comeing across the corner at the same time. Even worse, Base's eyes growing wide in panic and shock, that person was a girl. Even worse than that(!), a girl who had nearly lost her towel, which she was trying to tuck back to where it was before, looking just as worried. Base covered his eyes with his own towel, trying to have enough humility so the girl wouldn't get ticked off more than she was bound to. After all, judging by how hard he had been knocked down, and seeing as though the girl was trying to tuck back in her towel, it was pretty easy to tell which part of her Base had come in contact with.

    "I'm really...very sorry..about that..." Base half stuttered, still covering his eyes with his towel, and picking up his toothpaste, which had been the only thing he had dropped and his way down, thankfully.

    "It's alright,...really..." Said a very nervous voice from behind the towel. Even more, a familiar one too!

    Base took the towel from his eyes and looked at the girl, and sure enough, his guess was right. He had just bumped into one of his best friends from Hogwarts, who was always being riduculed on account of her height. Lee Rasuh, or "Rose" Lee as everyone called her at Hogwarts, was always a foot or foot and a half even shorter than the rest of her classmates, the same thing year in and year out. She obviously had the body of a fourteen year old, peuberty at least kicking in there, but she was sort of scaled down. Base had met her in his first year, haveing sitted right next to her when the sorting hat both made them Ravenclaws. By that point, everyone thought she either was ten and had been accepted somehow at Hogwarts, or she had Dwarf-blood in her, as crossbreeds weren't uncommon as students at the school. By their first class, however, everyone learned differently. In that class, they learned quite the contrary to Dwarf-blood mixed with magic-blood, instead, they found out, that Rose had Giant-blood in her veins, but the trait most half giants shared, which resulted usually in the offspring reaching seven feet tall, nearly by their tenth year of life, had not kicked in for Rose, and still hadn't kicked in even in her fourth year.

    Rose caught Base's wandering eyes and peered her eyes, though lightly and almost humoursly, as was her soft-spoken nature. After all, she was from the mountains of Tibet, and had only gotten into Hogwarts because her wizard father, who was also execptionally tall by human standards, was a Foreign Agent for the Ministry of Magic, his job being to work for peaceful alliances with the Giants that resided in the high, snowy mountains of China. In doing so, Rose's father had met Rose's mother, a giant, of course, and so, Rose was born. Not many others knew much besides that. How she had survived along with her father in those cold mountains, nobody at Hogwarts knew, not even the teachers.

    "And just What, are you looking at?" Rose said blushing, but a jokeing side about her voice, putting emphasis on "what". She had a certain British accent, but that co-mixed with what sounded like some kind of Chinese tone as well.

    Base gulped for a moment and smiled, showing his white teeh casually. "Nothing." He said calmly, heaving himself back up from the floor.

    "I see..." Rose responded, sounding rather skeptical, but still keeping that cool, jokeing demeanour.

    After getting back up, Base found out just how far behind Rose was for her year. He had seen some other fourth year girls when he got to the Leaky Cauldron, and all of them were about 3 or 2 inches shorter than himself. Judging on an estimate, Rose was just barely 5 feet tall! One who didn't know her might even take her for a first year!

    "So...still below the average, huh?" Base said what he always asked grimly, each year Rose was still behind on height, his own smile disappearing.

    At this, Rose lost her jokeing mood, and sighed dismally. "Yeah, I'm afraid so..." She drawled on, her head hanging low.

    Just then, her head hanging down, she quickly jumped up at realizing she was still standing half-naked in an Inn hallway, with her all-too-large towel starting to slip down, without either side noticing. She quickly smiled and said a goodbye as she quickly raced down the hallway that Base had just came from. Base waved back with a returning smile, not because he had taken pleasure in Rose's towel slipping, but just glad to see her again, just as she quickly ran into a room. Base stiffled a laugh as Rose ran down the hallway, back faceing him thankfully for both their sakes, as Rose's towel slipped all the way to her waist in the rush.Not wanting to see anything he might regret later, Base just turned the corner he had stopped at, and walked into the bathroom, which was still vacant and just around the last corner. Thus inside the bathroom, complete with a shower, which only ran slightly warm water, murky sink, afogged up, smudged up mirror above the sink, and a toilet so bad looking, all of the Leaky Cauldron residents just hoped all of their bodily functions would stop working and just hold it until they checked out.

