People will lol and buy it out of pure curiosity, then she will receive millions and become really famous because we dislike her so much.
This. So much this. That's right kids. It doesn't take musical ability to be famous. Just have lyrics catchy enough and abuse auto-tune like crazy. You'll be rolling in the dough soon enough and won't have to actually have talent or do any actual work.
O god an album!?!? Not only will my ears bleed even more, she'll also make 10x more money than with friday... Apparently you don't need to have any musical talent of any kind to make it in the music business these days.... what has the world come to?
Agreeeeeed. People need to stop hating on her. :c Don't like it? Don't listen. She's been really strong through all of the burning she's gotten over the Internet, and let's face it, she is a pretty classy 13-year-old.