So I'm writing a fanfic of Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka, a Japanese anime. The story of the original anime doesn't really matter, as pretty much anybody who reads this hasn't seen it. I have vague ideas for storylines and would like to add some Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts elements somehow. Anybody got any ideas? I'll credit you if I add any of your ideas.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "elements"? I'm going to assume that you are not talking about characters. What is the basic plotline of your fanfic? Is what you have built to be able to include elements from KH or FF? Would these elements be able to fit in with what you have in mind?
You're right, I'm not talking about characters. The "elements" I was talking about might be the use of the Keyblade, or Jenova cells from Final Fantasy VII, which might lead to another revival of Sephiroth. (I don't know, I'm just shooting out ideas) As for the plot, I'm not exactly sure yet, but there will be a romantic element between the main male and female protagonists (Haven't came up with names yet). I'm just starting to write it, so I can fit the KH or FF elements in it. I have sort of a "Slow descent into insanity" idea, where the events of the story slowly make the male protagonist question everything and consider killing the female protagonist, which is where the climax may happen.
It seems like it would work with the fanfic (Just looked up the show too in Google) This is just me here, but it would be interesting to see the Keyblade cause a descent into insanity. Especially since it involves a borderline explosive relationship. :B
Oh, sorry, you're a dude? Well then, whatever the outcome, make the story a tragedy. Philosophers love tragedies. (Lol, j/k. Tragedies rock tho.)
Okay. I have some more ideas, but school gets in my way, so it may take a little while. I'm dedicated though. :D Any ideas on some events before the climax? (I don't know what the climax is yet, but some events will help set the stage for it.) EDIT: Should the antagonist be a friend of the protagonist?