Kingdom Hearts II Help to defeat Xigbar!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Princess Rapunzel, May 19, 2007.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I'm already in the World That Never Was, and need to beat Xigbar!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed the reaction command and died right now! I need help, please!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    what lvl are you?

    And what reaction command the warpsnipe one?
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I think I'm like level 45. The first reaction command is that one, maybe.
  4. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    lvl 45.............No wonder i fought him at lvl 47 and still lost train up til lvl 53-60 most recommended lvls i beat him at lv 80 odd (i lost track of lvls lol)
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    It helps if you have learned the glide ability from Final Form.

    Try & use the reaction commands when ever you get the chance & when he says "Alright! Reload!" or if he is close to you that's your time to attack. You should use block or reflect (block is better in my opinion) to block his attacks.

    This is were glide comes in handy. When he is low on health he will change the room into a small platform & will shoot, glide round the small platform, you should be able to dodge his attacks.
  6. keyblader of a nobody Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Salinas, Califas
    when you enter the battle, move around DONT JUMP!
    then just get the Reaction Moves!
    start out by blocking his lasers and moving close to him (if you have Quick Run Ability, it will greatly help you in this battle)
    when you are below him and he is not doing n e thing @ ALL, go Master and there will be a chance you'll turn into Final... in case you havent done so...
    jump and smack, jump and smack. doont forget to use REFLECT to avoind getting hit.. also cuz Guard is not available in FINAL.
    keep in mind that Xigbar will change the layout of the battle ground so BE PREPARED to use either magic or abilities to avoid getting hit. your Drive may end quickly so keep ur guard up as much as possible.
    here is a scketch of the changed ground: (*=Xigbar $=Sora)

    + *+
    + $ +

    +___+ __+___+
    +___+ * +___+
    +___+__+ ___+

    + +
    + [] * [] +
    + +
    + [] +
    + [] $ [] +

    + * +
    + +
    + $ +

    When he goes berserk, just try not to get his as much as possible... then when he says "Let's see how you dance" RUN (dont quick run) around him!

    when he says "this is it" get far away and wait for the blue laser to come @ you and then do the Reaction Command!
    if you got ur drive meter up, use it to heal yourself and to refil ur HP and MP.

  7. esakrreh Destiny Islands Resident

    May 15, 2007
    Here's an entry from my FAQ on Xigbar (Not all of it is this bad, I thought he was really easy).

    After this slew of cutscenes when you find out that Ansem is Riku and the real
    Ansem is Christopher Lee. Anyway, when the fight starts, you'll see yourself
    through this sniper's eyes. When he zooms in on you, press triangle
    repeatedly. The fight is pretty easy and simple now, just beat him up and use
    limit breaks. When you get down to the last two health bars, under no
    circumstances should you use magic, unless in an extreme emergency. When he
    puts you on a small platform, use a limit break because you can't harm him or
    stop the rain of lasers, however, you should wait until he says: "Let's see
    how you dance" to use the limit break. He might take a try or two, but once
    you get the timing, he's cake.
  8. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmm I'm a bit late here, but here's a basic summary for Xigbar.

    1. Block each of his normal shots, they're quite easily predictable.
    2. After 3 shots, he'll reload, that's your time to strike him.

    3. If he's walking normally and you're far away, don't bother taking advantage, if you're close and he's doing it then take that to your advantage.

    4. He'll change the area, but keep the same strategy.

    5. The one with a straight line heading towards him, if you block one and he's staggering, don't relax if you're far away, cause he'll recover and shoot at the same time.

    6. After getting rid of two bars, he'll begin firing a giant blue shot, get right under him and reaction command it the moment it comes up to get rid of it.

    7. Now at times his reload may be replaced by the blue shot, making it more difficult to get direct strikes off him, now you have two choices.

    A. Either keep with your strategy and just hope he reloads

    B. Use Donald's Fantasia Limit, as it can easily knock down his health.

    8. After getting rid of more healths, he'll begin firing two shots at once, this is when he'll begin his new special attack. It's best to start off from the upper left corner, and just slowly follow him around the ring, as really all he's doing is shooting around in a circle. After a full rotation he'll fire off millions of them at you, just run around Xigbar in a circle, if you get caught in it, Drive immediately, it should save some health.

    9. After he does 3 shots, he'll return to the reaction command that was in the beginning of the battle, and then resort to mixing between the double blue shot, and the ultima shot. Best strategy is to just use Donald's fantasia limit when you have the chance, also drive into wisdom, as Sora's shots are all finishers.
  9. Reoy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Knott's berry farm lol i wish
    ok here's this the best way to beat him (in my opinion) get high jump so when he shoots u jump over his by arrow and use decisive pumpkin keyblade when u get in this small area when he says let's see how you dance when he starts shooting start from your nearest corner and start running in circles then go and keep attacking him until hes dead and remember to lock on him even if he warps and when the reaction buttom comes up lock on him and press triangle

    good luck on defeating him
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