here are the news for today

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by iammyself, Jun 1, 2007.

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  1. iammyself Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 4, 2007
    depest dephts of hell
    the main event is: Goerge W. Bush junior admits it; I am an alien. On a press conference in forgotwhere land George declared that he was from planet nukeemall, where he is the real leader, and he is bent on taking this world for his own.
    On a side note, aliens are invading the planet. Those who choose to live please buy head&shoulders in the nearest shop and spray every alien with it while screamin: No more dandrum for you, mvahaha...
    and in not related news: aliens admit it, citation; We inveted the ps, ps2, ps3 and every other console. It weren't the japanese
    And in weather: Laser beans may shot after you from giant ufo ships. Please duck when that happens
    those were the news for today. Excpect more sometimesomewhere
  2. Now for the hell at 5 news

    ..... The dog will never walk again.

    On a lighter note a child was killed today in a tragic subway accident, he was standing near subway and the biulding fell over and squashed him.

    Now moving onto sports a kitten was set aflame and thrown ot of a moving vehicle. More at eleven.

    *dun dun dundun*

    Here's the official broadcasting
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