Hey Dewdz & The Slighty Strange Story About A Forum We All Know; The Epicness Reborn

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Hey gaiz! I'm back and I thought I'd bring TSSSAFWAK along with me, seeing as though I have nothing else to do at nights. This Is only Chapter One but I'll probably get Chapter Two done tonight as well. If you're wondering what Luka, Alex and Me meeting have anything to do with random worlds and strange monsters, keep reading because I'm going to add more people In 'n stuff. BTW I AMMMMMM I repeat AM going to finish this remake whether I like It or not >.> Anyway I have to agree that this one will make a bit more sense this time 'round.

    People In this Chapter-

    Luka- The Chosen One
    Alex- Alex C: (Thats his new name Isn't It <.>)
    Jordie- Me
    Kitty- We all know who Kitty is

    Whats Expected In The Next Chapter-

    Kitty is captured! Oh no! But wait, the evil mysterious guy who no one knows has more plans up his sleeve. Meet more members and find out what happens in TSSSAFWAKTER (YES! Its even longer)

    NOTE: Apologizing to Kitty If her family Isn't really like that <.> I wasn't really sure what to do

    Chapter One

    For everything you have missed, you have gain something else; And for everything you gain, you lose something else.

    No longer forward nor behind
    I look in hope and fear;
    But grateful take the good I find,
    The best of now and here.
    ~John G. Whittier

    Sometimes life can be very confusing. It’s like when you think everything will be fine in a day or two, that there will be no worries or problems, but then it gets worse and you wonder why, and may even start to blame yourself. Eventually the light shines, and you’re guided through the rough paths. Maybe that’s what it was like at this time for everyone, they had their troubles but soon everything was fine, as if there were no troubles at all.
    Jordie looked out the window to the dark city, squinting when a bright light filled the air, but it didn’t bother her, she was already bothered by something else. More lights shone at her face and she looked away ‘****ing Idiots,’ her Mum growled ‘They need to turn their high beams off’ at this point she would of laughed and told her mother off from getting road rage, but she was silent with nervousness. Jordie glanced at her Mum who was glancing back ‘Are you alright?’ she asked, the anger had faded away ‘I’m fine’ Jordie replied back, her voice was quiet and shaky. She looked back out the window, the traffic wasn’t too bad tonight, she had expected worse. Shops and houses run silently across the window until she saw the one she was afraid to see, a small café just off the corner of a street. By now she was shaking with regretfulness, maybe a bit of excitement, Maybe it would of been better if I had made the place further, then we could of gotten caught up in the traffic and I would be late she thought while fiddling with her dress No, what am I thinking? I have been waiting for this day for ages. The car pulled up at the road across from the café ‘You’ll be okay?’ her Mum asked ‘Yes, I’ll be fine’ she replied, not really wanting to talk at that very moment ‘Well if you need anything just call me on my mobile, like if you’re early and you need me to pick you up or if there is an emergency you have my number. Wait, you have my number don’t you? Just in case you don’t I’ll give it to y-‘ Jordie cut her off ‘I’ll be fine, Mum’ her mother nodded ‘See you later then’ and she drove away. Crap she thought Maybe I should’ve stayed at the hotel, oh no. Jordie slowly turned around ‘Don’t be such a chicken, it’s just across the road, and they’re your friends...’ she walked tiny steps after the traffic had calmed down so she could cross. Suddenly, she stopped, her whole body turning to ice C’mon, they’re right there. Jordie didn’t move Go goddamnit...move!! But she didn’t need to, because they were coming towards her ‘Hey, Jordie!!’ Alex waved to her ‘H-Hello’ she looked at Alex and Luka, smiling ‘C’mon, over here’ Alex pulled her over to where they were standing. ‘You’re not nervous are you?’ Luka asked ‘Erm...’ she looked away ‘Don’t be scared,’ Alex chanted ‘we’re you’re friends!’ Jordie smiled, as if to laugh ‘I think you’re more scarring her, Alex’ Luka commented. They all started talking, and she didn’t feel so bad anymore.

    Kitty sighed. She loved it when her family visited but when it got like this, it was quite annoying. They were all surrounding her, telling her how beautiful she was and how much she had grown, like any loving family would do. Eventually, once they had quieted down she went outside, it was fairly warm and there were hardly any clouds in the sky, she noticed this because it had been raining a fair bit lately, so it was unusual to see clear blue skies. The sun shone in her eyes, and she shielded it out with her hand. Once another small cloud moved its way slowly in front of the sun she uncovered her eyes, but somehow it felt darker ‘That’s odd...’ she commented but made the conclusion it was just her eyes focusing to the light. A while later she got up, thinking that her family would’ve calmed down by now, and headed to the front door. Suddenly she dropped her jacket and went to pick it up when she thought she heard an odd voice calling her name. Kitty glanced around ‘Ughh...I mustn’t be well today’ and headed for her jacket again. When she tied it around her waist she heard the voice again. The clouds were growing darker and the sun was disappearing, she wanted to go inside quickly but she couldn’t move because something had her locked...something made her stay there and stare at the darkening clouds. As though a weight lifted off her shoulders, she was free and Kitty bolted to the front door, but it was too late.
    The voice grew louder and consumed her, everything around her was turning black until she screamed and reached out into nothingness. Slowly and painfully she felt cold sharp lines digging into her chest, arms, waist and legs. Kitty managed to open her eyes and stare in owe, a big, thick tube stood tall in the middle of the blue room. The room was surrounded by computers and other weird technology she wasn’t sure of, and there were people in white uniforms standing and sitting at the computers.
    She heard the voice she heard before, but it was deeper ‘Hello Kitty’ it chuckled. Kitty tried to break free from the chains but it was no use, she was stuck.
  2. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    that was epic <:
    jordie i love you x3
    i want to see next chap soon =D
  3. Old Roman the XXXVII Moogle Assistant

    Dec 21, 2007
    i think this is great :)
    i doesn't understand it all but luka helped me a bit
  4. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    wow dude you actually posted? xDDD
    that's rare you should do that more often instead of lurking without being logged in <.<
    You know how to log in right ?
    Edit: Nevermind i'll just call him <.<
  5. Old Roman the XXXVII Moogle Assistant

    Dec 21, 2007

    I can't speak english good enough for posting on this page

    PS:warum rede ich englisch mit dir

    PS PS: ich hoffe das ist richtig
  6. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    du bist ein keeeeeeeeeek ._.
  7. MSUK Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2008
    Take my children.