There has already been a thread made in the past, but I don't think it was taken seriously. On May 1st Luxord got in a car accident and well, he didn't come out too well. Although he is still alive, he now suffers from bad brain damage near his brain stem, which haves symptoms of hallucinations and horrid short term memory loss. He was a KHV member, and I think it is only fair that we know of this incident. Here are some pictures of the crash. Spoiler Spoiler I know this is the Spam Zone, but I trust you guys will be respectul. I guess I could've made this somewhere else, but I know how much you guys love this section.
Within Lux is a fiery, passionate soul that calls out for a continued existence. Though he has definitely gone through the nine levels of hell and back in his recent experiences this fire continues to burn within him and he is thus a strong individual, and a lovely friend. I wish him all of my dearest support through this time as well, but I am quite certain that he will be able to get through it with immense strength! Row row fight the power.
While Lux and I certainly had our differences, I always thought he was a pretty good guy, who seemed to be misunderstood. I wish him the best, and hope he continues on to live a nice and happy life.
I dont think I was ever privy to Luxord during my travels on the forums, but I wish him the best all the same.
Sympathy thread? Good luck to him. I hope he hones his intellect while it is down. Like training your body at high altitudes, that is.
I remember hearing about this, still, all my prayers go out to him. Even if I don't pray but my metaphorical ones will be there.