Help with Life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Well, at least your better, thats the main thing! ^^
    And any problems I would still recommend everything I put!
  2. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    31 doesn't help since you are inflicting damage upon yourself. Why do you feel like cutting yourself?
  3. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    I just need somebody to talk to. if you ave MSN or AIM just add me and yeah. I'm just at a loss right now. I have no idea what to do. And I've thought of suicide but I know that in no way will be an option. I just need a friend.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    DO NOT DO IT. i actually came here to post a problem of mine but yours is more pressing. let's talk about it here in the forum

    EDIT: actually i really need my problem addressed too. i'm 18 years old and yet i seem to be going through kinda of a midlife crisis :( i'm worried i chose the wrong path, i'm wondering "should i have gone to college?" "should i have chose this major?". i just hate how unclear my future is. there's no signs i made the right choices but there's no signs i made the wrong choices either. i just dont' know.

    EDIT 2: nvm, just talking about my problem to somebody made me feel SO MUCH BETTER! amazing what talking can do!
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I like my future to have surprises, its boring to know what is going to happen, I have alot of difficult decisions coming up for me, and at a young age, if you mess up its hard to get back on track but, you do your best everything will work out.

    And Roxma, if you want to talk, PM, talk on MSN or whatever, talking helps you more than you think, I know I wouldn't want to see you dieing.
  6. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    (i can't believe im posting this)

    but it really has alot to do with everything that's been happening in the code vault in this forum

    see...ever scince the kh2 codes thread got closed for spam everyone's been like on the edge then the new thread opened up and everyone moved on to that thread (not forgeting the legacy of the old one) then a user named redsonic faked that he had a code to play as riku (which was false how strange is that LOL) and my buddy DjC was testing that very same riku code for redsonic and DjC promised redsonic that he would tell no one about the riku code. when DjC went on the kh2code thread later on people were actually asking him for the riku code even some of his good freinds. then there was a war between redsonic and xendran, and redsonic got banned for it(which he deserved it don't get me wrong) then it got closed agian even though it was reopened later. then it accidentaly got deleted (we forgive you person im not going to name) which then meant we had to have anouther code thread

    the reason this is all bothering me is that i have considered myself useless with not being able to do anything with all that's going on

    1. i know there's a high chance at me getting banned but i just needed to talk about this

    2. this has to be the longest post ive ever typed
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Hmm, seems that's a rough position to be in. =:/

    I do see why they ended up banning the person for what happened and I don't usually go over to the code vault, but have you tried by any chance talking to one of the mods over there about the situation? Why would you be banned for bringing it up? It is a stressful situation and it obviously bothered you enough to post it here, and that's what this place is for. I would hope no one would do such a thing as it discourages the purpose of this thread in the first place.

    Now that things are semi-over with, if I were you, I'd express your interest in that area saying you do still want to help out and see if someone bites and things can get back to normal in there. Sometimes it just takes one person to flub everything up for a time but if people really want that area to work in, they have to stick to it while weeding out the idjits, if you get what I mean. Good luck, and I hope things get easier for you. If you need more help with this, feel free to post again.
  8. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    1.i haven't talked to any of the mods but they have 3 threads in there for rules and other stuff but i did talk to that guy i mentioned DjC on aim and he's been going through alot too when everyone was spreding rumors about him, he left because he couldn't take it

    2.thanks for this Repliku i appreciate it and the reason i siad i might get banned is because the mods and adims have asked people not to talk about it so........
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Well, how about you delete your post if you want to and talk to me in PM or just modify the post to tone it down some and I can also re-edit my quote so that it's not so bad. There are very few people on so that might help. I do think if they ask for it to be kept toned down, there's a chance that one might listen to you and DjC if you can PM one of them. That might help resolve a few things. No one would want to get rid of good people and also I doubt even if you were banned it would be that long; same as DjC. As long as you guys aren't being malicious the staff doesn't seem to be either.
  10. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    they just don't want us talking about it and i suppose i could go and PM sara or something but some people still have it on there mind but i want to leave my posts the way they are so that everyone who has the same problem as me can just look here for guidence
  11. Repliku Chaser

    That's fine and admirable. I do think your best chance to see things get better so you can once again get actively involved is to chat it out with one of the people over there who is responsible and can help sort it out so he/she knows where you stand. I do hope this ends soon and you guys can get things back to normal. Good luck on it. I'm crossing my fingers.
  12. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    thanks Repliku you're help is much appreciated to me, now i believe i have some things i need to take care of
  13. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    I'm back with a new problem with my life I really need to talk about (i suppose this issue could be classed with bullying but it's such an issue that's pertained for so long that I know it's a daily issue with my life).

