In my head Misty and I will always be #1 couple and one day I will get her to change her name to Bastila Shan and I'll be Darth Revan.
Llave requested the name change in hopes of a promotion. We will see how successful this tactic is. ( RESISTANCE IS PROBABLY FUTILE, DAT BLUE AZZ )
Welp I officially have a Mass Effect subfolder in my macros Also Llave stop being as power-hungry as I'm writing you in KH-VUL it's too perfect
Can I talk about this scene for a minute Spoiler: ME3 like hardcore this is basically the ending scene guys OKAY I really liked this scene and apparently it was added in the Extended Cut, otherwise your squad mates would just kind of... inexplicably disappear. But it was nice and dramatic I got the scene with Liara because lol one tru luv and her parting words were "I am yours" Which is a really sweet line, I like it a lot and I think it is important I watched Tali's and she, by contrast, said "Come back to me" AND THAT IS SO ****ING IMPORTANT TO ME LIKE GOD CHARACTER DIFFERENCES AND RACES and STUFF Because Liara is an asari, she's got a huge fing lifespan and she knows that Shepard has a high probability of running to her death right now. She gives Shep that sentiment to take with her, return or not (but probably not)--she is Shepard's, forever, even if the Reapers kill her tomorrow or Shep manages to Save the Galaxy at the cost of her life. but it's such a selfless line too, she's giving and asking nothing in return, in contrast with... Tali is a quarian, she doesn't have that crazy lifespan and she only just got that opportunity to have a life (with the recovery of Rannoch or not depending on how you play but these are my emotions). Her line is, by contrast, a rather selfish one. She knows Shep has a job to do but she still can't remove herself from the equation. and I'm not saying this as a OMG LIARA IS BETTER THAN TALI LOOK AT HOW SELFLESS SHE IS not at all I don't think there's anything wrong with Tali's line or being selfish (in some cases), I actually prefer Tali's line but just ugh I was really into this scene the end
Did you romance Tali or did you just watch a video? Because If you romanced Tali I applaud you since I've yet to encounter a single person who actually did that. Miranda all the way when it comes to male shep.
I didn't because I've only done one playthrough thus far, and I played as f!Shep. But I know libregkd did (he linked me to Tali's scene) and so did PaW. I do want to eventually try all the romance options (except Kaiden maybe) and Tali is probably top of my list.
I was gonna but then Jack happened and omg adorable Dude but when Tali confessed her crush on me I screamed WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME DO THIS TO HER WHERE'S THE POLY OPTION
Ah, I see. Maybe I'll romance her on my next playthrough as a male, but I'm currently rampaging across the galaxy as fem Shep and have yet to get far enough in to even decided who I'm gonna get dat der paramour trophy with. If there was a polygamy option I'd have been all Miranda x Liara x Shep but noooooo