here's something to think about!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by khcrazy101, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. khcrazy101 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 11, 2007
    because they know that god is out there I guess
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I don't really say it,but I type it to express something.When I"m pissed,I may blurt it out.But,other than that,I try not to say it.
  3. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    That is a very good question. I don't think anyone created Him, I think He's just existed all along. You know, he just was for a while before he created everything else. There is no easy answer to that question, but that's my guess.

    I have to disagree. Of course God is a higher being. He's certainly not the same "level" as us human beings (couldn't think of a better word).

    Not everyone goes to Hell, that's bullcrap. Everybody sins once in a while, slipping up just once or even several times will not get you a one-way ticket straight to Hell. I am guilty of envy, pride, and anger, but overall I am a good person. You sound like you're a good person too, and you won't go to Hell just because you've sinned.

    Self-esteem is not the same as pride. You can be confident about your abilities without being arrogant about them. And why on Earth can you not get married and have kids? You think there are no Christian families who don't spend all their time worrying about whether they're going to Hell or not?

    Also, what you mentioned about there possibly not being a God... that's true. But God also might exist. I don't think we'll ever know. I will say, however, that most Christians "live their life" and don't think things like "Hey, I just imagined that guy without his shirt, I'm going to Hell." That's an idiotic thing to think. I don't know anyone who has that mindset or who takes the Bible that literally.
  4. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    I never was taking the Bible seriously, just never read it really. Never do, it just seems like the bible's going to say "You're going to hell for all your sins." Well, if you marry, and do lust while being married, how the hell do you go to hell? It just doesn't make any sense, and Jesus can't go and make a blind man see, that's physically impossible, that includes the deaf man.
  5. Desi Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    Down on that huge island people call Australia
    I agree with that,I was always told from the priest at my old school that God always existed. He has always been around and that nothing created him. He was just always there.
    Obviously no one can ever answer whether or not God exists truly unless we die and come back to life, just like Jesus did. Its not going to happen.
  6. JazzsVideos Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 5, 2008
    Interesting question... I've always thought about that. I guess he's just always been there. But how? I need to go back to church. I'm starting to doubt my faith.
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Physically, impossible, just like the blind man and the deaf man. Jesus also made a dying boy get well again, WTH, you can't just make THAT happen. :/
  8. khcrazy101 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 11, 2007
    that's what I don't really get. don't get me wrong I do believe in god. by I don't believe that his son, Jesus, can make a dying boy better. I mean that's impossible right?NO being can be magic like that From everything I've known
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    In the bible, Jesus is a part of God, when he became a child he was 100% human , 100% divinity, but , I guess you could attest his powers as the holy ghost's influence.
  10. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    But Jesus can. You can't make that happen. Nor can I or anyone else. Jesus is the only one with that kind of power. But even if he was unable to do that, an awful lot of the Bible is metaphor. You can't take it completely literally all the time. If the Bible is taken literally, it contradicts itself.

    I read in one of your earlier posts that you haven't read the Bible because all it tells you is that you're going to Hell for your sins, including procreation. You should try actually reading it before telling everybody what it says. Genesis 9:7 "As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it." I have never read anywhere in the Bible that God doesn't want you to have sex.

    Again, everyone sins. It's part of being human. And just because you sin or don't believe in God doesn't mean you're going to Hell. Belief in God is not mandatory to go to Heaven; neither is perfection. The problem is when people say things like "Hey, we're all going to Hell anyway, what's the point?" and they get completely caught up in ideas or behaviors that are actually more likely to get them sent to Hell. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    One of the reasons I do not believe in God is the fact that in life and all existence, nothing appears 'eternal' except perhaps that energy about that moves things to make things happen and it seems rather chaotic at best. Even that is perhaps not eternal. The idea that there is this guy out there that can do anything and knows everything is a wish to fill a void that can be filled with other more 'real' and tangible things to me. Everything seems to come from something and has a link or thread to something else. Closing things to say it all leads to this entity seems like we sell existence short instead of continuing to research and discover things ourselves to see where it takes us. If this Yahweh exists or existed in actuality, I seriously doubt it could have been the first and only thing in existence at its conception. As far as I'm concerned, since religions existed prior to Yahweh as did fanciful stories of our creation and all life, that in itself is enough proof to say it is not the original creator since it was unheard of at the dawn of religions, philosophy and belief. Also, the earth is definitely far older than what the Bible would have people believe and even Neanderthals appeared to have ways of ceremonial dealings with death. Knowing history and such, I can say that humankind created this entity because there is no proof whatsoever that this being existed prior to humans deciding it was so. The Old and New Testaments even take from other religions that predated them in working up their tales.

