Check this out It's a WIP flash test for a project at school. Wut do j00 guys think? (so far)
i laughed... i cried.... i like it, but what is shooting a random madness character have to do with school?
...figured i'd do an animation where a guy is crazy about it, so much so that he annihlates everything in his path.
*favorites* whoopee umm the text is too shaky to read "bakemania" i like the pause before the guy blows up... he just stares at the wound urinal shake.... you could start a new fad. a madness character shaking something with a crazy-seizure inducing backround!
Well, i kinda stole the Seizure part from another animation. but CtR will actually kill me if i post it here. even though she's not an admin anymore. and i guess i'd get banned too. :lolface:
can you tell me in private? or is it that bad x.x i want to make an avatar of the urinal shake now xD