During periods of disconcerting depression I sometimes wish I had a hobby of some sort. I've a few interests but I've no pursued interests, no hobbies. A passionless excuse of a human being. That sounds very depressed, I very well realize, good grief I hope no one recommends a psychologist; tried and I've no interest, perhaps later on in life when I can be taken a bit more seriously I will give it another go. But my impressions of them are generally negative, paying to talk to someone. A good friend could easily fulfill the role, although I suppose the friendless are at a loss here. Seriously sidetracking. Be prepared for that, my frustratingly common tendency to go off on a tangent... Have you any hobbies? Ideas? I'm aspie-like in that I am as fickle as can be in my wavering interests-- not a week ago I had considered martial arts, though in my defense there is no half-decent dojo nearby. And you should see how they advertise themselves, TOP-NOTCH MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY, WE OFFER A VARIETY OF STYLES, BEST INSTRUCTORS!! then they have you sign a contract and all is final. They might as well be saying, HEY, WE'RE SHAMELESS AND WE'LL RIP YOU OFF!! quite pathetic. I've looked and I've looked, and I can no longer bother to find a real dojo. So many fakers, to sift through them all it would take... an eternity... paint themselves a muddy bronze and hope on your mistaking them for gold. Going off on another tangent. I also am into... marionettes... but the problem here is that I could not possibly pursue such an interest, and it all has to do with location. Well. I suppose I could, if only for myself. Things would most certainly be different if I lived in the Czech Republic, but unfortunately no, I live in Florida. US. Uncultured, at least where I am. No such theatres, no puppets, and certainly none of the string variety. I would come off an eccentric, but that is not what I would worry of; playing with a string puppet might be good fun, but... but... no audience. I can imagine myself losing interest all too quickly, with no audience to perform in front of. Tragic! The life of a solitary puppeteer absent of audience. Instruments. I am currently thinking of... considering... I sing. Wouldn't call it a hobby. Somehow. I do not dedicate myself to it, cripplingly self-conscious about who I perform in front of and, would hesitate to even let people know of my musical tastes. Classical, operatic. Somehow, I would feel awkward and even vulnerable singing so loudly in front a person, would rather belch out notes in my own company. Considering taking up either the cello or the piano; likely to take up the piano given that it is readily available, as my vocal instructor teaches it too. It is rather ironic, as I initially focused on sharpening my vocal chords under the reasoning that any other instrument should be an extension rather. Comfy knowing that my instrument is with me at always. Still. On the other hand, when I grow old and wrinkled, my cracking voice will be of no use; and meanwhile the pianists' fingers will be as deft as always. You just can't win. Considering, considering. All of this considering. I should shut it and just do. Bleh! Help with Life, yes, please do. And one more thing, don't count on my replying: but feel free to offer ideas. I read replies even if I don't dutifully respond.
A hobby, hmm? My immediate reply is writing, I write, and it keeps me busy, takes me away and the whatnot. But I don't know how creative your creativity is, so I can't say that it would be right for you. A musical instrument, I highly recommend, I don't know if you do, but I play the violin, and I love all of the cellists in my class, I would have loved to become a cellist, but the price of it was . . . too much for my family when it came time to choose. Piano is more versatile, and there is much more you can learn for it, but many people give it up for they don't have the patience, I would recommend that as well. Music is always a good hobby to take up, and as for you singing, you should keep working on that as well, there is nothing better than being multi-musically talented. Still, I can't think of much more to recommend to you but writing, as it is my passion along with music. I know that you read, so you could press more on that, find more books that interest you. If all else fails, take up running. Running in the mornings, when the weather is nicest, it turns into breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out . . . And it's wonderful. Wish I had more to offer you. Hope I helped.
Hmm... Seeing your intrests, why not try art? Drawing, painting, sculpting, something among those lines. You don't have to be good at it to make it a hobby. If you are looking for success from it, then chances are it would be more of a job than a hobby. A hobby is just something you do in your spare time. For example, my hobby would be doing projects. Whatever comes to mind. If I am not at school, I am at home, on the computer, creating, finishing, or even starting something new. It doesn't matter what it is.
I would suggest music. If you like singing, you should pursue it. Also, instruments like the ocarina are relatively inexpensive for a beginner to get into. I have played the piano for years and love it, though it might be harder to get into if you do not already own a piano. Pianos are quite expensive after all.
I like to draw as both a hobby and as a possible future career. Its very relaxing and helps with stress and clearing up the mind. It doesn't really matter if you're good at it or not, it's just fun to sketch random stuff or paint or color. Maybe you could try that?
Well i compose short music sheets for my hobby. I enjoy it a lot and in a way it totally relaxes me. If you can't compose music, perhaps listening to your favorite music playlist would help!
PHOTOSHOP: Awesome hobby, takes ages to master, but sooo worth it! Its actually quite fun to learn how to do and whatever...I love it! Another thing I suggest: You sing? Do you take lessons? Do you go to a school? I actually go to a singing school, and part of our learning program is about overcoming stage fright and becoming more confident. Most singing schools, as far as I know, encourage it, so why not give it a go? As for musical instruments: I never had the patience for them. I got a guitar for Christmas and I can't be bothered learning how to play it. I mean, I tried, but meh...if you can be bothered to do the scales and practice then by all means, go ahead... Now... *checks profile* seeing as you're male, I think looking into boxing, fighting, or some form of martial arts would do you really good. I did tae kwon do before I had to give it up (school was becoming too much) but boxing is a great way to boost stamina and take your stresses away. Try it, it could help! Now I know these things have been suggested before, but I think they could really help. Hope everything goes well for you!