    There's this person called Michael and I've known him since year four (I was roughly 8-9 at that time) when he began being friendly to me for a while. We talked about many things we had in common and then he showed his true colours by manipulating me into helping him to pick on people and turned people against me and make me feel isolated all the time and ruin most of my friendships and build them in a group of people who hate me. and now I'm in year 10 (I'm 14-15 now) and he's still doing the same thing and is contantly tortouring me all the time with cruel words and literally making an army against me (there is at least 30 people with him who all hate me due to him as threy were ex-friends) he follows me evcerywhere and brings people with him to niff me off and even though I have new friends now he still tries tio upset them as well in the hopes of isolating me and has tried to kill one of my friends twice (He strangled her like Riku replica did to Zexion cos he's short and she had bruises there after people saw him trying to kill her and then he pushed her onto the road towards ongoing traffic and she alomst got ran over and no one can prove these events are true).

    I've tried any method i can think of (tell teachers, parents, people I trust. use violence back, ignore it, try to tell him to leave me alone, avoid him, use his own startegies) and he's escaped every single problem himself with his fast words and blackmail of certain teachers in school (plus his violent family members and his bloody dog). He hasn't left me alone and I've considered suicide around 30 times thanks to him (each time has been stopped at the last minute as my cowardice prevents it along with many other things).

    He knows how to push my buttons (I'm a person with many OCD's and perfectionism issues, anti-social and already am a major bully victim, he knows how to sway me and has stolen from me many games I bought which he has sold somewhere to hide the evidence he stole them. he has threatened my life and what's worse is he can control me with ease and there is 100% no way to prove any of this as the other people he picks on would talk but he has his own group of 'witnesses' that never see anything bad about him and he's a smart kid who does his work and all the teachers love him).

    I know he himself has issues as the cause of his problems (his older brother is hmomsexual who is a bullied victim), his parents are recently divorced, he's very short for his age with my 11 year old sister being taller than him since she was 8 (and she isn't even tall).

    it all still gets to me and my parents aren't accepting the fact I need therapy either (there was this plan in school for me to talk with a nurse but that dissappeared somehow...)

    what should I do??? I'm about ready to just run away from it all and just allow myself to die in a way I can't stop myself from dieing from as I have very little happiness to cling onto.
  14. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    1. never commit suicide that will not solve anything
    2. this guy seems like a real pian in the @$$
    3. here's what you should do:

    you've tried ignoring him ect. well try being nice to him as crazy as this sounds
    but it's true your playing right into his little trap he likes the fact that he bother's you that's what kind of jerk he is if your nice to him he'll probably leave you alone
    becuase there's no fun if your reaction isn't mean or rude (to him)
  15. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Tried being nice to him aswell and that went to worse case scenario and he always does it when hes bored.
  16. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    seems like this guy needs to be sent to an institute
  17. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Califa, now me and you havn't exactly always seen eye to eye, buty trust me, suicide is NOT an option. I was bullied really badly in school too, I know what it is like, but you cannot let it beat you. Let it beat you and he wins for good.

    In another year you will have left school and all the mess will seem like a bad dream, focus on the fact that you have a hell of a lot of life left to live and that this is just a small part of it. That's what got me through :) and I know that you get through this too.

    Please though, don't do anything that you would regret, and don't let him win. He has issues too, you said that, and I know that that is no excuse for his treatment of you, but it does show he is human. Stick together with the friends that you do have, tell your parents again. Do they know you have thought if suicide? Talk to the school nurse, make the appointment yourself. But seriously, suicide, is never an option, you are better than that and there is a lot you can still do.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    This is not a good situation and I'm very sorry to hear you are threatened like this. However, I will say that it is good you talk about it and please, whatever happens, realize 'he' is the one being wrong and killing yourself would be the ultimate wrong answer and let him be victorious. You need to gather your strength of will and your wits now. Be as strong as you can, okay?

    Next thing I'd suggest doing is if your parents don't want to buy what you say, you need to -show- them how much this is affecting you. You really need to come home after school, and get them together and then just say that you want to talk to them both and tell them everything you just said here, as plain as day. Lay it out on the line being sincere, honest, truthful and tell them you really need them to listen to you because you feel very threatened by this person and he is causing you to feel suicidal and pronounce out "I WANT HELP because I can't deal with this alone!" If they ignore you then, the next step is this.

    Go to your school guidance counselor when you get to school. If you don't have one for some reason, go to the Principal and talk to him/her and express everything you just said here sincerely, and tell the principal that you have talked to others and you really desperately want help and no one is giving it because this student has a great way with words but you have known him and have seen what he does. In the end express whether he/she believes you or not, you want to talk to someone who can help you and that you have even pondered suicide to get away from this boy and don't want to do such a thing, but in the end, you are running out of people to turn to.

    If that does not work, call the police. Tell them that no one, including your parents will listen to you and help you and that you feel very threatened in school and want assistance and a way out of this problem. There are child protective services that can help you that they may direct you to, and also they may have a way to get you to a psychiatrist or get you out of this scene.

    If your parents are that much into disbelieving you, at this point you may have to get out of the home to make them understand that this is no laughing matter. Your parents -should- do something, whether they believe you or not because if you were 'hallucinating it up' you still would seem to be needing help. I cannot fathom how parents would not listen to their child come home and tell them that they feel so threatened that they would contemplate suicide. If you feel that no one is on your side, call the police, call the suicide prevention hot line in your area, and ask them for what to do.

