So me and my friends have this bet going on to see who can last til 8am. If a person falls asleep before 8am the other people who are awake get to draw on their face. There are 5 of us altogether, and it is now 3:25am. The winner of this bet gets bragging rights over everybody else for 1 week. But i didnt have enough sleep yesterday morning. Any Idea's on how i can stay awake to win this bet?
I dont see why you would want to do such a thing. Trust me from experience, it isn't worth bragging rights. You'll regret it when you have to force yourself to stay awake for a whole day. If you really want to then.... Play Fatal Frame if you have it laying around. You can always play portable games if you dont have or cant have access to consoles.
It's too late now, but I would've told you to drink caffeine. Lots and lots of it. Listening to music helps too, especially if it's not too 'soft'. *procrastinator who writes all her assignments the night before they're due*
Get a nice, new copy of Amnesia. The heart attacks might wake you up a bit. On a side note, I'm a night owl, and sort of accidentally stayed up 'till 7am yesterday to play Pokémon and Final Fantasy... simultaneously.