[I love making new threads when no one's on, because then I don't ever see it when I come back a month later. I love coming back and knowing who no one is, and when I figure out who I hate, I love tearing them into small pieces with my mind. I love refinding and retalking to people I've never quite forgotten, because it just warms the cockles of my heart. I love warm showers and my job and fluffy kittens that smell good when they're warm. I love snuggling with my boyfriend and playing l4d with him and screaming my head off when the witch comes to get me. I love being a witch. I love the people in my siggy (and a lot of other people who aren't mentioned). I love making long posts that no one can read unless they click on them. I love making some people explode. And I love the three people I hate, because I love hoping they will suffer./] kthx.