High Resolution 1.5 HD Remix Poster Artwork

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Haven't had some high quality pictures show up in a few months, so this here is a real treat. This whopping promotional poster stands at 7,200px x 10,979px at a whopping 102mb file size! Many thanks to @churroz for the uploaded scan.

    Click the image below to view & download the full image, or just use the link right below.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Dec 13, 2013.

    1. Ankoku
      I just made several inhuman noises. I'M SO EXCITED!
    2. kingdomheartsgeek
      bollocks cant watch it on my phone

      UPDATE: i can view it on my phone just let it render
    3. Misty
      Yeah, because it's such a large image it'll take some time to download. I've uploaded it to our server (instead of hotlinking Churro's) so it should go a little faster.
    4. libregkd
    5. AzzyFox
      I love the lower half with the 358/2 Days cast! It makes the image feel a lot more complete! =3
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Yeah, I tried opening it with my phone myself. Not a good idea.
    7. Krowley
      Thank you! It wouldn't upload for me, so I just linked the image.
    8. 61
      Namine is my favorite part of this. she looks great
      The last time we saw her i cg that i can think of was in the opening vid to kh2.
      nice to see how much better they can do seven years later
    9. DualBladeRoxas
      Took awhile for the thing to load... but it's one of the best pictures of KH I've ever seen...

      4. Roxas gif.gif
    10. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Firefox crashes everytime i try to view the image. #Keep trying XD I really like this image but Terra, Ven and Aqua might have been more proper additions.
    11. DualBladeRoxas
      Try Chrome. Worked for me. Just takes awhile for the pixels to render though. So open it and leave it for about an hour or so.
    12. CloudStrife2k9
      holy long loading time batman.

      I've waited like 10 minutes, and all I've got is the logo.
    13. Jin
      This looks really amazing, I can even see the details on goofy's long..face..beak..mouth/nose all in one thing haha.

      But all jokes aside this is amazing.
    14. Misty
      If you're having trouble downloading the image, try right clicking the thumbnail and selecting "save targets as." That way to won't have to load the image, it'll just start downloading.
    15. Jin
      I think he means that, when he tried loading the image it was taking a while.
      Unless you weren't referring to Cloud strife.