And may you tread carefully in this danger zone you have marched yourself into HoT. For there are no gods to shed mercy upon your gaming soul, only spikes and guns and other assorted things that make you scream and shout and wish that you could break the game, in a physical sense...also Wily's Castle music...
Meanwhile this guy... Spoiler: This guy And this other guy Spoiler: The other guy Are both equally unintimidating...
Two things: A) Who the hell thought this background was a good idea? I mean holy crap my eyes... B) I hate frogs now. [DOUBLEPOST=1380482935][/DOUBLEPOST] Metroids and Spikes for everyone. Yaaayyyy...
I'm doing it for America. Because Japan believes us so dumb that we have to have a "Normal" mode as opposed to being thrown into it on Difficult. I am doing it for the kids that weep at night because they game is so hard they can't beat it. I'm doing this... For everyone.[DOUBLEPOST=1380494818][/DOUBLEPOST] That one's next.
C'mon man 3 added Rush to begin with and the slide and Proto Man and that music I do feel like most of the later Classic games are underrated though tbh.
3 went on too long, and then it made me play MegaMan 2 again =P 6 doesn't just have rush though, it has a RUSH MECH SUIT