Help with Life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Not to answer for him, but.



    The kid was like 5. You know how people favor 'em sometimes XD

    Edit: oops he already answered.​
  2. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Oh. I see. Yes they are right for telling on younger kids. Sorry. And yes you should take Xaale's advice.
  3. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    although hitting me with a bat and biting me was a littleharsh (metal bat) but whatever.

    As for xaales advice, i will take matter how much i hate doing so. (its a twin thing)
  4. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Alright then. We'll have to wait then.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Ampex, 2 years is a long time to let such a rumor stick. It's clear you aren't '******ed' and whether you were gay or not, that wouldn't matter. If you are straight, say so. You say you don't talk in school or have friends at school and that's not good. To dismiss these things, you should try to be a bit more outgoing perhaps and try to talk to others so they see that you are smart and well also that you aren't distant. Sometimes kids even think those who won't talk to them and associate are snooty. Even if you can't talk to everyone, I am sure you could find some friends if you looked.

    As for this other friend who is from a different school, that's a quandary of its own still, but Xaale seems to know this person too. Perhaps you should be trying to talk more and associate with people at school and maybe this friend of yours feels you are depending on her too much and she needs some space. You are a nice person so maybe try to meet some other nice people around you so that you aren't just living apart and out of touch with those around you but instead are talking to those who can't really help you. I'm sure your friend will talk to you if you give her a day or two but maybe you might be depending on her just a little too much with things she can't help you with.

    Can you try to branch yourself out a bit more? Is there a reason other than this rumor that prevents you? Rumors get dismissed by being yourself.
  6. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail

    1. yeah my friends lost it. She has some freaky new boyfriend and i somehow ended up in the middle of their conversation

    2. yeah i tried Replikus advice once, but that somehow made the problem worse.
  7. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    You intruded on their conversation? Wow O.O

    I thought I said to give her some space, and not to go on AIM and bother her. Just really give her some space, now, and if it's all over I'm sorry. Friends come and go, and you really shouldn't have been such a pest.​
  8. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Actualy she started the conversation. I actualy didnt relize that it was what it was.
  9. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels

    Can you say the conversation? Like basically what happened?
  10. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail

    no im not gonna post it on the internet, seeing as she wouldnt apreciate it Xaale.
  11. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    How would Lauren know?

    Is she a member here?

    And anyway, how are we supposed to help you if you don't tell us?

    I mean, you don't even tell me in real life D:< And I'm your sister.

    Well, you do have your privacy.

    But basically, if you want help but you don't cooperate to get the help, then you're getting nowhere. Sorry.
  12. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Im sorry for respecting HER privacy.

    its at this point whered i would wish for the assistance if someone else.

    srry Xaale, ur asking to many questions.
  13. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    So am I banned from this thread nao? Are you a noob like ginta and think you can ban people from threads as a normal member?

    I'm trying to help. You just need to give her some space. I know, because you're on AIM every freakin' minute of the day with her :P

    I mean, you sit and wait for her to get on.

    No matter how long it takes.

    If she is important to you, give her some space, and accept the help from other people. By not giving the conversation, we can do nothing to help you. Sorry, Ampy.​
  14. Repliku Chaser

    What advice did you take of mine that failed? I did say also to wait a day before asking her what is wrong. So what idea failed?

    Also, yes, Xaale should respect you don't want to post your IM private talk with Lauren here, but you are kind of being harsh on him too when he's just trying to help. I'm sure he gets the clue now so please try to relax and explain what you can without giving us the whole conversation, ok? Apparently, Xaale knows this situation more than any of the rest of us so don't just push him out like that.

    In turn, Xaale, please also respect the right to privacy going on here, ok? I can understand why she's not comfortable with giving it out like that.

    Ampex, please explain what it is you tried that failed and how it did so in order that we can comprehend the scenario better, ok? If not, we don't have anything to go on.
  15. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008

    What do you do when the doctors number your days? In February I was diagnosed with a bilateral pulmonary embolism(PE) and deep vein thrombosis(DVT). Bilateral pulmonary emboli are blood clots in the lungs while deep vein thrombosis are blood clots found in the extremities. The doctors say my lungs might give out in the next five years and the only thing they can do is give me blood thinners and hope the medication works. To add insult to injury I am not allowed to have a job til I'm cleard by the doctor. I have been out of work since and am starting to feel depressed and frustrated.

    I am only 24 years old and I feel that I don't deserve this. Then again, who does? If the clots in my lungs break apart they could migrate and I could find myself having a stroke or heart-attack. Do any of have any idea how it feels to have the last thought before you go to sleep be, "I hope I wake up."?
  16. Repliku Chaser

    That really sucks, man. I have some medical issues that are chronic but well, they are nothing that's going to take my life in a few years for sure. I've lost friends and family to debilitating things and well, I suppose I can be extremely grateful I am not in their shoes or yours.

    I can't offer 'much' advice but having a cerebral palsic twin that was supposed to die a few times, maybe I can say a bit to help you and if you ever want to talk via MSN about this stuff, I'm there for you. Sometimes the more you focus on the negative stuff in these situations, the more stress it gives you. You aren't worthless and the stress really is not good for you especially with what is wrong here medically. One thing that may dramatically improve your chances on this medication is well, the right attitude. Just because doctors diagnose in this way doesn't for sure spell your doom early. Some people who are strong of will and keep healthy eating the right foods and doing some moderate exercise do manage to outlive the doctors' expectations. You know that you could go in a few years, but well, it doesn't mean you should let yourself be depressed and feel useless during this time. Still try to be part of things that you can and be social if you can. Don't close yourself off because that will only add on more stress and negativity to your life. You are a cool person and though you can't go to work for hours on end, it certainly doesn't mean you are worthless by any means. There are many people that cannot work but find other means of contributing to society and leading productive lives. As I said before, if you ever want to talk in more detail on this and want some support and someone who will give you a good ear, feel free to IM me.
  17. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    XD Xaales a girl.

    And the whole outgoing thing failed. srry.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Ok, Xaale's a girl...

    And Ampex, you can't just expect miracles trying something for 1 day. >.< You have to actually work for it and try to do things more socially. Maybe join a club, try to talk to one person and if that doesn't work, talk to someone else. Show you are amiable. It isn't going to be easy because you've obviously been so quiet for so long. It's not an over night thing. This takes time and it would really help you in life to not just give up like that.
  19. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Once again, your words never cease to amaze me. I want to take the time no to thank you for your support. You're right! I shouldn't take in my medical issues in so negitively. I spent the last few months feeling sorry for my self. I'm going to start rethinking what I realy want out of the rest of my life. It's not easy, but with the proper support I believe I can manage. Thank you so much for giving me a renewed mindset. I realy took it to heart.
  20. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Fine ill try my best.

    Incidnetly, thats what she said the week i met her....

    Anyway, thnx for the help guys.
    Now go help someone else.
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