    Base hung his towel on the towel rack by the shower, getting undressed and stepping into the shower, he put the rest of his things on the soap dish inside the shower, which was gratefully out of soap. Haveing forgotten all of his shower-related possessions in his room, Base just started the water and started scrubbing in places just with the water itself. Humming to himself in the shower, Base forgot all of the world outside, as he started wondering how this Hogwarts year was going to turn out this time. But, just as he was thinking, he grimly remembered he had forgotten to lock the bathroom door behind him, the tell-tale sign somebody was just walking sounded in a long squeak. To Base, it was a squeal to end his life as he knew it. Shakeing off the thought however, in his mind, he just decided he would tell whoever it was that the shower was occupied,...but..what if that person was a mute and couldn't hear? It was obvious too, and likely, that the person hadn't just come to use the toilet, for pre-explained reasons. Worry crept back into Base as the water he had forgotten about kept pouring onto him, now feeling like cold hail pellets, even though the water was still moderately warm. Then, Base's heart sank even lower as he heard a familiar voice from behind the curtain.

    "Hello Sebastian." Drawled a soft, almost sensual female voice. Sweet and low, and Base knew all too well who owned that voice. Narccissa Aphro was the girlfriend of Rymond Foxely, back at Hogwarts. Both of them a year behind Base, along with Rymond's bodyguard, a all-too-large to be thirteen brute by the name of Hugh Dugnri, some who disliked him called him "Dung"...behind his back, of course, Foxely and Ahpro were not people you wanted to cross. Espeacially Rymond, who would find out one way or another to get back at somebody for crossing him, which wasn't all that hard to do. Sometimes, Rymond had sicked Dungnri on Base to try and pound the payback out of him, but each and every time, Dungnri always came back with some kind of injury, and Base remained unscathened. Worse times, Rymond would sick his beautiful, voluptous for a thirteen year old, girlfriend on Base when Dungnri failed. Most times, Base just ignored her comeing on's..but this time, Base was in too far fragile a situtation to just pretend she wasn't there. Base gulped, thankful for the thin curtain that surrounded him the still-running shower.

    Hearing no response, Narccissa gave a shrill but cute sounding laugh, "I know it's you, Sebastian dear, I saw you walk in here myself." She stated, Base being able to see through the curtain Narccissa's shadow, which had obviously grown...Base gulped again, noticing from the shadows exactly what grew. "What's the matter?" She asked casually. "Don't you want me to, join you...?" She said in an almost whisper. Again, Base gulped deeper. Now, Narccissa was going way too far, espeacially with a guy who she wouldn't take two looks at if Base had never done that one thing to cross Rymond in Rymond's second year.

    "No, no thank...only r-r-room for one, t-thanks.." Base nervously stuttered trying to sound as casual as Narcissa, but failed in the worst way.

    In the shadow, Narccissa swayed her hip to the right, putting her hand on her right side, a way to show skepticism...Base hoped(!). "Come now, that thing is plenty big for two." She said even more sensually. Obviously, she had had alot of practice in the art of seduction, because no matter how many times Base kept trying to shrug her off this time, she kept getting closer. And the closer she got, the more worried Base got.

    "Here, I'll prove it." She finally stated with confidence, both of herms reaching under her street shirt. Somehow, someway, Narccissa had known Base watched her cautiously through her shadowded image on the shower curtain. And right now, to Base's panic, that shadow was half on its way from takeing something it shouldn't off!

    Heart raceing, Base didn't know if it were because he wanted to get out of here so quickly and couldn't or if maybe Narccissa was winning even more than either of them thought, he hoped and prayed for this tradgedy to stop before it got too far. Just then, Base noticed that now the shadow was removing its lower article, this being a challenge, because even though Narccissa usually cared little on her looks, her parents were always buying her clothes and things to show off....her "best features". Based gulped the hardest he had yet. In only mere minutes, he wouldn't be the only one in the Leaky Cauldron's shower, and Rymond would have gotten what he wanted most,...revenge.

    Then, just as a long, bare leg, silky smooth looking and daintly proportioned, stepped first into the shower, sending Base into an instant panic, forceing him to shut his eyes tight. He figured the thing Nariccissa wanted most was for him to see her in the way she was, which by theory would force any healthy young man to abadone all other thoughts for the times. But, no disappointment radiated off of Narccissa's presence as she stepped fully into the shower, closeing the curtain behind her. In fact, silent footfalls told Base she was going to get even closer, maybe even try and open his still shut eyelids, and any moment, he'd have no choice but to fall into Narccissa's terrible seduction.

    But, just then, the door to the bathroom burst open in a burst of sparks, the door falling off its hinges and onto the tile floor. Although Base couldn't see it, Nariccissa was even surprised by this sudden action. At that moment, Base peered out on the side of the curtain he was closest to, and looked in shock to see Rose, fully dressed in her street clothes and wand-ready, standing behind the door, calmly walking in, stepping over the wooden door that laid over the tile. She swayed to the left, a skeptical look on her face. Base wasn't too sure who she was maddest at, Nariccissa or Base, who were both in a pretty sticky situtation to be caught in, whether Base was doing anything or not.

