Okay, this is complicated... I have a class where part of it where we have to make an online store. With this, my group has no freaking clue about the virtual online game called: "Second Life". The thing is, none of us have any clue what it's about. And what the business setting is like. With this... I turn to you guys asking for help. Again, it's second life. Thanks for your help. :)
Second Life? I know nothing about that. Try Wikipedia? :X Though I've heard of people talking about Second Life, and Im sure people will come to your aid. :D Now, if you need stuff on Ragnarok Online or City of Heroes.. I can help. >.>;;
Kitty thought it did, and stay on topic guys... I kinda need the info cause we sorta need to get this rolling from what it sounds like next week. If it needs to be moved, I'll move it myself.
thought i would try to help you out with this as much as i can... second life is similar to "the sims" or PS3's "Home". its a online community where people interact with each other. in your case your dealing with market place which you and your group will make real money. you can design pretty much anything and sell it Example: heres what some people are selling http://www.slexchange.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace you get the money from the customer using LindeX (Second Life's official Linden Dollar exchange) the only hard part i understand is getting a good reputation to earn a steady stream of customers a basic account on second life is free Premium accounts (required for getting land) start at $9.95/month and up for what i understand starting a business you'll need land so your gonna need a premium account make sure you have the system requirements http://secondlife.com/corporate/sysreqs.php hope this helps, i'll post more as i learn more