But that is exactly what they were talking about what human would taste like and how tender people would be
It's apparently poisonous to other humans, and smells really bad when cooking, so I wouldn't recommend it to them.
You don't know frightening till you sit next to a guy who acts like TK singing and jabbing at the monitor in front of him. The worst part was when he started dancing with said monitor. .-.
Learned the poisonous thing years ago from my best friend in primary school, and human flesh smelling awful when burnt is a fairly common trope in fiction.
Hence you you would skin,them before hand like a pig. But the poisonous human flesh doesn't seem like a thing most people would just learn over time
It's the flesh, aka the meat, that smells bad, not the skin. If you removed that there'd be no point to cooking them anyway. The poisonous thing was from him having learned a bit about cannibalism. It wasn't unusual for him; he liked to learn about anything and everything.
There is only one thing to do: join in their conversation but say even weirder things and see how they react >:3 Also come in covered in blood... and tape their reaction so you can show us.
Yeah they already think I am weird so saying weird things wouldn't make them react any differently. And if I came in covered in blood they would just ask what we are doing in meat cutting that has that much blood, like cutting a quarter of beef.