    "You had better leave Narccissa, before I cast a nice Duro spell on you where you stand." Rose threatened smartly, her wand pointing at Narccissa's head, which was also confusedly pokeing out on the other side of the shower curtain. Now, it was Narccissa's turn to gulp. "If you don't want to be a Ancient Roman statue, I suggest you take you things and leave. And at this, Base took another cue to shut his eyes as he heard Narccissa get out, grab her clothes on the towel rack, but heard a a dark "Now..." from Rose, and then Base heard worried footsteps echo through the door and down the hall until Base decided it best to open his eyes. What he saw was what he was hopeing he wouldn't see, which was Rose's mean glare at him.

    Obviously, since she hadn't known all of what was going on in the bathroom before she fatefully barged down the door. Base was grateful for Narccissa no longer being there, but Rose had noticed somethings that showed he wasn't.

    "So, she's tall, beautiful..." Rose said sarcastically,rolling her eyes and not even looking as though she were about to cry at all. After all, she was the one holding a wand, and Base didn't. "What more could a guy want, right?" She continued on, but now sounding closer to the verge of tears she just couldn't keep away.

    Quickly, Base turned off the water in the shower, it have been running far too long, and reached for his towel, which Narccissa hadn't taken, thankfully for Base. He took the towel inside the shower curtain and quickly warpped it around his waist, and walked out, with a great sigh of relief.

    "So, was shagging a Slytherin any good?" Rose pouted stamping her foot and wheeling about to face the doorless hallway. "I wouldn't know, because nobody in any house has ever bothered to look at me!" She finally said exaspearted. At his, Base cocked a brow.

    "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Base asked confusedly, eyebrow still cocked and not thinking what Rose said clearly through. But then, without a word, Rose stamped out of the bathroom, feet stamping over the wooddoor still lying on the tilefloor.

    Base was left behind, wearing a towel and a confused face, wondering why things always happened to him like this.
  5. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    maddie heaved a sigh,she folded her arms around her stomach,as if protecting it and walked,she looked up and down the street but couldnt see her twin anywhere,her malfoy blue eyes,looking at every face,the wind lifted her long wasit length blonde hair,she felt a drop of rain,she looked towards the sky and saw owls fly bye,then resumed walking
    "Maddie!" and there he was,her twin,though they looked little alike for he didnt have blue eyes or blonde hair,no Mickey Malfoy was tall,well tall for a seventeen year old,he had flaming red hair and bright green eyes,he looked identical to his elder brother,cory,who was starting his nineth year at school.he had inherited his mothers side of the family looks,like cory,and maddie had gotten her fathers side of the familiy looks
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Bustling diagon alley. Was there another way to put it? The very same morning, Base went out, looking for his needed things for school, hopeing he'd find Rose along the way.

    She really thinks I was enjoying what Narccissa was trying to do! I mean, I never even looked at her- "Oof!" He muttered instinctively as he bumped into somebody in the street. He was about to apologize, when the person he bumped into spoke.

    "Why, if it isn't shower-boy?" Said a smooth, sneering voice, who broke into a fit of laughter. Base instantly recognized his biggest rival at Hogwarts, Rymond Foxely.

    "I never did anything, Foxely!" Base snapped back.

    Foxely's odd amber eyes glared at him, looking skeptical; standing behind Foxely Base could also make out Narccissa, who gave him a wink, and Hugh Dungnri, Foxely's "Bodyguard." "Not what I heard." Foxely retorted. "I heard that half-breed girlfriend of yours walked into the bathroom the same time you were shagging with Narccissa." Rymond spat, a sneer on his face. A few wizards and witches were stopping as they passed by, hearing Rymond talking. With this, Narccissa forcefully laughed; she usually didn't like it when Rymond spoke against half-breeds, for some odd reason.

    Base noticed how much attention Rymond's lies were getting him; espeacially stern tsk tsks from the elderly witches who were listening. So, instead of continuing this, Base pushed past Rymond and the others, knocking Rymond to the hard cobblestone in doing so. This urged Narccissa to quickly come to Foxely's aid, a worried look on her beautiful face. "Are you alright?" She asked hastenly.

    "Yes, yes, fine." Rymond tried shrugging off the humiliation, helped being lifted back to his feet by Aphro and Dungnri.

    "I dunnuh't have clue what makes that kid so gerdern hard ter catch." Said huge Dungnri, who was taller and stronger than the other two combined. "If yeh just made me teach 'im a lesson, he'd be beggin' on his knees ter apologize ter yeh, Rymond." Dungnri said quite dully, showing his obvious muscle.

    Rymond sneered. "I'm no longer wish for Keaton to apologize, Hugh..." Rymond said, eyeing Base disappear down the alleyway. "I want him to be absolutely humiliated..." He trailed off darkly, crossing his arms and glareing.
  7. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    Maddie put a hand on her belly,as if protectivly,her mother had noticed she wasnt as thin she once was,but she wasnt that big yet
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