Should I leave the smiley face at the end of my name or take it off so it would just be Spunk Ransom? Or just be Spunk? Or something else entirely?
I'm sorry, I couldn't focus from the Law in your avi. It's quite... distracting. Yes, that's the word I'm looking for. Actually, screw it. It's sexy as fuck~ Anyway, I'd get rid of the smiley. Nothing against it, but the name just looks a bit better to me without it.
I'unno . . . I kinda think you should keep it. It's not really your name without the smiley. Or, to choose without bias, play eenie-meenie-maini-mo with three choices: 1] Keep the smiley 2] Get rid of it 3] Put a different smiley or symbol c:
Did I waiver when people told me the 'de' in Llave de Espada wasn't needed? Nope, Chuck Testa. Keep it, I smile when I see your username.
Seems I will be keeping the smile as I am not me without it~. Thanks for all the opinions~ And FF, it is done.