Hey guys

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by Fayt, Jul 4, 2007.

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  1. Fayt Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 8, 2007
    Los Angeles, C.A
    I dont think i ever introduced myself when i registered here so....I hope to meet cool people here and make friends on this site ^ ^ , I dont have much to say really..So thats about it DX.
  2. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    Welcome, read and follow the rules, post lots and have fun. Stay Active, and I hope you enjoy it here at Kh-Vids.
  3. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    Yo, welcome to the forums. Just remember the rules, post a lot, and have a great time. Welcome again.
  4. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Read and follow the rules, post a lot, spam only in the spamzone, and have fun.

  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Have fun,post a lot,stay active and stay away from grammar nazis (you'll know what they are if they find you)
  6. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Read the rules and have lots of fun posting mmmkay?
  7. Eclipse Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    1. Anything off-topic of the subject is spam. Meaning if someone posts a thread about sports and you start about your cat, it's off-topic and considered spam. Members will be spoken to several times before getting a warning. If there's more than one post of spam, at least five, the thread will be locked and the members who participated will be spoken to. This will make it easier on the members and moderators to enjoy the forum.

    2. If the members find a topic of interest/idea within a thread that this new idea does not relate to, they're encouraged to make a new thread about it to not fill the original one with the idea. This will organize the forum more and allow other members to keep on topic.

    3. Double-posting and beyond that isn't tolerated. If the member accidentally posts the same thing, it can be deleted without consequences. If it's just a double-post, then you will be pm'ed asking for one to be removed, if you comply, it will be dropped the first three times. Beyond that, you'll get a warning. This will keep the spam and the post count down.

    4. The edit feature is there, use it to stop double-posting and/or spam.

    5. Six words on topic for a post. This will stop the one-word posts, give reasons why you think that. Not just "Kairi is great because she's hot." more like: "Kairi is great because she likes Sora and tries to help."

    6. No flaming, you are allowed your opinion without bashing it. Give good, reasonable reasons about your opinion. This will stop some of the fighting and disrespect in the forum. First time will be a rebuke, second will be a warning.

    7. No fighting. This includes name-calling, harr***ement, fighting over a personal matter, and arguing over things that aren't a debate, like a speculation/theory/idea. If you're asked to break it up, and you do so, you won't get in trouble. If you continue, you'll get a rebuke, if you push it, you get a warning.

    8. No sexual content beyond hugging and kissing. Girls wearing bikinis is fine, as long as it covers most of what needs to be covered. But excessive showing of parts isn't allowed. This includes: Graphics, posts, pictures, videos, fanfiction and drawing. If it talks about sexual stuff in a post, like size and things like that, the member will be rebuked and it will be edited. If it contains sexual content about making out and beyond, a warning is handed out and the links will be deleted. Rape the member will be banned with the post deleted. That's the one thing I don't tolerate.

    9. No illegal activity is allowed. Meaning talking about the drug/alcohol usage in a video, and especially downloading illegal copyrighted material. This means: videos, music, and anything else pertaining that you would have to pay money for. If you post asking for it, your post will be deleted and you will be rebuked, if you do so again, you'll get a warning.

    10. Swearing is allowed to a point. If I see a lot of swearing by a member and used inappropriately to be disgusting, the content will be removed and the member will be rebuked once then a warning will be given the second time.

    11. Don't do the mods jobs for them, PM them with a problem you have with a thread, don't post it to just show that you can be a mod and have the topic bumped up while doing so and add to your post count. I do encourage members to try to keep the forum clean, but don't be a part of the problem in the process. If I decide you're a good member qualifying for a mod, I'll talk to the mods myself and they can tell me. This doesn't mean to harr*** them with threads that are dead. Threads that are active and need to be closed are the ones to look for.

    12. Look for threads that have already been made. If they have, please post in them, if you see what you need locked and have further questions, you can post another thread. If it's the same question, it will be deleted and the moderator will pm you with a rebuke. Three rebukes and you'll get a warning.

    13. No excessive blood/gore. Some blood is okay, any body parts flying or anything like that will be removed, a lot of blood for a signature/graphic/avatar/drawing/story/video will have the member given a rebuke if they don't edit it on request, then a warning.

    14. Two graphics/pics per sig. The limit on them has to be 500 x500 pixels each. Any bigger and you'll get a request from a mod/admin to shorten it and they'll wait for a reply till you're on next before removing it with a warning if there's no reply.

    15. One gif per sig, due to complaints about computers freezing and slower loading times. If we see more than one or get more complaints, I'll remove it completely. The limit is now 500kb per sig for file size.

    16. No advertising threads!!! You can't advertise for another forum/site in a thread or a post. Sigs are fine, but anywhere else will be locked. Continue and you'll get a warning. You can also post relevant links to the thread. Outright advertising for your forums/websites that are off-topic aren't allowed. This includes new threads. Thanks for clearing that up, Deathspank.

    17. Bumping IS allowed now. You HAVE to be the author of the thread, and you have to have it 12 hours after the last post. It needs to be deleted afterwards to keep the spam down. If it isn't, it will be deleted by a staff member, if there's a lot of bumps being deleted by staff by one member, or they bump a lot of threads that's not theirs, they get a warning.

    18. The last thing I ask from you guys is respect. I don't mean a moderator demanding respect from a member because they're at a higher rank, and that goes for all levels. I mean that we all treat each other equally. You can dislike something with reasons, and you can post it. Not: "This idea is dumb..." more like: "This idea wouldn't work because..." and it being dumb doesn't count. This goes for everyone and everything outside this forum, too. I don't want rascist/sexist, bashing comments about someone or something. If I do, I'll tell them to stop, then a warning.

    This will be edited from time to time. Please check on this once and a while, even if you forget the rules. It's a good system.

    As for warnings, you get three before banning. I am fair, I don't give out a warning without a good reason to do so. I also want to add that if there's ANY concerns or complaints that you have, me and the mods will be happy to listen to you.

    That's what we're here for.

  8. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    Hey, welcome to the forums! Read the rules, ^above^ follow them, post a lot, make tons of new friends, and have fun!

    Was that really necessary? ^^
  9. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself here and if you get stuck and need anyhting just PM me I will give you the best answer I can.
  10. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Read Mr.White's post and post alot.
  11. Alex C: Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    Read Mr.White's post and follow it. Stay active. Have fun. And make lots of friends. ^_^
  12. ~AxelRulezzzz~ Moogle Assistant

    Jul 2, 2007
    Read the rules and enjoy this site!
  13. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Well,then. Read what Mr.White posted, post a lot yourself, and watch out for grammar Nazis.
  14. xValorxSorax Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 3, 2007
    Welcome to KH-Vids, read the rules, spam only in the spam zone, post lots, and stay active.
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