Help with Life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    school is just great i'm a complete how to put this to words oh well lets just say its all for one and for all except me i get bullied in every way possible i resort to being lonely and hiding in corners i can't fight back because 1. i'm outnumbered by about 10 people at the least each time and 2. necause the last time i tried to fight back when one was alone well it wasn't pretty and the last time i told someone about it it got even uglier what should i do?
  2. Desaray Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 1, 2007
    I'm not looking to hire a stalcker.
    youch >< um.....I would highly suggest telling someone about it, like a teacher but keep it anonumouse but that's because I'm not sure what you mean by uglier. did they just find out and picked on you some more or what happened?
  3. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Valentine's day is nearing and I need any help I can get... <_>

    alright... Well one of my friends (friend #1) likes me... but I like another one of my friends (#2)... but friend #2 likes my best friend (#3) but my best friend likes some other guy...

    I like #1... but he's kind of gross sometimes and he's a bit weird... And I don't know how I can let #2 know that I like him... I was thinking of asking him to the dance or sending him a Valentine Gram (a rose and a card) at school but I don't know... I've never felt what it feels like to "like someone" before... so I'm not sure if I reallt do like him this way or not... and what should I do to get his attention...? It only makes it harder that he likes my best friend... <_>

    and friend #1 just won't give up... my friends say that he goes to them and asks what he should do to impress me... and I even saw him taking notes on how to impress girls in reading class... so I can tell he really likes me... but I'm not sure if I like him back... <_>

    My main problem: I don't know if I like friend #1 or friend #2... they're both so sweet... what do you do when you're stuck in the middle...? <_>
  4. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Dang it I hate coming here but sometimes I just have to. I try to stay positive but it's not always possible. And well imo the most important thing in relationships is honesty. But when it is repeatedly broken it kills me. And that's why I'm here. Do I talk to them about it or what do I do? I don't want to have to go through this pain anymore. I'm just afraid to talk about it with them cause I don't know if it could make things worse.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You've got to decide whether or not your doing it because you like that guy, or because he's cute or hot, you've got to choose by who would treat you properly.
    You can still like the other one, I mean to just keep your options open, and keep an open mind on relationships, just make sure your going to be alright in whatever you decide! ^^

    You talk to them, ask why they are lying to you.
    If you just aovid it and go on with life like normal your just going to be hurt for longer.
    If you talk to them and get it over with, it won't hurt as much. So talk to them and make sure your alright in the end.
  6. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    I have some problems with some people at my school and I don't know what I should do about it. And I have to deal with my mom coming up to the school cause one of my teachers wouldn't let me call home cause I was in pain(18 kidney stones >_<) so I walked out of the class and got written up. And I have no idea what to give my 17 year old sister for a wedding present. Any suggestions?
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ummm, i'm not sure what question you were trying to ask about the first part, Maria, could you make it a little clearer please?

    and about the wedding present, try something that will be useful to her relationship, or maybe if they are moving into a new house or something, try getting something they could use for the house.
    hope it helped.
  8. KHfan321 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    im tired of getting picked on with names and people saying i cant do this or something else when they have never seen me do it it aggervates me so much what should i do.
  9. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    i've had the same problem. what i do is just ignore them, and remeber it's what you think about yourself is what counts.
  10. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    We all have uniqe traits, we all have positive and negatives.
    They try to ignore your positives and focus on your negatives. None of us are perfect, but listen do not get in a dare about it, its not worth it. Find a school activity that you are good at and join it! Or find a hobby that makes you feel uniqe, it will help you to ignore them.
  11. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    ok... you have 2 options here...

    option1: tell someone and hope thats the end of it or...

    option2: (my personal favorite) go kung fuu ninja on their asses!

    but i suggest option 1... alot less bloody and painful...
  12. Roxas13579 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 13, 2008
    Ok, for people who are being picked on at school or whatever, I have some advice...

    1. You should NEVER put up with anything that is negatively affecting your quality of life. You have the right to enjoy life and not be picked on my idiotic morons. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and you deserve happiness as much as anyone else.

    2. I know it's cliched and stuff but you should always tell someone about your problems. It really does help so much. Whenever I have a problem I tell my parents about it. It's not easy to do as i'm naturally an introverted and deep person and I find it hard to express my emotions to others, but I just force myself to do it, cos it ALWAYS helps. It doesnt have to be your parents, a close friend or relative, or even a kind and sympathetic teacher can help.

    3. Kinda repeating myself here but you should never tolerate anything in your life that makes you unhappy. Always do something to solve the problem.

