Did you konw taht tehre was a sutdy to povre taht you can raed as lnog as the frsit and lsat ltetres in the wrod are crrecot? The rset of the wdros can all be jbmueld tgeohter. Tihs is bacseue the hmaun mnid rdaes the wlohe wrod and not jsut the lteter.
You now realize that all those words are purposefully kept very short so you don't realize it's crap. iltniotlneay ^Could you tell that is the word "intentionally"? Thought so.
Did you know that there was a study to prove that you can read as long as the first and last letters in the word are correct?. The rest of the words can all be jumbled together. This is because the human mind reads the whole word and not just the letter. Fixed. I love to Decipher this Kind of Posts xDD