    So in the end, my answer is humankind predated Yahweh. Also, there are plenty of Gods and Goddesses out there that can do miracles of healing and bringing back the dead. Jesus was nothing special when comparing him to other beings of power of the time and that well predated him, despite his miracles that we mundane sorts can't hope to accomplish. His story is rather bland compared to the many mythos out there from all sorts of regions and even mimics quite a few other deities' histories.
  12. khcrazy101 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 11, 2007
    hmmm? I thought Jesus was god's son. not a part of god :-/
  13. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    Jesus is a part of God. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. .
  14. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    Whoa, wha whoa. Hang on now. Alright first: No one created God. He was just there. Because we live and die we cannot understand that concept, it is too large fr us. Its like saying "Well, I know what its like to go base jumping" when you clearly have never gone and base jumped before(sorry, couldn't think of a better analogy because I don't understand it myself!)

    I agree with you that Jesus did exist, he was very intelligent, and he used his intelligence to help other people. However I disagree: I truly believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God, and not just that, he was God. Just think of it as God shape shifting and coming to earth, but at the same time staying in heaven, like he split himself up into three pieces. One, to stay in heaven, two to come and preach the good news, and three to come and live in your heart.

    I disagree with that, though you may have already guessed it. I have committed many of those sins but I believe that I will still go to heaven because I asked for forgiveness. When it comes to forgivness, God is like a small child. Once you say you're sorry, they forget completely about it and go on being happy with you. (again, terrible analogy but I was trying to get one that everyone would understand and relate to) Ok now I think even you know that last one was an exaggeration. You can have children, God loves children! But for heaven's sake! Have them when you are married!! God meant for that to be strictly between a husband and a wife so they could become one and raise children. God encourages the married couples to do it because it brings them closer. You don't have to ignore your hormones(though I find it much less troublesome to just ignore them) but at the same time don't just have sex with a boyfriend/girlfriend/ random stranger. If you do slip up then you just ask for God's forgiveness and he will. God has a plan for everyone. Naturally he would want us to have plan A(stay a virgin until you get married, stay married, don't do drugs etc.) but there are other plans that will get us at more or less the same place, you just have more pain and anger when you get there.

    That one made me laugh actually but no, its ok to imagine a guy with his shirt off, I'm sure guys do along the same lines. That is just hormones, its perfectly natural and ok. Not saying you should do it but if you do its not that bad.
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It's been said before...People believe he's eternal...Isn't that the answer right there? People obsess over logic...why does everything have to be logical all of the time? Where's faith?
  16. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    Oh my gosh... you just stated all of my thoughts and feelings on God. I second your entire post. Wonderful job!

    That's what I think too: nobody created God, He's just been there all along.

    Again, I totally agree. Jesus was God himself, coming to earth, but God was still actually in Heaven (it's pretty hard to explain, but you did a nice job of it) And that's good that you admit to not completely grasping the concept. I don't pretend that I entirely understand it myself. But some people do...

    *cries in happiness* Somebody else actually understands that sex is only for marriage!:woohoo: Yes, it's God's wish for us to wait until we're married to have sex. He created it specifically as something for a married couple to share and a way for them to become closer.

    Yes, God will forgive you for your sins if you ask Him to. Even though you won't go to Hell just because you envy someone, you still need to ask His forgiveness, and if you do He'll forgive you.

    And of course it's all right if you do that. I'm not recommending it, but nothing bad will happen if you do.
  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    We obsess over logic because logic nowadays does a much better job at filling the gaps than faith does imo.

