Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Fearless, Oct 27, 2011.
What is this, like the fourth time?
Only 5 more years until you actually reach premium
And just for the hell of it, let's make posts only count in the Code Vault from now on.
Nevar posted thar... I feel accomplished.
how many times has your post count gone down?
Did something happen for your posts to go away? :B
Wolfie happened.
Fearless' Posts?
Yeah she eats up that spam for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
She's a natural disaster now We had a 6.5 Wolfie in Fearless, CA yesterday
Posting Courage Wolf on a Fearless thread. I like it.
Wolfie why? Is it because Fearless has no fear of your wolfishness?
so am i... big deal