jus wnted 2 let awl u othr staf no dat u awl do a vry vry rly gews job wit da syt :) ur awl vry aktiv n r amzng @ ur job kep up da gd wurk!!!! :) (i hop dey dun reliz im only sayng dis to kep my positn :(:(:()
Hi, I'm the Staff and I would like everyone to please ignore my incompetence and the fact that I don't do anything, so I'm going to post here justifying my lack of doing anything with a bullshit list of my supposed responsibilities to save face, and then pat other staff members on the back and say how we're all necessary people doing our jobs. then I'm going to just go and post in the spamzone some more and not do anything hey guys, anyone want cookies *lol random xD*
jus wnted 2 let awl u othr staf no dat u awl do a vry vry rly gews job wit da syt ur awl vry aktiv n r amzng @ ur job kep up da gd wurk!!!! (i hop dey dun reliz im only sayng dis to kep my positn ) "Just wanted to let all you other staff know that you all do a very very really good job with the site You're all very active and are amazing at your job Keep up the good work (four exclamation points) I hope they don't realize I'm only saying this to keep my position"