Help with Life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Ok, 8th grade boy! Me is 8th grade girl! The best advice you can get is from an 8th grade love-ologist.

    No.1- DON'T USE PICK UP LINES! For God's sake, girls absolutely HATE that!
    No.2-you can lie, so long as you can play along with it and don't expand on it. I been there, not pretty at all.

    My advice-If she knows you have her number, dude just CALL her! Call her and ask her out over the phone. Just say, "Hey ,<insert girls name here> do you wanna go to the movies with me or something?" Don't say anything that might freak her out. We hate that too.

    Of course, If she doesn't know you have her number, (which by the way, is pretty damn akward) then I got nothing.
  2. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!
    If she doesn't know you have her #, then ask her for it again. You did ask, right?
  3. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    We both have each others numbers so no prob on that.

    As I mean by "Lies" are very small ones, like if I said a funny joke, I will probably not say "Ya I got this joke over the weekend when I was scrolling through the spam zone on kh-vids and found it" cause thats a little weird

    Also, I will not use any pickup lines because most of them are really akward or you kinda have to be at a bar lol

    "8th grade love-ologist" lol

    So for now I am just going to talk to her at school a lot, so we kinda know more about each other
  4. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Yay! You're learning! No pick up lines, small lies and btw, I have copyright on the words love-ologist & love-ology! lol! have fun dude!
  5. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    Thanks for the help... I am getting SMAЯT lol
  6. blue_neon Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 11, 2007
    Upendi, JKz
    Please help someone...

    Ok to start off, I'm not very popular at school, lots of ppl h8 me n there are plenty of rumors about me... so i'm frens with ppl the same as me... although out of that i have a best fren which cares so much of his reputation that he doesnt want to hang out with them... so what do I do??? I'm so mad at my best fren coz he thinks he will get bullied... i just need his support so yea... please help me someone

    From: blue_neon (troubled soul)
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Long time no see, I'm sorry you're having trouble hun :glomp:

    If your friend is being like that, maybe he isn't such a good friend afterall. Maybe he doesn't realise he is being so cold, have you tried talking to him about it?

    You have other friends too you said, focus on what you do have. Everyone will have had rumours spread about them at some point. You just have to hold your head high and as long as you know the truth, that is what counts. School doesn't last forever hun <3

  8. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Um...its Halloween.

    Um...most people are out with there friends, having fun, but, umm, but I dont have any friends. Xaale is out with her friends, and Im realy lonely.

    There's a girl I like, but ever since she started going out with one of the avid jerkwad's at my school, she's been completely ignoring me.

    She usualy was nice to me...but now I feel completely alone.

    What should I do? Im getting all depressed and seriously need help.
  9. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Ampex, she's not ignoring you, she just isn't friends with you or anything. She only knows you because she's friends with me :/

    Sorry about the trick or treatin' thing, dad's just being lazy. I promise I'll share a lot of candy with you.

    And don't even think about committing suicide. I took that very seriously when you said that today.
  10. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Who said I was lying?

    I never said we were friends.

    And why are you throwing those spainish candies at me?
  11. Repliku Chaser

    I'm going to close this, since the section itself is on Help With Life and this is kind of redundant and has resorted more to chat. Please, if you have any issues, post them in a thread to be discussed. Any problems with this, PM me.
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