Okay, this is the deal. Everything in my 360 is connected and the light to the power brick is even turned on, but my damned XBOX won't start at all. I've been checking on the internet for the past 30 minutes, hoping for an answer, but only found more people complaining. I don't know what's up. Any helpful advice?
Xbox crap is usually messed up. I would just wait. This happens to my dad and I all the time. give it time or you can call them. I dunno the number but it's on the Xbox website.
How would waiting help this if it's not starting at all? I suggest calling them, as you said as well.
The Xbox itself won't start, as in none of the lights turn on, or it turns on and nothing displays on your TV?
Warranty and get a PS3, I used to have a 360 but it broke 3 times in two months, so I saved up for a PS3... And NO this is not Fanboyism
Yes, that is basically it. Okay, after an hour of talking to tech support last night, I am going to contact one of my friends who also has a 360 and check the power bricks. I'm sorry, but I feel perfectly happy with my Wii and 360. If I were to ever buy a PS3, it'd be when Bluray took over DVDs and became the standard. Hell, I'd probably buy one if more good games came out with it exclusively. The 360 you must had was either terribly abused or in an heated environment.
I said when Bluray became the standard. And XBL is all around better than the PS3's internet. It only cost $50 a year btw and it still cost less than a PS3. If I already have a computer to look on the internet, what's the point of getting a PS3 to just browse the web?
He means all DVDs and free onlnie is no godo deal considering XBL is infinitely better and well worth it. Either way, this isn't a debate, he already decided on his system, so basically it means shut up and let the people who own a 360 help the guy. No need to brng the console war into every thread *coughs* Your system sounds EXACTLY like what happened when my PSP was bricked. So I'm guessing it is bricked, I would suggest returnnig it to where you boguht it saying they sold you a bricked system so you can get a working one. This is the first case of bricked 360's I've seen (bricked=/=RROD) so it probably won't happen again. Did you buy it used? Lol typical PS3 fanboy. HOME IS L33T EVEN THOUGH IT OVER COMPLICATES A SIMPLE TASK OF CHECKING ACHIEVEMENTS! 360 HAS NO MUSIC LOL WHEN IT DOES AND ALLOWS IT DURING GAMES WHEN MOST GODO PS# GAMES STIL LHAV NO FEATURE OF THAT PSN IS FREE BUT NOT AS GOOD WIRESLESS INTERNET EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE HAS A ROUTER AND 360'S COME WITH LONG ETHERNET CORD VIDS+PICS ARE ON 360 ZOMG! LINUX... WHO CARES?! IT's F*CKING LINUX?!?!?!?!!? WEB BROWSER!!!!!.. THAT TAKES LONGER THAN GOING TO MY COMPUTER!!! WEE!! IT'S LIKE A BUYING A CELL PHONE FOR TEXTING!!!! Lol sorry, I wasn't going to debate but this post just pissed me off.
Calm your balls down Shadowjak, you could have just left it at "don't try and sell him the PS3 when he's already decided he wants a 360", you didn't have to go on a rant and use your CAPS LOCK CRUISE CONTROL
Lol, as I siad, it just pissed me off, my original point stands if that psot is responded to I'm not answering it. Beleive it or not I have the power to control when I press the reply button D:
Shadowjak, thanks man. The real help from the entire web. PS3, in my opinion, isn't worth it. Typical fanboys going into the thread when all I asked was some 360 advice I couldn't find. If I wanted PS3 ADVICE, I would've asked. Anyways, thanks Shadowjak. Not only was it helpful, but you made me laugh for almost five minutes.