My local Walmart just got more PS4s in, is it worth buying or should I just wait and save my money? Reason I ask is because they never like to stay in stock long and since I currently work at Walmart I can get a discount on it. So is it worth it?
If you like Infamous, get it because Second Son is coming out by the end of this week. Watch Dogs is coming in two months too. So a PS4 is worth it by now. Just beware of the "Blue Line of Death".
Actually I do like inFamous, just finished the second game during my stream a couple days ago. XD I was also interested in Watch Dogs...hmm... Any pre-order bonuses worth getting for inFamous?
Eh. It's not worth it on the merits of the console itself, and arguably not if you include software. But it's going to be a decent investment eventually and the price won't come down till 2016 i'd say, since Sony are exceeding their target goals, I believe. They'd only low it if PS4s weren't selling, and that ain't happening for a few years or until Microsoft kick it into gear.
I got mine before Christmas, but only because that's the kind of person I am. I'd say that given the current game list, unless you want to use it to watch movies, it won't REALLY be worth it for at least four more months.
The bright side is that if you already has plus, you probably will get a lot of titles.. but I must say that I end up using almost 100% to play Assassin's Creed Black flag that I've upgraded of my ps3, but I am looking for Infamos , the order and others.
I honestly am waiting until october time to get mine mostly depending on; if FF XV gets a release date this E3 or TGS most likely I will be getting a ps4 this year but late this year mostly because the games right now are really expensive for me. So around the time I buy it they should be more affordable when I go to buy one. For now really the only games I really want are; ESO (Elder scrolls online) Watch dogs and Infamous second son along with FFXV but yeah..anyways. I personally am waiting till late this year.
Sony's way of making their own Red Ring of Death from the Xbox. When it comes on, you'll want to scream your head off
Bought it and just hooked it up. Just waiting for the update to finish before I can mess around with it.
So far my PS4 seems to have no problems. It does make sounds when I turn it off and on, but besides that it's fine. Now to wait til Friday for the new inFamous game.