With this as the design!!! http://celebrities.ninemsn.com.au/blog.aspx?blogentryid=435216&showcomments=true We will be so hot!
fuck yeah and why don't we bring our giant expensive stupid edward cullen carboard cut outs and we'll be the envy of the convention
yes and screw the bella one srsly edward is mine god she's such a whore anyway it won't be complete without the official action figure from Borders either :lolface: I take it with me everywhere :>
there's a bella one, ewww no one likes bella not even guys with thick glasses and pants pulled up to their boobs while they play runescape like bella Edward kicks power rangers ass :lolface: why don't we wear twilight shirts, tie them up like hillbillies and show off our humungous stomach twilight tattoos that way o.o are you protecting him from the fan girls that made him run into that taxi?
inorite Edward is indestructible, God Meyer says so And hell yes And wave posters around on sticks like flags I shall supply those I seriously lol'd so hard I made a snorting noise. :/gasp:
and he wants me to have babies with him but i said "When you look like Cedric Diggory, i accept" sorry, but Robert really looks like a constipated *** as edward ._.
Would of been interesting if it were a bus :lolface: We shall throw books and movies at the people who are NOT fans, trying to make them convert like christians do with christianity haha constipated *** looking babies