    Science and mathematics have refuted a lot of the Bible's stories, such as that some dude could bring the dead back to life or that God created the world in seven days.
    Stories that were taken for granted centuries ago are now admitted as to being metaphors.
    Where's faith? Well, after all that it's no wonder that some people begin to question their faith and pass that skepticism on to the next generations. They learned to do less praying and more thinking, an evolution that I whole-heartedly embrace and hope to see continued in the future.

    Actually, the reproductive system is most likely made to reproduce.
    And believe it or not, you can also make babies when you're not married (naughty naughty reproductive system).
    Besides, how oh how would you know what God's wish is? I though nobody among us mortals could comprehend his ways?

    On the topic at hand...
    Seeing as I don't believe in God anyway I don't give a damn about him being eternal or not.
    But since I think his concept is man-made, I guess you could say that I think he isn't.
  18. *dancewaterdance* King's Apprentice

    Mar 8, 2007
    The Alter of Naught
    Yes, it's made to reproduce. But believe it or not, you're actually not supposed to reproduce with your boyfriend/girlfriend/person you met two days ago. You're supposed to reproduce with your husband or wife. I don't see how sex being made for reproduction keeps it from also being made for marriage. If you can find a reason why, please enlighten me. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    This is a hard concept for some people to grasp, but sex is also something done for pleasure. Why do you think some people rape others? Don't hurt your head on this one, but if you take it nice and slowly, you realize that it's because of the pleasure they get from it, not because they want to have a child with someone they saw at a store.

    Sex is a gift; however, it is something only to be shared between a married couple. Please explain to me why you should have sex when you're not married.

    Um... I'm quite aware of that, thank you. Women and girls get pregnant all the time when they're not married. You think I haven't noticed? Jeez, I'm not living with my head in the sand. But just because people do it doesn't make it a good idea or what God wants.

    The Bible says that's what God wants. Believing the Bible kind of goes hand-in-hand with believing in God, since the Bible is the word of God, you know? And you're right, nobody among "us mortals" can comprehend how He was created or how He exists. What does that have to do with knowing what He wants for us?
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Most Christians ignore the Old Testament meaning ignoring half half of "gods word". That makes a lot of sense. As does a being existing before space and time, the only thing which can contain matter (the substance which makes up all solid masses in the universe) as well as energy (which makes up the rest).

    The reason we are getting all "logical" is because the universe is based on fact. We observe, we guess, we observe some more, we create a theory, we prove that is pretty likely to be true based on observation. We don't go "Oh it might be this, because I heard it in a dream from god" and run with it. The universe doesn't run on maybes.

    How many animals in nature do you know do get married? Most animals do not stick to the one partner for mating. We are also not the only species to have sex for pleasure (again document by science, but theists don't seem to think that that is a valid reason for making a statement).

    God make sex pleasurable so that he could blame and punish us for more when we are unable to resist temptation.

    The only reasonably scientific theory I have heard that can address the problem of "an eternal being" is one where there are an infinite series of universes each with a god. Each god then creates the god in the next universe and so on. But this contradicts logic in that it is an infinite loop and they are not allowed.
  20. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that a couple that has lived together for years without being married can't possibly dream of raising a child properly.

    Actually, it is an accepted standard that many rapists commit these acts because it makes them exert power over their victims rather than the pleasure itself. But I'm sure you just pretended not to know that and gave a bad example on purpose for reasons I fail to grasp. :)

    Because it's also done for pleasure.

    The Bible doesn't evolve with the other trends. At the time it was written it was traditional for a couple to get married, and for teenagers not to have 10 boy/girlfriends before the one they're supposed to marry.
    But times have changed. Man and wife can live together without ever getting married and according to the Bible they're not supposed to have sex, which is of course rubbish. :)

    You don't know how he is created, you don't know how exists but you do know what he wants for you because of some ancient book written by four evangelists. And how did those evangelists know what he wants? Beats me, but I'm sure it makes sense somewhere deep down inside. ;)