PREPARE! PREPARE FOR THE GREATEST TALE YOU'LL EVER HEAR! [You see, I went with my dad 2km into the ocean (WITH EFFING 12ºC D:) and every once in a while, the fish we fished had little cuts. Suddenly, I start pulling the fish upwards and stuff, and then ULTRA STRONG PULL I was like O.o WTFFFFFFFF and then the line broke >_> Some minutes later, the same happens, but this time I START PULLING REALLY STRONGLY And then... THEN... I GOT THE FISH OUT OF IT'S MOUTH. PERIOD. I pulled it out of the water as fast as I could... SEA WOLF COMES OUT OF THE WATER AT 1.5 METERS OF THE BOAT! The guy who drove the boat SMASHES the sea wolf with his fishing pole! I GETZ THA FEESH. Thus, I defeated a sea wolf And yes, I'm serious. ]