woot woot~ long island is so boring nowadays though it sometimes makes me want to be in school. is that weird ?
Not at all, haha. Though I'm pretty sure you live within a few towns of me and we're having a carnival this weekend, if you're really starved for entertainment, lol.
It's funny that we have never attempted to like rendezvous in our lives. I don't like the carnivals though. They had one early in the summer. It's just like stupid people being stupid. :c aw why
Well by car we're not too far, and I'm pretty sure we're both still too young to drive, hah. And I don't think any of my driving pals would be too happy if I said "hey let's go meet people from the internet they're cool I swear". But yeah I kind of hate them too. :x haha
Haha exactly and I could just picture asking my parents. They'd look at me like "are you kidding right now?" Getting my permit in september though! I'm terrified to drive. drunken people everywhere last time. it was hilarious. and it was a dollar per ticket. and each ride was like 5 tickets. It was ridiculous. -___-
I've had my permit since December and I'm still terrified to drive. ;c Long Island has awful drivers. Merging onto Sunrise is the scariest thing I have ever done. haha well we overcharge way more here, but it's pretty much the same dealio.
Yeah Sunrise would scare me too. I am totally oblivious that's the thing. I feel like I am going to be one of those bad drivers. But I have never even tried yet so there is still hope for a miracle here. I'm not stupid I am just like "wut" and overcharge is pretty much the definition of new york xD
I mean honestly the biggest thing when you're merging is just to check your blindspot I guess. My biggest problem is that I get afraid of the cars I'm driving near and start veering away from them. And into the shoulder. :L