Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Cin, Aug 2, 2009.
http://www.livestream.com/Metzger Totally just found this. Starts at 4:00.
Holy ****. My cousin from england is in that chat room!!!
That film was depressing :(
I've never seen this movie, so why not.
I've seen it before... Pale Man ftw.
My cousin said it was about a goat stealing a girl to have sex with. ...I haven't seen it.
Lies, it's a great movie...I lik the tree toad part..
I thought the faerie eating monster was something that would fit perfectly in Silent Hill.
No it was not...It was a beautiful but very sad story. I cried at the end.
Or in other words: Depressing.
I wonder who is Ar... :lolface:
That movie is cool. Good thing I have it somewhere around here since I missed the start time.