    Lastly, again, I stress the point to you, whatever you do, do NOT hurt yourself even though emotionally you are very hurt and the pressure you will go through and have gone through already is extensive. You are a good person and you do not want to make yourself a worse victim, so please keep your head up, gather your strength, and know that at least one of these ideas above is going to work to get you out of the situation you are in soon, even though it's going to be hard and a big change. If you've already been diagnosed with OCD, do you already have a psychiatrist? If so, you may want to call that person or at your next appointment chew off his/her ear with this stuff because assuredly that might get you some results too.

    Sadly, there are people like this boy that will do things to harm others and think it's cool while he's being a hot head and doing a stupid claim of dominance. It's up to you to make yourself NOT the victim and to not tolerate this behavior. Being a girl does not make you weaker than this person. He's scary and intimidating to you but that is the thing you must try to face and get over if you can. Physically, if he's that short, you may even be able to hurt him. A good kick in the nads, poking the eyes, punch to the nose, kick to the sternum, etc. If he ever touches you, do something and fight to get away. However, it seems he's being more a tactical bully and trying to gang up people instead to make one or two people's lives miserable. You can deal against this and get the help you need but you really are going to have to be sincere and get through to first your parents, a school counselor or principal, and lastly to the police if these other steps don't work. You have a pattern and outline. If you can think of better things to do, well you do them, but don't let this guy continue to make you something you are not and don't give in to this kind of pressure. Also, regardless of your past friendship, he is NOT being a friend now. Do not let him guilt you because a true friend would certainly never harm a friend. He has issues, but he's certainly giving you more of them and you do NOT deserve that. We all have issues. Throwing them on others is very wrong.

    I hope this helps you at all and I wish you luck and hope you can continue to talk with us and you will be alright. Let us know if there's anything else we can do or if you just need an ear to listen.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Sounds like you never get a days peace at school. I know the feeling friend.

    Now to solve this is not going to be easy, it will probably take sometime too, so be patient.
    First try to find all the people that like you still and persuade them in someway to keep liking you. Next after you do that, find out some of his friends or some people he has turned against you, who maybe don't trust him or are distant to him. Persuade them to be your friends or be friendly, and you have some more people on your side.
    Now by the sounds of it if he has attempted to kill someone before, it shows he has a lot of anger stored up and ready to use, and his history explains it.
    The only way I know to win the respect or at least be left alone, by a bully is too do either one of these at least:
    1. Fight a person who is supposed to be tough and hard to take down, get them to throw the fight or actually take them down, probably not the best option but an option none the less.
    2. Here, you help him in some way, by either become supporting of him or push him out of the way of some danger.
    In a nutshell, do something unexpected in a nice way, like if he falls down, offer to help him back up or defend him if someone bad mouths him. Something he might like.

    Apart from that don't choose suicide yet.
    I am willing to help you through this all I can I know its tough for you, but your not alone, I'll be here for you,friend, we all are.
  20. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Thank you everyone it's nice to know people care (and for those who didn't know I'm a guy not a woman but I'm quite effefminate). Suicide was the last option I ever wanted to use or contemplate but he's so difficult to deal with but now I'm with my friends and he has been backing off ever since I just told him he's a crazy ******* and I hate him in every single way (I personally know he'll be back to torment me; now I'm getting this Eerie feeling he may attack people he cares about because people assume he s a weakling and he picks on people who are all weaker than him like pushovers; just like me and polite women).

    Now that the major problem has subsided for now and I plan on talking to my mum about seeing proffessional help but then what happens today???

    Another difficult/personal issue has arrived to cause trouble to me (Now this one is hurting me rather emotionally due to my own social difficulties, fears and bad conversational skills). and this one will sound rather petty and silly I think; I like a guy and when someone literally grilled me I told her and througha chain of people telling people the guy I like found out and then someone sent him texts posing as me saying things stalkers would say like I'm watching him eating and stuff even though I own no phone and don't know his number. he then later on walked up to me and put his arm on my shoulder and say hello and then gave me a hug and someone then took a photo on their phone and I'm pretty much dreading what's going to happen tomorrow (see he's a nice guy but most of his friends are annoying people that few like) anything could happen next be it very bad things or just nothing (but not knowing what's going to happen is really scaring me a lot). the best and realistic case scenario that could come form this is that he's flattered someone likes him and leaves it at that but the photo taking might just spread around the whole school and I may be a dead duck. (either way I'm putting on a strong face for myself and nothings distracing me and then my mind is trying to be way too optimistic and hopes he'll be my friend now or something).

    Well I'm depressed and refusing to even think of suicide ever again as then I'm letting people get the better of me but I also hate talking to people about my issues in person (which is the reason I never talk to my parents as conversation is my weak point with people and I have social issues like fearing people I just met and mistrusting nearly everyone).

    I write and panic too much so please help??? (oh yeah Idecided that if I ever feel suicidal again I will just slap my wrist and do something to cheer myself up).
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