Hidden Area in KH2 - Revealed via Action Replay

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    Well, I was really bored and decided to get back into fiddling with codes in Kingdom Hearts II. EvilMan_89, our neighborhood code master, pointed something out that I found very interesting. So, naturally I made a video. Check this out:

    You get led to an area called "Villain's Vale". Some of you may recognize this as the area that Pete and Maleficent have their little chats.

    So, I bet you're all wondering how to get to this area yourself. First off, a cheating device is required. I'm going to show you how to do it with Action Replay MAX.

    1. The Easy Way
    I've saved all of you guys the trouble of getting to this point by creating a save for ARMAX that you simply need to put on your MAX Memory stick, load onto your Memory Card, then enter Hollow Bastion. Simple.
    Download the Save...

    2. The Relatively Easy Way
    First off, make sure you're at the point in the game where you just finished Twilight Town: Second Visit and you're about to enter Hollow Bastion: Third Visit. This glitch will only work at this point in the game.
    Second, go into ARMAX and enter this code:


    It's an All Worlds Unlocked code, but for some reason it lands you in Villain's Vale when you attempt to land in Hollow Bastion: Third Visit. Keep in mind to use this code on a save that you do not want, because once you use it it'll make it so you always land in that area, and you can't get out of it. This is purely for fun and exploration.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007.

    1. johnboy3434
      Err... would you mind telling us what the hidden area was called and what it looked like?
    2. EvilMan_89
      well.....i don't think the clock tower would happen. i HEARD about Destiny islands one but never got much detail. here's what i heard:

      u would play through either Halloween Town or Agrabah w/o cheats. and then it would show that scene. THEN u play the other world u haven't beat. and then ur supposed to Joker (make the code activated by button presses, which i dont' remember how to do) the code. and press after u beat the 2nd world and u shoudl be taken there. again, this something i HEARD, not confirmed. i'll try investigating this one.


      it was that scene in Atlantica where Ariel finds Eric and then sings to him
    3. TGA
      Destiny Islands would be sick. Others... would include probably the Org Meeting Chamber and the cell where Saix keeps Kairi (both probably impossible to get to) and, of course, Dark Beach. I would LOVE to go there!
    4. kams48
      i got mine for like $7 from like Best Buy or Circuit City it was on sale though
    5. the worm who ate midgar
      the worm who ate midgar
      if you ever need a code jokered just pm me, its not to hard to do real quick, I normally use the same joker values anyway.

      and how exactly do the saves corrupt if you dont save? I want to try these things out but I don't want to make a bunch new saves. dose the save corrupt when you load it or what?

      if we could make alist like DS suggested, then this would be eayser

      so far we have: (underline= confirmed)

      Clock tower (twilight town)
      Atlantica (Ariel singing area)
      Dark beach
      Destiny island
      Pride lands (mufasa dies)
      hollow bastion (villains vain)

      anywhere else? what about the area were Riku and Roxas fight?

      I was thinking, maybe if you load the code with a new game you'll get the clock tower, or load the code on your 1st visit to twilight town with sora. thats not too far into the game right? I ca speed beat the game in about 18-20 hours, and just make a bunch of saves. but I have to get my ps2 back form my friend first
    6. Storrini
      I don't like Action Replays. >_> My friend always abuses them for stats, then later complains of how boring it makes the game, and he still does it more.

      That'd be cool if there was a door to Timeless River like there was in the sutscene though =o.
    7. the worm who ate midgar
      the worm who ate midgar
      one of my friends dose that. I have a strict policy, no AR untill after I beat the game at least once
    8. EvilMan_89