    Thankfully I've never had to put up with anything like being bullied in my life, but I really get mad when I hear about it happpening to someone else, it's so unjust.

    Hope some of that helps.
  13. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    My mom treats me like her personal slave. It feels like she doesn't love me for who I am, but for what I can do. With my siblings, it's more like I'm the mom, not her. Except she's the one with the authority. I actually wish she would tell me to do my schoolwork. I'm so behind... But i never have time to do it because I use what little free time I do have on the computer trying not to go insane. She even once said she didn't care whether or not I finished eighth grade. I can't go anywhere without her calling and begging for me to come home because she needs help around the house. "Help around the house" translates to her sitting on her laptop all day long while I take care of my brothers and bring her food and drink. I don't know if I should do whatever I can to get out of this situation, or if I'm just being a whiny, bratty little kid. Even if it's the first one, I don't know what to do.
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Well, maybe you should try talking to her. Tell her how you feel. If she's treating you this badly then you have a right to rebel against her. If she doesn't care about your schoolwork, then she's not being a good mother. I just suggest that you talk to her about how you're feeling and how she's treating you, make her realize it. If she ignores you, try refusing to do what she says. Tell her that you're still just a kid and you need to go out and see the world rather than being stuck at home all the time.

    I hope that helps :o
  15. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Someone else tried to tell her that, and my mom just ignored her and wrote her off as evil. :/
    I think the only people who could get through to her would be my sister (who went through the same crap) and my dad, but all three of us are too shy to say anything.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Well, maybe you need to try breaking out of that shyness. Come out of your shell a bit more. She has no right to treat you like a human slave and you're not happy about it! What's worse is that she did it to your sister, too! You shouldn't be shy of telling your own mom how you feel, and it might help in the end. I'm a bit shy of asking my dad for stuff but when my mom's busy I have to and it all turns out okay in the end. Just give it a shot :)
  17. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Everytime I try, I freeze up. I think I'm gonna talk to my sister so we can confront her together or maybe she can say something. Cuz her and mom are good friends, and mom won't be able to write her off like she did the other person. I'm just afraid if I try to do it alone, she'll just treat me like a whiny teen who has no perspective on life and maybe take away a few privelleges to teach me that I'm not the center of the universe.
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    That'd probably be a good idea to get your sister's help. And maybe, if it'd make you feel better, your dad could try and help too. He's your parent too and he shouldn't be afraid to go up to your mom and tell her how she's been treating people at your home. You all need to sit down and have a family meeting or something, and if you're this shy to talk to each other then maybe ask them if you could spend a bit more time together? Anyways, she has no right to treat you as a human slave and you can rebel if you want to. Just try and get a few of your family members to help you if you're really that shy and then maybe see what you can all do about it.

    It turns out that I am now having a life problem... :/

    Well, it's come to the time that i now have my first boyfriend... However, I'm not sure if I'm ready for a boyfriend... It's making me nervous and I'm starting to get a bit scared of it, and I don't know why... I would really hate to break up with him, especially because he keeps saying that I fill the hole in his heart... and now I'm just freaking out and I don't know what to do... We've never kissed and I don't even know if I like him like that or as a friend... I'm texting him right now but I just don't know what to do <_>
  19. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    Well obviously he really does care about you.But you do have to think about it.You should have a thought about it when he asked you out. But this does tend to happen alot.Anyways try and find out what is really going on in you.And by that I mean try figure out if you like him or not.Don't listen to what your head tells you, listen to what your heart tells you.I know this may sound corny but its true.Usually if you listen to your head everything ends up the way you didn't want it to be.Trust me I have listened to my head before and ruined everything(it wasn't boy trouble is more of school)for one whole year I listened to my damn head.Then I figured out what I was doing.So I turned my ways.Anyways I hope this helped a little.If you need a little help just go head and ask.

    Sorry for going off topic a little:D
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Actually, you didn't go off topic at all :)

    Well, I've been trying hard for a long time to figure out if I really do like him or not... When he asked me out, I couldn't think and I couldn't speak... My face was beet red and I didn't know what to do... so I just nodded my head yes. Before that, people had been telling me to go out with him and see if I really do like him, but I still can't tell... and it's been a couple weeks to a month that we've been dating... I'm just not used to this sort of thing and every time I think about it, I feel like I want to throw up... I've never had a REAL boyfriend before and I don't know how I'm suppossed to act or what I'm suppossed to do... I don't know how to listen to my heart. I don't even know if I already AM listening to my heart or not... I can't tell. I've never felt love before so I don't know what it's like, and I'm just completely lost as it is T-T
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